Michelle Gillett, Op-Ed, The Berkshire Eagle
"Arts matter in hard times"
By Michelle Gillett, Tuesday, February 24, 2009
STOCKBRIDGE, Massachusetts
I wish I had a better grasp of where and how the economic stimulus money is being spent but once the numbers go beyond several hundred billion and car manufacturers request more and more of it, my grip begins to loosen. But I can comprehend that $50 million of the final version of the economic stimulus bill President Obama signed last week will be going to the arts, and that some of that money will be allotted to museums, arts centers, and theaters despite the insistence of some conservative Senators that the arts are luxuries only enjoyed by lefty high-brows. The money will be disbursed by the National Endowment for the Arts.
Forty percent of the money will go to state arts agencies. Sixty percent will be set aside for individual arts projects competing for endowment grants. Knowing the legislature voted for support for the arts is helping me sleep a little better at night. We may be living through an economic nightmare but without art, what's the point in even waking up?
"Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one," Stella Adler said. And life does seem to be beating down more and more people each day — unemployment is up to 8 percent. In Massachusetts, foreclosures were up 22 percent last month.
As someone who works in and with the arts, I have been witnessing the impact of the downturn. Small publishers are receiving less of the grant money that keeps them in business; large publishers are laying people off and cutting back on publications; museums are cutting staff and hours, freezing salaries and hires. Benefactors have less to give or are holding onto what they have.
Financial advisers are telling clients to give less away which also hurts the arts. I would hate to choose between the social service and the cultural organizations I make donations to — but many people are making that choice, and the arts usually lose the draw. The stimulus in no way means we should think that cultural organizations don't need our ongoing support or can manage for long on less. Fifty million dollars is a drop in the bucket from the $787 billion stimulus package, and certainly doesn't amount to much when you consider 40 percent of it is being shared by 100,000 nonprofit arts organizations.
I liked reading Andrew Leonard's insights on the economy and how to get it going in his column on Salon.com.
"At least in part, a successfully growing economy is an illusion predicated on a shared hallucination," he writes. "If we all believe the economy is healthy, we feel confident enough to take risks and spend and invest and create. But if we believe the economy is unhealthy, we pull back, we avoid risk, we save our pennies. The great paradox is that when we, as individuals, prudently pull back, we can end up making things much worse for all of us collectively."
When we pull back, there are fewer cultural opportunities for families, for students and educators. It is far more prudent for us to spend and invest and create in the arts right now than to suffer irretrievable losses.
Americans for the Arts has some viable proposals for ways to create and invest beyond the stimulus money. Among them are creating an Artist Corps, a national training initiative that would train young artists to work in low income schools and their communities and provide "jobs to artists seeking to share their skills, provide mentoring, and professional development to students and individuals seeking work in the creative economy," and making Human Capital Investments in Arts Job Training. The National Governor's Association (NGA) has proposed a $1.5 billion increase to the U.S. Department of Labor's Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Programs and Wagner-Peyser Act administered by the states to "help up-skill workers and provide employment services and supports that will increase worker employability and earning power." Americans for the Arts recommends expanding these services available to workers in the creative sector and through arts.
There are those who still think that the arts do not represent real jobs. But as the parent of two daughters who studied art and now support themselves as artists, I know first-hand that they make an essential contribution. They are among the nearly 6 million Americans who have arts-related jobs and contribute to the $166 billion impact the arts have on the economy. Leaders in Washington — Democrats and Republicans — need to continue to recognize that money for the arts feeds more than our souls.
Michelle Gillett is a regular Eagle contributor.
"Unseen horrors of war"
By Michelle Gillett, Op-Ed, The Berkshire Eagle, Tuesday, March 10, 2009
STOCKBRIDGE, Massachusetts
I never thought I would experience relief over seeing caskets containing dead bodies. But now that Defense Secretary Robert Gates has lifted the ban on media coverage of returning casualties from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, I feel like I am in touch with an important reality. Because of the ban, first imposed in January 1991 during the Gulf War and continued by President Bush with the start of the Afghanistan war in October 2001, we have witnessed little of the suffering our service people have been enduring in the last eight years.
The ban was intended to "ensure privacy and respect is given to the families who have lost their loved ones," but I am cynical enough to think it was also intended to withhold images that might stir us to anger and anti-war feelings. Barring a few exceptions to the ban, we have had no chance to see the hundreds of coffins returning from Iraq and Afghanistan in Air Force C-17 jets or to witness honor guard ceremonies for fallen troops at military facilities.
In reaching his decision, Gates said he sought out the views of each service's senior leadership and had aides in his personnel and readiness division canvass family groups outside the Pentagon. Gates stated in a news conference, "I have decided that the decision regarding media coverage of the dignified transfer process at Dover (Air Force Base) should be made by those most directly affected: on an individual basis by the families of the fallen . . . We ought not presume to make that decision in their place."
The families of the service members will be making the call on whether the return of their loved ones can be reported upon or filmed. He was also heavily influenced by the Army's stance.
"I got a very compelling memorandum from the Army in favor of this change of policy," Gates said. "And since that involves the largest number of our fallen, that, obviously, had an impact on me." It is thanks to President Obama's pledge to have an unprecedented level of transparency and openness in government that we are finally allowed to see the casualties of these wars.
But no matter how much transparency we are given, there are other war casualties that still remain invisible. The psychological damage wrecked on so many service people in the past eight years continues to increase.
As Bob Herbert noted in his New York Times op-ed column a week ago, 300, 000 service members are suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome or depression, 320,000 have probably suffered a traumatic brain injury. The number of suicides among active-duty soldiers and Guard and Reserve troops called to active duty is over 100, the highest it has been in all the years of fighting in the Middle East. The rate of soldier suicides surpasses that of the civilian population. The Pentagon said suicides by U.S. soldiers rose sharply in January 2009. Before the Iraq war began, less than one U.S. soldier tried to kill himself each day.
Now there are six suicide attempts every day, adding up to over 2,100 suicide attempts a year. The causes are numerous: repeated deployments without adequate rest, lack of treatment and recovery time, problems with intimate relationships, with work, with finances, with the law, the lack of access to psychiatrists and psychologists, I.S Army Chaplain,, Lt. Col. Ran Dolinger observed, "The real central issue is relationships. Relationships, relationships, relationships. People look at PTSD, they look at length of deployments . . . but it's that broken relationship that really makes a difference."
Since repeated deployments often cause the broken relationships, part of the solution to suicide prevention seems obvious.
There are other ways of reducing suicides — teaching soldiers to notice warning signs that can lead to suicide, giving the Veterans Affairs mental health system more money and staff, putting a system in place where soldiers can request a second opinion from a nonpartisan civilian psychologist. Often a soldier who sees a military psychologist is sent back to the front.
Soldiers need better advocacy at home as well as in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Obama administration is working on policies that will expand and strengthen Veterans Centers, fully fund veteran health care, create a Military Families Advisory Board, and ease deployment uncertainty, But until the wars in the Middle East end — which doesn't seem likely any time soon — much of the suffering of soldiers will continue.
While images of flag-draped caskets bring the horror of the war home to us, we need to keep sight of unseen horrors — those soldiers so traumatized and stressed, they are taking antidepressants or contemplating killing themselves.
Michelle Gillett is a regular Eagle contributor.
"Our ailing ally"
By Michelle Gillett, The Berkshire Eagle, Op-Ed, Tuesday, April 21, 2009
STOCKBRIDGE, Massachusetts
One afternoon last week, I was raking the layer of needles under the white pine and looked up at the two bat boxes positioned high above me on the trunk. After I hung them four years ago, I would sit on the back step at dusk and watch the bats fly out — one after the other, dark signal flags marking the coming of night. I considered them my environmentally correct approach to mosquito control and felt a certain pride of ownership when they emerged, weaving through and under the trees.
But there have been no bats riding the evening air over my garden for the past couple of years. At first, I thought the bat houses were too high on the tree; then I worried they were not getting enough warmth. I decided to move them to a more hospitable location, but then, I decided I there is no point in moving them because my bats are probably never coming back.
A massive die-off of bats is occurring in the Northeast and, because bats are migratory, the die-off will likely start happening in the South soon. In the Northeast, 90 percent of cave-dwelling bats have died. Some caves in New York have death rates of 100 percent. This rapid decimation of the bat population could lead to their extinction. There is no historic precedent or prior evidence of a die-off like this, and scientists are uncertain of the cause.
Most of the research so far points to a fungus called "white nose syndrome." White nose syndrome is a winter syndrome where a white powder appears on the bats' noses and wings; it is a symptom of something else, and that something else is still a mystery to scientists. The illness has caused bats to burn up their fat stores early in their hibernation and as a result, they leave their caves too early and freeze to death.
Pesticides which kill off bats' food source have been considered a possible cause or at least a contributing factor in the bats' deaths as well. A study of the fungus is being conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey's National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wisconsin, and another study, led by Indiana State University's Center for North American Bat Research and Conservation, is looking at the bats' diets and how they metabolize food during hibernation.
One bat eats as many as 3,000 mosquitoes and moths every night. Without them, we will be vulnerable to insect-borne diseases, and our crops will be endangered. According to a recent article in The Hartford Courant, "Every June, over the vast corn and cotton fields of Texas, for example, millions of corn earworm moths migrate north from Mexico, descending at dusk to lay their eggs on crop fields. If left unchecked, these eggs would hatch within a few weeks, and then new moths would lay additional eggs, multiplying their scourge and smothering the crops."
We have the same corn here in New England, and the same earworm moths. Until recently, millions of pounds of those moths have been consumed by bats. Undoubtedly, without hungry bats to rid their fields of equally hungry insects, farmers will rely on pesticides to protect their crops, and will people like me who like to be outside when the weather is nice — without being attacked by mosquitoes.
Bats have been around for millions of years. While my deepest concerns are for the upset in the balance of nature their extinction will cause, I can't help wondering what will happen to Dracula without vampire bats to accompany him on his nocturnal forays for victims with blood to suck. And what about Harry Potter? Will the boy wizard's saga make sense without the Bat-Bogey hex? With no frame of reference, will comic book readers care if Batman protects Gotham City? And what will we have in our belfries when over-use of pesticides to kill those rapidly multiplying insects drive us mad and perhaps to extinction ourselves?
Michelle Gillett is a regular Eagle contributor.
"A good if pricey, bond"
By Michelle Gillett, Op-Ed, The Berkshire Eagle, Tuesday, June 2, 2009
STOCKBRIDGE, Massachusetts
I got inspired to write about American Girl dolls when "Kit Kittredge," the first feature film about an American Girl Doll character, was released a year ago just when the stock market began to plunge — an ironic coincidence since Kit lives in Cincinnati during the Great Depression. Her father loses his car dealership and must leave town to look for work. To help make ends meet, Mrs. Kittredge raises chickens, grows vegetables and takes in boarders, while 10-year-old Kit, who has pluck and determination, decides to become a journalist and succeeds in solving a crime through her investigative research. I also found it ironic that a girl like Kit in today's economy would not be able to afford an American Girl Doll with its price tag of $100.
