Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Andrea Nuciforo & Park Square Ventures



Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Note: I found this new web-site on 3/25/2008, or the Spring of 2008.

Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
email: anuciforo@parksquareventures.com
74 North Street
Suite 604
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Tel. (413) 442-6810
Fax (413) 442-6927


What is "Luciforo's" new business: Park Square Ventures? www.parksquareventures.com

So, my enemy of nearly 12 years is a Massachusetts Registrar of Deeds in Pittsfield making over $85k per year + state benefits, a private insurance company attorney for "Berman & Dowell" law firm in Boston*, and now a small business owner too.

Nuciforo must be a millionaire with all of his schemes!

In Dissent!
Jonathan A. Melle

* Lawyer for Berman & Dowell (a Law Practice industry) from January 1999 — September 2006 (7 years 9 months). "Luciforo" served "Of Counsel" at this Boston-based litigation practice. Source: www.linkedin.com/pub/andrea-f-nuciforo-jr/6/1b/982

On "Luciforo's" new business venture:

On "Luciforo's" corrupt political career:

On "Luciforo's" write-up in The Boston Globe concerning his collusion with the state's Massachusetts Insurance Companies & other wealthy, corporate elite financial institions lobbying Beacon Hill:

On "Luciforo's" Strong-Arming of Sharon Henault and then Sara Hathaway out of a 2006 Massachusetts State Government Election for Registry of Deeds in Pittsfield:


"Ruberto Details Plans for Success", By Jen Thomas -iBerkshires.com-, January 07, 2008
Mayor James M. Ruberto is sworn in by Register of Deeds Andrea Nuciforo as City Councilors Matthew Kerwood and Michael Ward look on at Monday's inaugural ceremony.


Andrea F. Nuciforo Jr., Principal
Please enter your password and press 'Continue':


Source: www.parksquarecg.com

"Park Square Consulting Group" 59 Bartlett Avenue, Pittsfield, Massachusetts 01201. Tel. (413) 822-3399. Fax. (413) 445-4089. email: anuciforo@parksquarecg.com - www.parksquarecg.com/contact.html


As of December 16, 2014

4 Vinton Street Unit #1
Boston, Massachusetts 02127
Phone: (413) 822-3399

Park Square Consulting Group is a strategic consulting firm devoted to solving complex problems. Founded by Andy Nuciforo, a lawyer, businessman and former Massachusetts State Senator, PSCG works collaboratively with our clients to deliver maximum impact in a cost-effective manner.

Our capabilities straddle the private and public sectors, and we communicate with our clients on a frequent and personal basis. PSCG has expertise in multiple disciplines, including health care, finance, real estate, energy, public affairs and crisis communication.

Park Square Consulting Group does not provide legal services or legal advice. Communication between PSCG and our clients is not protected by the attorney-client privilege. PSCG does not provide tax or investment advice. Communication between PSCG and our clients is not intended to be used for the purpose of avoiding the imposition of federal or state taxes, interest or penalties.


Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr. is the founder and principal of PSCG.
He represents clients in connection with health care, real estate, project development, financial services and other matters.
From 1997 until 2007, Andy served in the Massachusetts State Senate, representing the Berkshire region. Over the course of that ten-year period, he served as chair of the Committee on Financial Services and the Committee on Banks & Banking. He also served as a member of the budget-writing Senate Ways & Means Committee, in addition to other committees. While chair of Financial Services, Nuciforo developed a working knowledge of some of Massachusetts’ most heavily-regulated industries, including mortgage lending, health care, state-chartered banks and auto insurance.

A native of Pittsfield, Nuciforo graduated from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst (B.A., 1986), the Boston University School of Law (J.D., 1989), and the Stern School of Business at New York University (M.B.A., 2010). He served as a law clerk to Chief Judge Frank H. Freedman of the United State District Court, District of Massachusetts, from 1989 to 1992. A member of the bar in New York (1992) and Massachusetts (1989), Nuciforo has worked with a number of law firms in Boston and the Berkshires. He currently serves “Of Counsel” to Cianflone & Cianflone PC, a Massachusetts law firm.

He is active in a number of non-profit organizations, including the Boston University School of Law Executive Committee and the Berkshire Theater Group. He and his wife Elena have two sons, Eric and Maxim.

Elena V. Nuciforo, Ph.D., teaches at the Department of Communication Arts at Florida International University in Miami.