The reason for the film's success had little to do with its relevance to present-day social and economic concerns. Known as the "anti-Barbie," Kit, and her sister doll-characters, are among a very few positive role models in toyland for girls, and despite their price tag, they enjoy an almost cult-like following, Pleasant T. Rowland started marketing the dolls through a mail-order company in 1986 as an alternative to dolls that sell sexiness and precocity. Since then, over 14 million dolls have been sold, as have more than 125 million copies of the books that tell each girl-doll's story.
The characters are the 21st century equivalent of Nancy Drew — girls who are clever and resourceful and brave and determined. President Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotamayor, devoured Nancy Drew books when she was growing up and says the girl detective influenced her choice of a law career.
Some day, there might be a woman nominee for the Supreme Court who will acknowledge the influence of Kit Kittredge on her career choice — that is, if she can afford the doll. An American Girl Doll and her accessories can only be purchased through the company's catalogue or in one of its flagship American Girl doll stores. Kit and her caboodle, which includes her tree house, her reporter dress and accessories, holiday dress, holiday baking set and dog Gracie, cost close to $400. You can buy Malibu Barbie at Target for $39.99. You can buy a copy of The Nancy Drew Sleuth Book in a bookstore for $6.94.
American Girl dolls have been lauded for their history lessons, their real girl bodies, their commitment to social change — qualities you can't attribute to Bratz dolls with their thongs and diamonds. There is Addy, an African-American who grows up during the Civil War; Josephina, who lives in New Mexico in the 1820s; Kaya, a Nez Perce girl growing up in 1764. Then there is Julia, who lives in San Francisco in the 1970s and her best friend Ivy, who is Asian-American. The latest in the historical/diversity line-up is a Jewish-American girl, nine-year-old Rebecca Rubin, who lives on the Lower East Side in 1914 with her Russian-Jewish immigrant parents, siblings and "Bubbie," her grandmother.
According to the Mattell-owned American Girl Doll Company, its mission is to "create girls of strong character." For the last seven years, it has offered a Girl of the Year contemporary character. Chrissa, the doll of 2009, has had to move with her family to live with her grandmother. When Chrissa starts her new school, she is given the cold shoulder by the "Mean Bees," and in response becomes the school's anti-bullying spokesperson. Chrissa has her own feature film, "An American Girl: Chrissa Stands Strong," and the company supports the Stop the Bullying campaign.
I applaud Chrissa's work to stamp out bullying but I will have to spend $178 to buy her "Starter Collection." I am hoping my granddaughter will be satisfied with the two American Girl dolls she already owns. I have watched her circle items in the catalogue the way I dog-ear pages in the Neiman Marcus catalogue. In a New York Times article last year, A.O. Scott wondered, "Is the brand reflecting tastes or enforcing norms of behavior? Is it teaching girls to be independent spirits or devoted shoppers?" He guesses, "Probably all those things and more."
There are those who condemn American Girl dolls for being elitist and expensive. No one would deny we live in an age where marketing and materialism make us consumers early in life. But some realities hold true throughout the ages — girls and dolls have a special bond. If I were a little girl today, I would certainly identify with and want to own Kit, who hoped to be a writer and make a difference in the world.
Michelle Gillett is a regular Eagle contributor.
Stockbridge, Massachusetts
"Michelle Gillett to teach two writing workshops"
Berkshire Eagle Staff, Sunday, September 6, 2009
Author Michelle Gillett will be teaching a 10-week writing workshop beginning on Tuesday from 9 a.m. noon at her home in Stockbridge.
The workshop includes discussion of craft, writing time and time to share work and receive feedback.
She will be also be teaching an eight-week poetry workshop on Wednesday mornings beginning Sept 16 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This workshop focuses on reading, writing and discussing poetry and giving and getting feedback.
For more information, all (413) 298-4814 or e-mail mcgillett@verizon.net
"Pull curtain away from ‘new chosen'"
By Michelle Gillett, The Berkshire Eagle (Online), Op-Ed, Tuesday, November 17, 2009
STOCKBRIDGE, Massachusetts
I cautioned myself not to have a knee-jerk reaction to the news that along with the passage of the health care reform bill by Congress two weeks ago, came an amendment to restrict coverage of abortion. I decided, this time, I would find out all I could about it and then respond.
The Stupak-Pitts amendment was created by Bart Stupak, a Democrat from Michigan, and Joseph Pitts, a Republican representative from Pennsylvania. The amendment offers restrictions that would prevent women from buying insurance that covers abortions -- even if they pay for it with their own money. Under present law, the Hyde Amendment bans the use of federal dollars to pay for almost all abortions in a number of government programs.
The Stupak amendment broadens those restrictions and states that no funds appropriated in the bill could be used "to cover any part of the costs of any health plan that includes coverage of abortion." Those two words -- "any part" -- will separate those who can afford to buy their own insurance without government help and those who need to use government subsidized plans.
President Obama has already said that he thinks the language of the amendment needs to be changed. Forty-one Democratic representatives have signed a letter telling House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that they will not vote for the final bill if "contains language that restricts women's right to choose any further than the current law." The bill will be debated in the Senate after Thanksgiving.
As I worked at learning all I could, I discovered that Stupak and Pitts are both are members of an organization called "The Family," a fellowship of sex-segregated prayer cells or "invisible believing groups" of business, political and military leaders dedicated to fighting a "spiritual war on behalf of Christ." Doug Coe, the leader of The Family, told evangelical leaders at a breakfast not long ago, that "the more invisible you make your organization, the more influence it will have." Even though I felt a twitching, I again decided to learn more before I had my usual knee-jerk reaction.
No one really knows the scope of The Family's activities or the extent of their under-the-radar power, but the fact that the abortion amendment was passed makes me think it is vast. Jeff Sharlet is a writer who spent time as a "junior" member of The Family and wrote a story that appeared in Harper's Magazine six years ago about his experience.
Sharlet lived in one of the group's houses in Washington D.C. called "Ivanwald." The group's senior members live in an estate over-looking the Potomac called, "The Cedars." There was an "Ivanwald for girls" across the road from The Cedars, and the women who live there help serve at the weekly leaders' breakfast. "They wore red lipstick and long skirts (makeup and "feminine" attire were required)," Sharlet recalled. "After several months of cleaning and serving in The Cedars (they) become quite unimpressed by the high-powered clientele. "Girls don't sit in on the breakfasts," one of them told me, though she said that none of them minded because it was "just politics." Sharlet also wrote that The Family members consider themselves, "the new chosen."
I decided that I had reached the pinnacle of my learning curve. No "new chosen" is going to make my medical choices for me. But it seems that Coe is right, the more invisible you are, the more influence you wield.
In response to the Stupnak-Pitts amendment, President Obama said, "I laid out a very simple principle, which is this is a health care bill, not an abortion bill," "And we're not looking to change what is the principle that has been in place for a very long time, which is federal dollars are not used to subsidize abortions." He pointed out that because of "the strong feelings on both sides. . . there needs to be some more work before we get to the point where we're not changing the status quo."
The Senate Finance Committee has a approved a bill that incorporates the compromise the House rejected in favor of the Stupak Amendment. The compromise "would have prohibited the use of tax subsidies to pay for almost all abortions, but would have allowed the segregation and use of premium contributions and co-payment to pay for such coverage," according to a New York Times editorial last week.
I am sure the "new chosen" are busy at their secret work pressuring senators not to approve the compromise where insurers would not give up all coverage for abortions. Politicians who believe that women should wear make-up and feminine attire obviously do not care that the procedure is most often used for medical reasons and to save the life or the health of the mother. They are shifty enough to shift the focus of health care reform to abortion.
There is a chance that the Stupak-Pitts amendment will be removed from the final bill, but we need to keep trying to remove the cloak that allows conservative religious groups like The Family to be invisible. Remember when Toto pulled away the curtain that concealed the Wizard of Oz? What was revealed was an ordinary little man running people's lives by playing with power.
Michelle Gillett is a regular Eagle contributor.
"Change we seek and change we don't"
By Michelle Gillett, The Berkshire Eagle, Op-Ed, December 29, 2009
STOCKBRIDGE, Massachusetts
It is hard to believe that it has already been ten years since Y2K infecting our computers was our biggest worry, since Charles Schultz created his last Peanuts cartoon, the NASDAQ index peaked at 5048.62, and pregnant chads and the Supreme Court decided that George W. Bush would be our next president.
Now we are about to celebrate the end of the first decade of this no-longer new century and I have a feeling that for most of us, the celebration to welcome the new year will be a little more somber than it was 10 years ago. Instead of Y2K, we have swine flu to worry about. Standard & Poor closed at 1118.02 last week. The "Charlie Brown Christmas Special" I just watched is now up there with "It's a Wonderful Life" and "White Christmas" as a holiday classic. We inaugurated our first black president whose campaign slogan, "Change We Need" stands for something far more complicated than we first realized as we try to recover from the Bush administration's changes we didn't need.
I think more has happened in my own life in this past decade than in any other. A friend asked me if there were a game where you choose the big events that would change your life in the next 10 years, what would they be? I couldn't come up with an answer.
Over the last 10 years, both my parents and in-laws died, we lost a sister and a close friend, we had two children marry and three grandchildren born, we began to think about our lives differently. It is not just that we are older and hopefully wiser, the world isn't all about us and our future, it is about our children and grandchildren and what we can do for their future. We're a little like those millennial snow globe souvenirs -- we have been shaken up and set down again.
I don't feel nostalgic about the last 10 years as much as I feel a sense of history. The past is the stories I tell my grandchildren. When they visit, we drive past the places their parents got married, we tell them funny stories about what they did as babies, we talk about what was happening in the world when they were born. I do have a little nostalgia left in me.
I still get teary when I drive past my parents' old house. I expect the door to open and I will see my father sorting through the Christmas cards, my mother making a cup of tea. But there are new residents inside. The next decade is like that, we have new residents leading us through the changes the country must make, and have no idea whether or not the furnishings will bear any resemblance to the former ones.
In 2000, Vermont's civil unions law went into effect. This year, Vermont's equality law went into effect, discontinuing the need for the separate status of civil unions in the state.
In 2000, Hillary Clinton was elected to the Senate, the first first lady to achieve that position. This year, she became the U.S. secretary of state. In 2000, the U.S. Cole was damaged by suicide bombers beginning our familiarity with a brand of terrorism that continues to escalate. Ten years ago, we did not have Homeland Security or color-coded risks of terrorist attacks.
Ten years ago, most of us had never heard of Barack Obama. We were listening to our newly elected President George W. Bush reassure us, "They have miscalculated me as a leader." We are entering the next decade with a president who reminds us: "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."
Michelle Gillett writes for The New York Times.
"Fearless advocate of women's rights"
By Michelle Gillett, Op-Ed, The Berkshire Eagle, 1/12/2010
When I read that Mary Daly died last week, I said a little prayer of thanks for her life and work. I hadn't thought about Mary Daly for quite a while.
If someone stopped me on the street a month ago and said, "Who is Mary Daly?", I would have struggled to remember. If I asked my daughters, "Who is Mary Daly?", they would be clueless. But Mary Daly changed our lives for the better.
Mary Daly was among the first American women to train as a Roman Catholic theologian and early in her career she began to challenge the orthodoxies, writing books that defended her argument that the Catholic Church had been oppressing women for years. "The Church and the Second Sex" was published in 1968, and in 1973, "Beyond God the Father: Toward a Philosophy of Women's Liberation" urging the church to end discrimination against women in the ministry was published. Daly also wrote "Gyn/Ecology" (1978), "Pure Lust" (1984), "Outercourse" (1992), "Quintessence" (1998) and "Amazon Grace" (2006).
She was as playful as she was radical. Bryan Marquand, who wrote Daly's obituary in the Boston Globe, quoted feminist author Sister Joan Chittster: "Mary played with language in such a way you had to stop and think -- you couldn't use words in the old ways."
Daly wrote "Webster's First New Intergalactic Wickedary of the English Language," which she called "a dictionary for Wicked women" with Jane Caputi in 1987, as a female counterpart of the 15th-century handbook for witch-hunters, the "Malleus Maleficarum." Daly knew that language is power, just as priests and politicians who constantly coin new phrases and distort words for their causes know it.
Daly called college officials "bore-ocrats" who suffered from "academentia." The word "prude" typically indicates one who is excessively concerned with being or appearing to be proper, modest or righteous. But, "When freed from the patriarchal word-prisons, prude reclaims its archaic ancestry and spells female pride. This word, in fact, has the same origins as its sister-word proud and is directly derived from the French prudefemme, meaning ‘a wise or good woman.'"
Daly graduated from the College of Saint Rose in Albany, N.Y., received a master's in English from Catholic University in Washington, D.C., and a doctorate from St. Mary's College in Notre Dame, Ind., and because American colleges were not very receptive to women studying theology in the ‘50s, continued her studies in philosophy and theology at the University of Friborg in Switzerland where she earned two doctorates. She began teaching at Boston College in the mid-'60s and only allowed women to take her classes after it went coed in the 1970s. She taught men privately but argued that men clouded the learning environment and women learned better in a women-only classroom.
Daly was sued by a male student, and she counter-sued, claiming teaching women-only classes was within the bounds of academic freedom. The college refused to give her tenure in 1969, possibly in response to the publication of "The Church and the Second Sex." But when the all-male student body signed a petition supporting her, she was rehired. The college tried to force her to retire and she sued the school for breach of contract, settling with them in 2001. She retired in 1999 at the age of 72.
The lessons Mary Daly left us with are that it is important to act on our convictions. She began the discussion on gender and learning by acting. She changed patriarchal systems by acting. These days, it seem like we talk a good game but avoid action. We tend to be rude in our arguments rather than radical.
During the 1980s and 1990s, Daly continued to write and lecture to audiences around the world -- and she continued in her outspoken criticisms of patriarchal religion, in particular organizations of the Christian right like the Promise Keepers. When a reporter asked, "Who has hurt women?", Daly responded, "These creeps, the Promise Keepers, right-wing Christians. It's not just the ancient fathers of the church and it's not just the church. It's all the major religions."
Mary Daly's life and work are a reminder that so many women in the world suffer horribly from oppression and religious tyranny. The subtext of almost every story reported about the wars in the Middle East is that women are being systematically oppressed. Daly saw the women's movement as "as an authentic challenge to patriarchal religion," and we need to continue her legacy. If we ignore that legacy, we will be in danger of abandoning women less fortunate as well as abandoning an essential part of ourselves.
In an autobiographical essay, "Sin Big," written for The New Yorker in 1996, Daly said: "Ever since childhood, I have been honing my skills for living the life of a radical feminist pirate and cultivating the courage to sin. The word ‘sin' is derived from the Indo-European root ‘es-,' meaning ‘to be.' When I discovered this etymology, I intuitively understood that for a woman trapped in patriarchy, which is the religion of the entire planet, ‘to be' in the fullest sense is ‘to sin.'
"Women who are Pirates in a phallocratic society are involved in a complex operation. First, it is necessary to plunder -- that is, righteously rip off -- gems of knowledge that the patriarchs have stolen from us. Second, we must smuggle back to other women our plundered treasures. In order to invent strategies that will be big and bold enough for the next millennium, it is crucial that women share our experiences: the chances we have taken and the choices that have kept us alive. They are my pirate's battle cry and wake-up call for women who l want to hear."
Michelle Gillett is a regular Eagle contributor.
"Troubled veterans must be a priority"
By Michelle Gillett, The Berkshire Eagle, Op-Ed, January 26, 2010
STOCKBRIDGE, Massachusetts
I clip articles from newspapers and magazines that capture my imagination and get me thinking. I keep them in a folder marked, "Ideas for Columns." Last week, I cut out a piece about Miep Gies, who died two weeks ago at the age of 100. She had been Otto Frank's secretary, and when the Nazis occupied Amsterdam, she helped the Frank family hide in a secret annex next to the business. The article said, "Mrs. Gies was the last surviving member of Anne Frank's protectors. Their collective story is an enduring reminder that human beings always have a choice, even when millions were acceding to unspeakable evil."
I also clipped a story about a suburban Dallas school district that suspended a four-year-old boy from pre-kindergarten for having long hair. Until his parents agree to force him to cut his locks or agree to the school board's compromise to pin up his hair, he must study in the library alone with a teacher's aide. I was struck by one board member's comment: "Do the parents value his education more than they value a 4-year-old's decision to make his own grooming choices?" And the parents' response: "It's not hurting him or his education."
An editorial about an increase in sales of assault weapons now that the ban has expired sent me for the scissors; so did Nicholas D. Kristof's op-ed column, "Religion and women." He quoted Jimmy Carter who belongs to The Elders, "a small council of retired leaders brought together by Nelson Mandela who focus on the role of religion in oppressing women" and think religious groups "should stand up for a simple ethical principle: Any person's human rights should be sacred, and not depend on something as earthly as their genitals."
In the middle of the folder of clippings, is one I keep taking out and reading and putting back to write about some other day, because other, more timely and pressing subjects take priority. Right now, I want to write about the Tea Party, about Scott's Brown's lack of manners and graciousness in his acceptance speech, and his appalling comment that both his daughters "are available."
I want to express my opinion that the Democratic Party better start refreshing its energy and become more creative and active it its campaigning efforts. I want to write about how the citizens of Haiti have turned to rather than away from God and prayer, and about the generosity and care of Americans in response to the tragedy in that country. But I decided that I couldn't put the article away again despite all the other topics I want to write about.
The article I saved describes the psychological damage members of the military are suffering -- more than 53,000 troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are being treated for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and military suicide rates are rising faster than combat deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The article, by John Donnelly, notes that "Lawmakers in recent years have been increasingly concerned about the growing problem of military suicides, especially in the Army. They have been holding hearings, passing bills and approving billions of dollars more than requested to improve mental health care for military personnel and veterans."
Bob Filner, a Democrat from California and chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, says, "These numbers are just staggering and, tragically, are an indication that we are simply not doing the job of providing adequate mental health care for both our active-duty service people and our veterans." The increase in the number of suicides has coincided with U.S. military forces redeploying frequently to Iraq and Afghanistan; a number of senior members of Congress like Rep. John P. Murtha, chairman of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee and a Marine Corps veteran of Vietnam, believes there is a connection.
"I was shocked to hear there's more suicides than people lost in Afghanistan" he said. He attributes the upward trend to the "stress of a long war where people just don't have the opportunity to come home to get healed."
The army says that its suicide rates are now higher than that of the general population at large for the first time. This trend has not been reversed even though the military is being aggressive in recognizing symptoms and treating them. A new program is in place that mandates psychological evaluations and screenings for brain trauma and provides for follow-up care. But hundreds more mental health workers and substance abuse counselors need to be employed to implement this and other programs.
It is easy to keep putting aside issues like military suicide and give priority to other pressing issues the country is facing. But as I watched American troops pulling children out of the rubble in Haiti, I was reminded of who they are and what they are doing, of the long war they are fighting, and why they deserve to be on the top of the pile.
Michelle Gillett is a regular Eagle contributor.
"Corporate greed can literally make you sick"
By Michelle Gillett, Op-Ed, The Berkshire Eagle, March 9, 2010
STOCKBRIDGE, Massachusetts
Who doesn't feel like throwing rotten tomatoes at someone these days? Commercial banks and Wall Street have been giving us poor performances; the health care reform debate has taken up center stage for too long; a number of government officials are behaving so badly they should have been booed out of office long ago. Corruption and scandal are a constant theme in the drama of our uncertain present and future. As Bill Moyers said in his talk at the Dowmel Lecture series last week, "Greed is self-governing." There is a lot of corporate greed going around these days and average American citizens are its captive audience. We certainly do not deserve to have rotten tomatoes thrown at us.
But we have had rotten tomatoes thrown at us or at least served to us -- literally. Kraft Foods has been selling moldy tomato products for some time it turns out. According to a New York Times story two weeks ago, the owner of SK Foods, the supplier to Kraft, "greased the palms of a handful of corporate buyers in exchange for lucrative contracts and confidential information on bids submitted by competitors." It also shipped millions of pounds of substandard tomato paste and puree to customers "with falsified documentation to mask the problems."
I don't know about you, but tomato paste is a staple in my kitchen cupboard. I use it in soups and sauces, meat and vegetable dishes. Now I am feeling a little queasy about the meat loaf and pasta I have served to family and guests over the past few years. The mold count has been so high in these products that the sale "should have been prohibited under federal law."
The prosecutors said that no one was at a health risk or made sick but the moldy products. Physically sick that is. Maybe bad tomatoes can't harm us but I feel sickened by the idea that I have been duped again, been made a victim by the greediness of people who seem to lack ethical values.
I guess it's true that "power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely," but does it have to corrupt the catsup? More than 55 companies were sold the tainted shipments, and while some detected the problem and sent them back, most did not and the products were sold to you and me. It's bad enough that I have to worry about where the melamine in my dog's food went and what product it is being used to flavor now. I was even more worried that the beef I was buying to make the above-mentioned meat loaf might be harboring e. coli bacteria, but it never occurred to me that the salsa might be a source of concern.
The plot for this scandal is thicker than a good marinara sauce. Some of the players are brokers and buyers for companies like Kraft and Nabisco. My favorite is Robert C Turner Jr., "who began taking bribes while working as a purchasing manager for Nabisco." In 2004, he went to work for B&G Foods, the maker of Ortega Mexican foods and other products and continued to take bribes as he "rose to become their director of purchasing." The article continues: "Mr., Turner, an Eagle Scout, confessed to taking more than $65,000 in bribes in all."
An Eagle Scout? Did he earn "The Rotten Tomato" badge for his recent activities? The top buyer for Kraft Foods, (not an Eagle Scout), took $158,000 in bribes" and bought 230 million pounds of processed tomatoes from SK Foods from 2004-2008.
SK Food filed for bankruptcy in May, and its CEO, Frederick Scott Salyer was arrested last month and will face charges of mail and wire fraud.
There is no question we need stronger food safety legislation. A new report from the Make Our Food Safe coalition and published by Produce Safety Project at Georgetown University, found that the costs of foodborne illness is $152 billion annually.
But it seems we also need some top executive safety legislation as well. Moyers addressed the kinds of inequality threatening our society, not least among them, economic inequality caused by the corporate greed that has been given even more leeway by the recent Supreme Court campaign finance ruling.
"Society can be undone by deceit and denial," Moyers said. He mentioned a book he had read, "The Spirit Level" by Richard Wilkenson and Kate Pickett, that addresses what happens to countries where the rich have all the power.
"By every measure that matters, relatively equal nations far outperform nations where income and wealth concentrate at the top. Not wealth; not resources; not culture, climate, diet, or system of government. Furthermore, more-unequal societies are bad for almost everyone within them -- the well-off as well as the poor. . . .Almost every modern social problem -- ill-health, violence, lack of community life, teen pregnancy, mental illness -- is more likely to occur in a less- equal society. This is why America, by most measures the richest country on earth, has per capita shorter average life span, more cases of mental illness, more obesity, and more of its citizens in prison than any other developed nation."
While we are deciding whether or not we want ketchup with our fries, we had better start deciding we want a more equal society.
Michelle Gillett is a regular Eagle contributor.
My other Blogs are: luciforo.blogspot.com & frankguinta.blogspot.com & aldermanpetersullivan.blogspot.com & I have also posted many comments on berkshireeagle.blogspot.com & I have also posted many comments on planetvalenti.com
Jonathan Melle