Her core competencies include health-related behaviors, public health practices, policy discourse, popular media and public health interventions. She has worked on a variety of international public health and education projects at Johns Hopkins University, Yale University, and University of Massachusetts-Amherst. A native of Russia, Elena has extensive experience working in international and intercultural environment both in Russia and the United States.

She received her higher education diploma from the Buryat State University (1998) in Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation, and graduated from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst (M.Ed. 2002). In 2014, Elena completed her dissertation, styled “Cultural Discourse Analysis of Russian Alcohol Consumption.”

An experienced instructor in language and communication, Elena is fluent in Russian and English.

Andrew Schuyler, is a consultant with the New Fuels Alliance, a non-profit policy organization that works on fuel diversification strategies.

He is originally from Wisconsin and has lived in Colorado, Montana, Utah, Rhode Island, the Berkshires and Boston. He has worked as a reporter for several newspapers in the northeast, and served as Chief of Staff in the Massachusetts State Senate. During his seven-year tenure in state politics, Mr. Schuyler succeeded in advancing several projects directly related to economic growth, environmental protection, and sustainable energy development. He also worked on a variety of issues that strengthened renewable energy standards, and was a founding member of the Berkshire Renewable Energy Collaborative.

Mr. Schuyler has extensive relationships with policy makers, the press, and regulators, as well as a clear understanding of state and federal legislative processes. He is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin -Madison and serves on the board of directors of the Massachusetts League of Environmental Voters and the advisory board of The Institute for Massachusetts Biofuels Research at UMass-Amherst.


* Acquisition, Merger and Target Development
* Business Strategy & Development
* Community Relations
* Crisis Communication
* Health Care Finance & Policy
* Market Awareness & Business Positioning
* Permitting, Licensing & Approval
* Professional Licensure
* Public Policy
* Real Estate Development
* Regulatory Compliance
* Team Building & Recruitment


Acquisition of Long Term Care Facility
Disciplines: Health Care; Finance; Community Relations

PSCG represented a privately-held Massachusetts health care provider in connection with the acquisition of a long term care facility and related assets. The client tried unsuccessfully for several years to buy the facility, which was operated by a competitor. The client retained PSCG to achieve a successful purchase. After examining the competitor’s financial statements and capital structure from public filings and internal documents, PSCG identified the bondholders that held a note and mortgage against the facility. PSCG negotiated a purchase of the note and mortgage at a steep discount, thereby securing the client’s position as holder of a senior security interest against the facility.

The client agreed to pay $4.5 million in exchange for $17.5 million in Massachusetts tax-free municipal bond debt. PSCG led the negotiation both on price and structure, and worked directly with counsel for the client to negotiate and execute the contract documents. After acquisition, PSCG responded to media inquiries, handled client communications relative to employment and community matters, and interfaced with subordinate accounts payable.

Achievement of License to Provide Nurse Education and Training
Disciplines: Education; Health Care; Licensing

PSCG represented a private, proprietary occupational school headquartered in New York. The company maintains three New York campuses and one Massachusetts campus. The client retained PSCG to achieve state approval for a program in Licensed Practical Nursing. The client had an application pending for more than a year, but was unable to advance the application or satisfy regulatory requirements.

PSCG analyzed the applicable regulations, and worked with campus staff to build a new application. Working with campus staff and inside counsel, PSCG assured the client’s full regulatory compliance. PSCG studied the financial aspects of the program to understand how and when the client would have to commit capital. With PSCG’s support and advocacy, the licensing authorities granted the requisite approvals. This success has allowed the client to build its curriculum, hire program administrators and faculty, and enroll students.

Securing of Managed Care Contract
Implicated Practice Areas: Managed Care; Contract Administration

Our client, a provider of skilled nursing and assisted living services in Massachusetts, required assistance in achieving “contract status” with a regional Managed Care Plan (“MCP”). The achievement of such status would allow the client to grow revenue by attracting patients insured by the MCP.

PSCG met with several members of the client senior executive team, and learned the financial impacts of contract. By reviewing public and internal documentation and financial statements, PSCG analyzed how the client’s capabilities were superior to other contracted providers in the region. PSCG then prepared an application to demonstrate those capabilities to the MCP. Using PSCG relationships internal and external to the MCP, the application was successful, the client achieved a favorable “contract status,” and the client increased its revenue.


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