I turned 39 (2014)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
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About Me

- Jonathan Melle
- Amherst, NH, United States
- I am a citizen defending the people against corrupt Pols who only serve their Corporate Elite masters, not the people! / My 2 political enemies are Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr., nicknamed "Luciforo" and former Berkshire County Sheriff Carmen C. Massimiano, Jr. / I have also pasted many of my political essays on "The Berkshire Blog": berkshireeagle.blogspot.com / I AM THE ANTI-FRANK GUINTA! / Please contact me at jonathan_a_melle@yahoo.com
50th Anniversary - 2009

The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame on Columbus Avenue in Springfield, Massachusetts.
Pittsfield Politics: Capitanio, Mazzeo agree on budget cuts, public safety

Paul Capitanio, left, speaks during Monday night's Ward 3 City Council debate with fellow candidate Melissa Mazzeo at Pittsfield Community Television's studio. The special election (3/31/2009) will be held a week from today (3/24/2009). The local issues ranged from economic development and cleaning up blighted areas in Ward 3 to public education and the continued remediation of PCB's.
Red Sox v Yankees

Go Red Sox!
Outrage swells in Congress!

Senate Banking Committee Chairman Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., left, and the committee's ranking Republican Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., listen during a hearing on modernizing insurance regulations, Tuesday, March 17, 2009, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh). - http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/20090318/pl_politico/30833
Beacon Hill's $pecial Interest Tax Raisers & $PENDERS!

Photo Gallery: www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2009/03/15/St_Patricks_Day_Boston/
The path away from Wall Street ...

...Employers in the finance sector - traditionally a prime landing spot for college seniors, particularly in the Northeast - expect to have 71 percent fewer jobs to offer this year's (2009) graduates.
Economic collapse puts graduates on unforeseen paths: Enrollment in public service jobs rising...

Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis

Should he be fired? As Bank of America's Stock Plummets, CEO Resists Some Calls That He Step Down.
Hookers for Jesus

Annie Lobert is the founder of "Hookers for Jesus" - www.hookersforjesus.net/home.cfm - Saving Sin City: Las Vegas, Nevada?
Forever personalized stamped envelope

The Forever stamp will continue to cover the price of a first-class letter. The USPS will also introduce Forever personalized, stamped envelopes. The envelopes will be preprinted with a Forever stamp, the sender's name and return address, and an optional personal message.
Purple Heart

First issued in 2003, the Purple heart stamp will continue to honor the men and women wounded while serving in the US military. The Purple Heart stamp covers the cost of 44 cents for first-class, one-ounce mail.

The bottlenose is just one of the new animals set to appear on the price-change stamps. It will serve as a 64-cent stamp for odd shaped envelopes.
2009 price-change stamps

www.boston.com/business/gallery/2009pircechangestamps/ -&- www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2009/02/27/new_stamps_set_for_rate_increase_in_may/
Red Sox v Yankees

Go Red Sox!
President Barack Obama

AP photo v Shepard Fairey
Rush Limbaugh lackeys

Posted by Dan Wasserman of the Boston Globe on March 3, 2009.
Honest Abe

A 2007 US Penny
Dog race

Sledding for dogs
The Capital of the Constitution State

Hartford, once the wealthiest city in the United States but now the poorest in Connecticut, is facing an uphill battle.
Brady, Bundchen married

Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and model Gisele Bundchen wed Feb. 26, 2009 in a Catholic ceremony in Los Angeles. www.boston.com/ae/celebrity/gallery/tom_gisele/
Mayor Jimmy Ruberto

Tanked Pittsfield's local economy while helping his fellow insider political hacks and business campaign contributors!
Journalist Andrew Manuse

New Hampshire Supreme Court Building

Economic State of the Union

A look at some of the economic conditions the Obama administration faces and what resources have already been pledged to help. 2/24/2009
President Barack Obama

The president addresses the nation's governors during a dinner in the State Dinning Room, Sunday, Feb. 22, 2009, at the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari).
The Oscars - 2/22/2009.

Hugh Jackman and Beyoncé Knowles teamed up for a musical medley during the show.
The 81st Academy Awards - Oscars - 2009

Hugh Jackman pulled actress Anne Hathaway on stage to accompany him during his opening musical number.
Rachel Maddow

A Progressive News Commentator
$500,000 per year

That is chump change for the corporate elite!

Jeffrey R. Immelt, chairman and chief executive of General Electric
The Presidents' Club

Bush, Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton & Carter.
5 Presidents: Bush, Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton, & Carter!

White House Event: January 7, 2009.
Bank Bailout!

v taxpayer
Actress Elizabeth Banks

She will present an award to her hometown (Pittsfield) at the Massachusetts State House next month (1/2009). She recently starred in "W" and "Zack and Miri Make a Porno," and just signed a $1 million annual contract to be a spokesmodel for
Joanna Lipper

Her award-winning 1999 documentary, "Growing Up Fast," about teenaged mothers in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
Happy Holidays...

...from "Star Wars"
Massachusetts "poor" economy

Massachusetts is one of the wealthiest states, but it is also very inequitable. For example, it boasts the nation's most lucrative lottery, which is just a system of regressive taxation so that the corporate elite get to pay less in taxes!
Reese Witherspoon

Hollywood Actress
Peter G. Arlos.

Arlos is shown in his Pittsfield office in early 2000.
Turnpike OK's hefty toll hikes

Big Dig - East-west commuters take hit; Fees at tunnels would double. 11/15/2008.
The Pink Panther 2

Starring Steve Martin
Police ABUSE

I was a victim of Manchester Police Officer John Cunningham's ILLEGAL USES of FORCE! John Cunningham was reprimanded by the Chief of Police for disrespecting me. John Cunningham yelled at a witness: "I don't care if he (Jonathan Melle) is disabled!"
Barack Obama

The 44th US President!

The Bailout & the economic stimulus check

A political cartoon by Dan Wasserman
A rainbow over Boston

"Rainbows galore" 10/2/2008
Our nation's leaders!

President Bush with both John McCain & Barack Obama - 9/25/2008.
Massachusetts & Big Dig: Big hike in tolls for Pike looming (9/26/2008).

$5 rise at tunnels is one possibility $1 jump posed for elsewhere.
Mary E Carey

My FAVORITE Journalist EVER!
9/11/2008 - A Show of Unity!

John McCain and Barack Obama appeared together at ground zero in New York City - September 11, 2008.
John McCain...

...has all but abandoned the positions on taxes, torture and immigration. (A cartoon by Dan Wasserman. September 2008).
Dan Wasserman

The deregulated chickens come home to roost... in all our pocketbooks. September 2008.
Sarah Palin's phobia

A scripted candidate! (A cartoon by Dan Wasserman).
Dan Wasserman

Family FInances - September, 2008.
Mark E. Roy

Ward 1 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).
Theodore “Ted” L. Gatsas

Ward 2 Alderman (& NH State Senator) for Manchester, NH (2008).
Peter M. Sullivan

Ward 3 (downtown) Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).
Jim Roy

Ward 4 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).
Ed Osborne

Ward 5 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).
Real R. Pinard

Ward 6 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).
William P. Shea

Ward 7 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).
Betsi DeVries

Ward 8 Alder-woman (& NH State Senator) for Manchester, NH (2008).
Michael Garrity

Ward 9 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).
George Smith

Ward 10 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).
Russ Ouellette

Ward 11 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).
Kelleigh (Domaingue) Murphy

Ward 12 Alder-woman for Manchester, NH (2008).
“Mike” Lopez

At-Large Alderman for Manchester, NH. (2008).
Daniel P. O’Neil

At-Large Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).
Sarah Palin for Vice President.

Republican John McCain made the surprise pick of Alaska's governor Sarah Palin as his running mate today, August 29, 2008.
U.S. Representative John Olver, D-Amherst, Massachusetts.

Congressman Olver said the country has spent well over a half-trillion dollars on the war in Iraq while the situation in Afghanistan continues to deteriorate. 8/25/08.
Ed O'Reilly for US Senate in Massachusetts!

John Kerry's 9/2008 challenger in the Democratic Primary.
Shays' Rebellion
In a tax revolt, Massachusetts farmers fought back during Shays' Rebellion in the mid-1780s after The American Revolutionary War.
Julianne Moore
Actress. "The Big Lebowski" is one of my favorite movies. I also like "The Fugitive", too.
Rinaldo Del Gallo III & "Superman"
Go to: http://www.berkshirefatherhood.com/index.php?mact=News,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=699&cntnt01returnid=69
"Income chasm widening in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts"

The gap between rich and poor has widened substantially in Massachusetts over the past two decades. (8/15/2008).
Dan "Bureaucrat" Bosley
"The Bosley Amendment": To create tax loopholes for the wealthiest corporate interests in Massachusetts!
John Edwards and...

...Rielle Hunter. WHO CARES?!
Rep. Edward J. Markey

He wants online-privacy legislation. Some Web Firms Say They Track Behavior Without Explicit Consent.
Cindy Sheehan

She gained fame with her antiwar vigil outside the Bush ranch.
Olympics kick off in Beijing

Exxon Mobil 2Q profit sets US record, shares fall

In this May 1, 2008, file photo, a customer pumps gas at an Exxon station in Middleton, Mass. Exxon Mobil Corp. reported second-quarter earnings of $11.68 billion Thursday, July 31, the biggest quarterly profit ever by any U.S. corporation, but the results were well short of Wall Street expectations and its shares fell as markets opened. (AP Photo/Lisa Poole, File) 7/31/2008.
Onota Lake 'Sea Serpent'

Some kind of monster on Onota Lake. Five-year-old Tyler Smith rides a 'sea serpent' on Onota Lake in Pittsfield, Mass. The 'monster,' fashioned by Smith's grandfather, first appeared over July 4 weekend. (Photo courtesy of Ron Smith). 7/30/2008.
Al Gore, Jr.

Al Gore issues challenge on energy
The Norman Rockwell Museum
Stockbridge, Massachusetts
"Big Dig"

Boston's financially wasteful pork barrel project!
"Big Dig"

Boston's pork barrel public works project cost 50 times more than the original price!
Mary E Carey

My favorite journalist EVER!
U.S. Rep. John Olver, state Sen. Stan Rosenberg and Selectwomen Stephanie O'Keeffe and Alisa Brewer

Note: Photo from Mary E Carey's Blog.

Boston Symphony Orchestra music director James Levine.

Jimmy Ruberto

Faces multiple persecutions under the Massachusetts "Ethics" conflict of interest laws.
Barack Obama

Obama vows $500m in faith-based aid.
John McCain

He is with his wife, Cindy, who were both met by Colombian President Alvaro Uribe (right) upon arriving in Cartagena.
Daniel Duquette

Sold Mayor James M. Ruberto of Pittsfield two tickets to the 2004 World Series at face value.
Hillary & Barack in Unity, NH - 6/27/2008

Clinton tells Obama, crowd in Unity, N.H.: 'We are one party'
John Forbes Kerry

Wanna-be Prez?

"out of this World"
Crisis in the Congo - Ben Affleck

http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/popup?id=5057139&contentIndex=1&page=1&start=false - http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/story?id=5234555&page=1
Jeanne Shaheen

NH's Democratic returning candidate for U.S. Senate

a cool robot
Ed O'Reilly

Go Celtics!

World Champions - 2008
Go Red Sox!

J.D. Drew gets the same welcome whenever he visits the City of Brotherly Love: "Booooooo!"; Drew has been vilified in Philadelphia since refusing to sign with the Phillies after they drafted him in 1997...
Joe Kelly Levasseur & Joe Briggs

NH Union Leader

Editorial Cartoon
Celtics - World Champions!

www.boston.com/sports/basketball/celtics/gallery/06_18_08_front_pages/ - www.boston.com/sports/basketball/celtics/gallery/06_17_08_finals_game_6/ - www.boston.com/sports/basketball/celtics/gallery/06_17_08_celebration/ - www.boston.com/sports/basketball/celtics/gallery/06_15_08_celtics_championships/
"The Nation"

A "Liberal" weekly political news magazine. Katrina vanden Heuvel.

The Twilight Zone
List of Twilight Zone episodes - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Twilight_Zone_episodes
Equality for ALL Marriages

I, Jonathan Melle, am a supporter of same sex marriages.
Kobe Bryant leads his time to a Game 5 victory.

L.A. Lakers holds on for the win to force Game 6 at Boston
Mohawk Trail

The 'Hail to the Sunrise' statue in Charlemont is a well-known and easily recognized landmark on the Mohawk Trail. The trail once boasted several souvenir shops, some with motels and restaurants. Now only four remain. (Caroline Bonnivier / Berkshire Eagle Staff).
NASA - June 14, 2008

Space Shuttle Discovery returns to Earth.
Go Celtics! Game # 4 of the 2008 NBA Finals.

Boston took a 20-second timeout, and the Celtics ran off four more points (including this incredible Erving-esque layup from Ray Allen) to build the lead to five points with just 2:10 remaining. Reeling, the Lakers took a full timeout to try to regain their momentum.
Sal DiMasi

Speaker of the Massachusetts State House of Representatives
Kelly Ayotte - Attorney General of New Hampshire

John Kerry

He does not like grassroots democracy & being challenged in the 2008 Massachusetts Democratic Party Primary for re-election.
Tim Murray

Corrupt Lt. Gov. of Massachusetts, 2007 - 2013.
North Adams, Massachusetts

Howie Carr

Political Satirist on Massachusetts Corruption/Politics
Polar Bear

Global Warming
Elizabeth Warren - Web-Site Links

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Warren & http://www.creditslips.org/creditslips/WarrenAuthor.html
Elizabeth Warren
Consumer Crusader
Leon Powe

Celtics forward Leon Powe finished a fast break with a dunk.
Kevin Garnett

Kevin Garnett reacted during the game.
Rajon Rondo

Rajon Rondo finished a first half fast break with a dunk.

Los Angeles Lakers teammates help Pau Gasol (16) from the floor in the second quarter.
Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant took a shot in the first half of Game 2.
Kendrick Perkins

Kendrick Perkins (right) backed down Lamar Odom (left) during first half action.
Go Celtics!

The Boston Symphony Orchestra performed the national anthem prior to Game 2.

Garnett reacted to a hard dunk in the first quarter.
Paul Pierce

Paul Pierce reacted after hitting a three upon his return to the game since leaving with an injury.
Go Celtics!

Kobe Bryant (left) and Paul Pierce (right) squared off in the second half of the game.
James Taylor

Sings National Anthem at Celtics Game.
John Forbes Kerry & Deval Patrick

Attended Celtics Game.
Greats of the NBA: Dr. J, Bill Russell, & Kareem!

Attend Game 1 of the 2008 NBA Finals.
Bruce Willis

The actor (left) and his date were in the crowd before the Celtics game.
John Kerry

Golddigger attends Celtics game
Hillary Clinton

Ends her 2008 bid for Democratic Party nomination
Nonnie Burnes

Massachusetts Insurance Commish & former Judge
Jones Library

Amherst, Massachusetts
Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton

2008 Democratic Primary
"US vs Exxon and Halliburton"
.png)
U.S. Senator John Sununu took more than $220,000 from big oil.
Jeanne Shaheen

4- U.S. Senate - 2008
William Pignatelli

Hack Rep. "Smitty" with Lynne Blake
Ben Bernanke

Federal Reserve Chairman

Boys' & Girls' Club

Melville Street, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Denis Guyer

Dalton State Representative
The Berkshire Eagle

Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Carmen Massimiano

Williams College - May 2008
Larry Bird & Magic Johnson

Regressive Taxation! via State Lotteries

New Massachusetts state lottery game hits $600 million in sales!
Andrea Nuciforo
John Barrett III

Long-time Mayor of North Adams Massachusetts
Shine On

Paul Pierce

Paul Pierce kissed the Eastern Conference trophy. 5/30/2008. AP Photo.
Kevin Garnett & Richard Hamilton

Kevin Garnett (left) talked to Pistons guard Richard Hamilton (right) after the Celtics' victory in Game 6. 5/30/2008. Reuters Photo.
Paul Pierce

Paul Pierce showed his team colors as the Celtics closed out the Pistons in Game 6 of the Eastern Conference finals. 5/30/2008. Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis.
Joseph Kelly Levasseur

One of my favorite politicians!
Mary E Carey

In the Big Apple: NYC! She is the coolest!
Guyer & Kerry

My 2nd least favorite picture EVER!
Mary Carey

My favorite journalist EVER!
Nuciforo & Ruberto

My least favorite picture EVER!
Jeanne Shaheen

U.S. Senate - 2008
NH Fisher Cats

AA Baseball - Toronto Blue Jays affiliate
Manchester, NH

Police Patch
Michael Briggs

#83 - We will never forget
Michael "Stix" Addison

Charlie Gibson

ABC News anchor
Scott McClellan
Boise, Idaho

Downtown Boise Idaho
John Forbes Kerry

Legislative Hearing in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, BCC, on Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thomas Jefferson

My favorite classical U.S. President!
NH Governor John Lynch

Higher Taxes, Higher Tolls
Paul Hodes

My favorite Congressman!
Portland Sea Dogs

AA Red Sox
New York


New Hampshire

New Hampshire

Carmen Massimiano

"Luciforo" tried to send me to Carmen's Jail during the Spring & Summer of 1998.
Kay Khan - Massachusetts State Representative


Andrea F Nuciforo II

Pittsfield's monopoly/only daily newspaper
Jon Lester - Go Red Sox!

A Red Sox No Hitter on 5/19/2008!
Go Red Sox!

Dustin Pedroia & Manny Ramirez
U.S. Flag

God Bless America!
Jonathan Melle's Blog

Hello, Everyone!
Molly Bish

We will never forget!
Go Celtics!

Celtics guard Rajon Rondo listens to some advice from Celtics head coach Doc Rivers in the first half.
Go Celtics!

Celtics forward Kevin Garnett and Pistons forward Rasheed Wallace embrace at the end of the game.
Go Red Sox!

Red Sox closer Jonathan Papelbon calls for the ball as he charges toward first base. Papelbon made the out en route to picking up his 14th save of the season.
Go Red Sox!

Red Sox starting pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka throws to Royals David DeJesus during the first inning.
Go Red Sox!

Red Sox pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka delivers a pitch to Royals second baseman Mark Grudzielanek during the second inning.
Go Red Sox!

Red Sox right fielder J.D. Drew is welcomed to home plate by teammates Mike Lowell (left), Kevin Youkilis (2nd left) and Manny Ramirez after he hit a grand slam in the second inning.
Go Red Sox!

Red Sox third baseman Mike Lowell crosses the plate after hitting a grand slam during the sixth inning. Teammates Manny Ramirez and Jacoby Ellsbury scored on the play. The Red Sox went on to win 11-8 to complete a four-game sweep and perfect homestand.
JD Drew - Go Red Sox

Thank you for serving; God Bless America!
Master Sgt. Kara B. Stackpole, of Westfield, holds her daughter, Samantha, upon her return today to Westover Air Reserve Base in Chicopee. She is one of the 38 members of the 439th Aeromedical Staging Squadron who returned after a 4-month deployment in Iraq. Photo by Dave Roback / The Republican.
Kathi-Anne Reinstein

Ted Kennedy

Tragic diagnosis: Get well Senator!
Google doodle - Jonathan Melle Internet search

John Forbes Kerry
Billionaire U.S. Senator gives address to MCLA graduates in North Adams, Massachusetts in mid-May 2008
Andrea Nuciforo

A Red Sox Fan in Paris, France

Go Red Sox!
Rinaldo Del Gallo III

Interviewed on local TV
Andrea Nuciforo

John Adams

#2 U.S. President
Jonathan Melle

I stood under a tree on the afternoon of May 9, 2008, on the foregrounds of the NH State House - www.websitetoolbox.com/tool/post/nhinsider/vpost?id=2967773
Jonathan Melle

Inside the front lobby of the NH State House
Jonathan Melle

Bill Clinton campaign memorabilia
Jonathan Melle

Liberty Bell & NH State House
Jon Keller

Boston based political analyst
Jon Keller

Boston based political analyst
Jonathan Melle

Franklin Pierce Statue #14 U.S. President
Jonathan Melle

NH State House
Jonathan Melle

Stop the War NOW!
Jonathan Melle

"Mr. Melle, tear down this Blog!"
Jonathan Melle

I stood next to a JFK photo
Jonathan Levine, Publisher

The Pittsfield Gazette Online
Jonathan Melle

I made rabbit ears with John & George
Jonathan Melle

I made antenna ears with John & George
Jonathan Melle

I impersonated Howard Dean
Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle

pretty ladies -/- Go to: http://www.wgir.com/cc-common/cc_photopop20.html?eventID=28541&pagecontent=&pagenum=4 - Go to: http://current.com/items/88807921_veterans_should_come_first_not_last# - http://www.mcam23.com/cgi-bin/cutter.cgi?c_function=STREAM?c_feature=EDIT?dir_catagory=10MorningRadio?dir_folder=2JoesClips?dir_file=JonathanMelle-090308? -
Jonathan Melle
Go Red Sox! Me at Fenway Park
Mary E. Carey

My favorite journalist! Her voice sings for the Voiceless. -/- Go to: http://aboutamherst.blogspot.com/search?q=melle -/- Go to: http://ongeicocaveman.blogspot.com/search?q=melle
Velvet Jesus

Mary Carey blogs about my political writings. This is a picture of Jesus from her childhood home in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. -//- "How Can I Keep From Singing" : My life goes on in endless song / Above Earth's lamentations, / I hear the real, though far-off hymn / That hails a new creation. / / Through all the tumult and the strife / I hear its music ringing, / It sounds an echo in my soul. / How can I keep from singing? / / Whey tyrants tremble in their fear / And hear their death knell ringing, / When friends rejoice both far and near / How can I keep from singing? / / In prison cell and dungeon vile / Our thoughts to them are winging / When friends by shame are undefiled / How can I keep from singing?

Jonathan Melle

Concord NH
The Huffington Post

Barack Obama

smiles & beer
Jonathan Lothrop

A Pittsfield City Councilor
Michael L. Ward

A Pittsfield City Councilor
Peter Marchetti - Pittsfield's City Councilor at Large

Pete always sides with the wealthy's political interests.
Gerald Lee - Pittsfield's City Council Prez

Gerald Lee told me that I am a Social Problem; Lee executes a top-down system of governance. R.I.P. Gerry Lee.
Matt Kerwood - Pittsfield's Councilor at Large

Kerwood poured coffee drinks for Jane Swift
Louis Costi

Pittsfield City Councilor
Lewis Markham

Pittsfield City Councilor
Kevin Sherman - Pittsfield City Councilor

Sherman ran for Southern Berkshire State Rep against Smitty Pignatelli; Sherman is a good guy.
Anthony Maffuccio

Pittsfield City Councilor
Linda Tyer

Pittsfield City Councilor
Daniel Bianchi

A Pittsfield City Councilor
The Democratic Donkey
Democratic Party Symbol
What is Paramount to you?
NH's Congresswoman
Carol Shea-Porter, Democrat
Sam Adams Beer

Boston Lager

Disney Animation
Ruberto Details Plans for Success - January 07, 2008
"Luciforo" swears in Mayor Ruberto. Pittsfield Politics at its very worst: 2 INSIDER POWERBROKERS! Where is Carmen Massimiano? He must be off to the side.
Optimus Prime

Leader of the Autobots
Optimus Prime
1984 Autobot Transformer Leader
Cleanup Agreements - GE & Pittsfield's PCBs toxic waste sites

GE/Housatonic River Site: Introduction

GE/Housatonic River Site - Reports
US EPA - Contact - Pittsfield's PCBs toxic waste sites

GE Corporate Logo - Pittsfield's PCBs toxic waste sites
Commonwealth Connector

Commonwealth Care
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

Healthcare Reform
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

Healthcare Reform
Network Health Forward - A Commonwealth Care Plan

Massachusetts Health Reform
Network Health Together: A MassHealth Plan - Commonwealth Care

Massachusetts Health Reform

Massachusetts Health Reform
Neighborhood Health Plan - Commonwealth Care

Massachusetts Health Reform
Fallon Community Health Plan - Commonwealth Care

Massachusetts Health Reform
BMC HealthNet Plan

Massachusetts Health Reform
Massachusetts Health Reform

Eligibility Chart: 2007
Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare

Massachusetts Health Reform
Business Peaks

Voodoo Economics
Laffer Curve - Corporate Elite

Reagonomics: Supply Side
Corporate Elite Propaganda

Mock Liberal Democratic Socialism Thinking
Real Estate Blues


End ALL Wars!
Freedom of Speech

Norman Rockwell's World War II artwork depicting America's values
Abraham Lincoln

A young Abe Lincoln

www.openmass.org/members/show/218 - www.rachelkaprielian.com
Jennifer M. Callahan - Massachusetts State Representative

www.openmass.org/members/show/164 - www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2008/05/04/legislator_describes_threat_as_unnerving/
Human Rights for ALL Peoples!

My #1 Political Belief!
Anne Frank

Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe
A young woman Hillary supporter

This excellent picture captures a youth's excitement
Hillary Clinton with Natalie Portman

My favorite Actress!
Alan Chartock

WAMC public radio in Albany, NY; Political columnist who writes about Berkshire County area politics; Strong supporter for Human Rights for ALL Peoples

This web-site uses some of my Blog postings
This web-site uses some of my blog postings!
Shannon O'Brien

One of my favorite politicians! She stands for the People first!
The Massachusetts State House

"The Almighty Golden Dome" - www.masslegislature.tv -
Sara Hathaway

Former Mayor of Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.

A corrupt Pol who tried to put me in Jail
Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.

Another view of Pittsfield's inbred, multigenerational political prince. Luciforo!

Nuciforo's nickname
"Andy" Nuciforo

Carmen C. Massimiano, Jr., Berkshire County Sheriff (Jailer)

Nuciforo's henchman! Nuciforo tried to send me to Carmen's Jail
Andrea Nuciforo Jr

Shhh! Luciforo's other job is working as a private attorney defending wealthy Boston-area corporate insurance companies
Berkshire County Sheriff (Jailer) Carmen C. Massimiano, Jr.

Nuciforo tried to send me to Carmen's Jail! Carmen sits with the Congressman, John Olver
Congressman John Olver

Nuciforo's envy
The Dome of the U.S. Capitol

Our Beacon of American Democracy
Nuciforo's architect

Mary O'Brien in red with scarf
Sara Hathaway (www.brynmawr.edu)

Former-Mayor of Pittsfield, Massachusetts; Nuciforo intimidated her, along with another woman, from running in a democratic state election in the Spring of 2006!
Andrea F. Nuciforo II

Pittsfield Politics Pot $
Berkshire County Republican Association

Go to: www.fcgop.blogspot.com
Denis Guyer

Dalton State Representative
John Forbes Kerry & Denis Guyer

U.S. Senator & State Representative
John Kerry
Endorses Barack Obama for Prez then visits Berkshire County
Dan Bosley

A Bureaucrat impostoring as a Legislator!
Ben Downing
Berkshire State Senator
Christopher N Speranzo

Pittsfield's ANOINTED State Representative
Peter J. Larkin

Corrupt Lobbyist
GE - Peter Larkin's best friend!

GE's FRAUDULENT Consent Decree with Pittsfield, Massachusetts, will end up KILLING many innocent school children & other local residents!
GE's CEO Jack Welch

The Corporate System's Corporate Elite's King
Economics: Where Supply meets Demand

GE & Pittsfield, Massachusetts
In 2007, GE sold its Plastics Division to a Saudi company. Now all that is left over by GE are its toxic PCB pollutants that cause cancer in many Pittsfield residents.
Mayor James M Ruberto

A small-time pol chooses to serve the corporate elite & other elites over the people.
Governor Deval Patrick

Deval shakes hands with Mayors in Berkshire County
Deval Patrick

Governor of Massachusetts
Pittsfield High School

Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Sara Hathaway

Pittsfield's former Mayor
Rinaldo Del Gallo III

Pittsfield Attorney focusing on Father's Rights Probate Court Legal Issues, & Local Politician and Political Observer
Rinaldo Del Gallo III

Very Intelligent Political Activists in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Rinaldo Del Gallo, III, Esq. is the spokesperson of the Berkshire Fatherhood Coalition. He has been practicing family law and has been a member of the Massachusetts bar since 1996.
Mayor Ed Reilly

He supports Mayor Ruberto & works as a municipal Attorney. As Mayor, he backed Bill Weld for Governor in 1994, despite being a Democrat. He was joined by Carmen Massimiano & John Barrett III, the long-standing Mayor of North Adams.
Manchester, NH Mayor Frank Guinta

Cuts Dental Care for Public School Children-in-Need
Manchester, NH City Hall

My new hometown - view from Hanover St. intersection with Elm St.
Manchester NH City Democrats

Go Dems!
2008 Democratic Candidates for U.S. Prez

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Mike Gravel, Dennis Kucinich, John Edwards
NH State House Dome

Concord, NH
Donna Walto

Pittsfield Politician -- She strongly opposes Mayor Jim Ruberto's elitist tenure.

Who doesn't LOVE Elmo?
Hillary Clinton for U.S. President!

Hillary is for Children. She is my choice in 2008.
The White House in 1800
Home of our Presidents of the United States
John Adams

2nd President of the USA
Hillary Clinton stands with John Edwards and Joe Biden

Hillary is my choice for U.S. President!
Bill Clinton

Former President Bill Clinton speaks at the Radisson in Manchester NH 11/16/2007
Barack Obama

U.S. Senator & Candidate for President
Pittsfield's 3 Women City Councillors - 2004

Linda Tyer, Pam Malumphy, Tricia Farley-Bouvier
Wahconah Park in Pittsfield, Massachusetts
My friend Brian Merzbach reviews baseball parks around the nation.
The Corporate Elite: Rational Incentives for only the wealthy
The Elites double their $ every 6 to 8 years, while the "have-nots" double their $ every generation (or 24 years). Good bye Middle Class!
George Will

The human satellite voice for the Corporate Elite
Elizabeth Warren

The Anti-George Will; Harvard Law School Professor; The Corporate Elite's Worst Nightmare
The Flag of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

I was born and raised in Pittsfield, Massachusetts
State Senator Stan Rosenberg

Democratic State Senator from Amherst, Massachusetts -/- Anti-Stan Rosenberg Blog: rosenbergwatch.blogspot.com
Ellen Story

Amherst Massachusetts' State Representative
Teen Pregnancy in Pittsfield, Mass.

Books are being written on Pittsfield's high teen pregancy rates! What some intellectuals do NOT understand about the issue is that TEEN PREGNANCIES in Pittsfield double the statewide average by design - Perverse Incentives!
NH Governor John Lynch
Supports $30 Scratch Tickets and other forms of regressive taxation. Another Pol that only serves his Corporate Elite Masters instead of the People!
U.S. Congresswoman Carol Shea Porter
The first woman whom the People of New Hampshire have voted in to serve in U.S. Congress
U.S. Congressman Paul Hodes
A good man who wants to bring progressive changes to Capitol Hill!
Paul Hodes for U.S. Congress

New Hampshire's finest!
Darth Vader

Star Wars
Dick Cheney & George W. Bush
The Gruesome Two-some! Stop the Neo-Cons' fascism! End the Iraq War NOW!

The Inequity of Globalism

The Corporate Elite have redesigned "The System" to enrich themselves at the expense of the people, masses, have-nots, poor & middle-class families
George W. Bush with Karl Rove

Rove was a political strategist with extraordinary influence within the Bush II White House
2008's Republican Prez-field

John McCain, Alan Keyes, Rudy Guiliani, Duncan Hunter, Mike Huckabee, WILLARD Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, Ron Paul
Fall in New England

Autumn is my favorite season
Picturing America
Winter Weather Map

3:45PM EST 3-Dec-07
Norman Rockwell Painting

Norman Rockwell Painting

Depiction of American Values in mid-20th Century America
Larry Bird #33
My favorite basketball player of my childhood
Boston Celtics Basketball - 2007-2008

Kevin Garnett hugs James Posey
Paul Pierce

All heart! Awesome basketball star for The Boston Celtics.
Tom Brady

Go Patriots!
Rupert Murdoch

Owner of Fox News - CORPORATE ELITE!
George Stephanopolous

A Corporate Elite Political News Analyst
Robert Redford

Starred in the movie "Lions for Lambs"
Meryl Streep
Plays a jaded journalist with integrity in the movie "Lions for Lambs"
Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise plays the Neo-Con D.C. Pol purely indoctrinated by the Corporate Elite's political agenda in the Middle East
"I want to say I've never been surrounded by so many fake breasts, but I went to the Academy Awards."
Amherst Town Library

Amherst, NH - www.amherstlibrary.org
Manchester NH Library

I use the library's automated timed 1-hour-per-day Internet computers to post on my Blog - www.manchester.lib.nh.us
Manchester NH's Palace Theater

Manchester NH decided to restore its Palace Theater
Pittsfield's Palace Theater

Pittsfield tore down this landmark on North Street in favor of a parking lot
Pleasant Street Theater

Amherst, Massachusetts
William "Shitty" Pignatelli
A top down & banal State House Pol from Lenox Massachusetts -- A GOOD MAN!
The CIA & Mind Control
Did the CIA murder people by proxy assassins?
Skull & Bones

Yale's Elite

I believe President Bush should be IMPEACHED because he is waging an illegal and immoral war against Iraq!
Bob Feuer drumming for U.S. Congress v John Olver in 2008

Abe Lincoln

The 16th President of the USA

Global Warming Mock Giant Thermometer

A member of Green Peace activist sets up a giant thermometer as a symbol of global warming during their campaign in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, Sunday, Dec. 2, 2007. World leaders launch marathon negotiations Monday on how to fight global warming, which left unchecked could cause devastating sea level rises, send millions further into poverty and lead to the mass extinction of plants and animals.
combat global warming...

...or risk economic and environmental disaster caused by rising temperatures

P.O. Box 125, South Lee, MA 01260, (413) 243-5665, tstokes@kyotoandbeyond.org, www.kyotoandbeyond.org
3 Democratic presidentional candidates

Democratic presidential candidates former senator John Edwards (from right) and Senators Joe Biden and Chris Dodd before the National Public Radio debate yesterday (12/4/2007).
The UN Seal
An archaic & bureaucratic post WW2 top-down, non-democratic institution that also stands for some good governance values

One of my favorite childhood heroes and movies
Web-Site on toxic toys

One of my favorite super-heroes
Deval Patrick & Denis Guyer
Massachusetts' Governor stands with Dalton's State Rep. Denis E. Guyer.
Bill Cosby & Denis Guyer
TV Star Bill Cosby stands with Denis E. Guyer
Denis Guyer with his supporters
Dalton State Representative
Denis Guyer goes to college
Dalton State Representative
Peter Marchetti

He is my second cousin. Pete Marchetti favors MONEY, not fairness!
Matt Barron & Denis Guyer with couple
Matt Barron plays DIRTY politics against his opponents!
Nat Karns

Top-Down Executive Director of the ELITIST Berkshire Regional Planning Commission
Human Rights for All Peoples & people

Stop Anti-Semitism
Massachusetts State Treasurer Tim Cahill

State House, Room 227, Boston, MA 02133, 617-367-6900, www.mass.gov/treasury/
Massachusetts State Attorney General Martha Coakley

1350 Main Street, Springfield, MA 01103, 413-784-1240 / McCormick Building, One Asburton Place, Boston, MA 02108, 617-727-4765 / marthacoakley.com / www.ago.state.ma.us
Bush v. Gore: December 12, 2007, was the seventh anniversary, the 5-4 Supreme Court decision...

www.takebackthecourt.org - A political billboard near my downtown apartment in Manchester, NH
Marc Murgo

An old friend of mine from Pittsfield
Downtown Manchester, NH

Marisa Tomei
Movie Actress
Massachusetts Coalition for Healthy Communities (MCHC)

Mike Firestone & Anna Weisfeiler
Mike Firestone works in Manchester NH for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign
James Pindell

Covers NH Primary Politcs for The Boston Globe
U.S. History - Declaration

A 19th century engraving shows Benjamin Franklin, left, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Philip Livingston and Roger Sherman at work on the Declaration of Independence.
Boston Globe Photos of the Week - www.boston.com/bostonglobe/gallery/

Sybregje Palenstijn (left), who plays Sarah Godbertson at Plimouth Plantation, taught visitors how to roast a turkey on a spit. The plantation often sees a large influx of visitors during the holiday season.
Chris Hodgkins
Another special interest Berkshire Pol who could not hold his "WATER" on Beacon Hill's State House!
The Big Dig - 15 tons of concrete fell from a tunnel ceiling onto Milena Del Valle's car.
Most of Boston's Big Dig highway remains closed, after a woman was crushed when 15 tons of concrete fell from a tunnel ceiling onto her car. (ABC News)
Jane Swift

Former Acting Governor of Massachusetts & Berkshire State Senator
Paul Cellucci

Former Massachusetts Governor
William Floyd Weld

$80 Million Trust Fund Former Governor of Massachusetts
Mike Dukakis

Former Governor of Massachusetts
Mary E. Carey

Amherst, Massachusetts, Journalist and Blogger

Peter G. Arlos

"The biggest challenge Pittsfield faces is putting its fiscal house in order. The problem is that doing so requires structural changes in local government, many of which I have advocated for years, but which officials do not have the will to implement. Fiscal responsibility requires more than shifting funds from one department to another. Raising taxes and fees and cutting services are not the answer. Structural changes in the way services are delivered and greater productivity are the answer, and without these changes the city's fiscal crisis will not be solved."
James M. Ruberto

"Pittsfield's biggest challenge is to find common ground for a better future. The city is at a crossroads. On one hand, our quality of life is challenged. On the other hand, some important building blocks are in place that could be a strong foundation for our community. Pittsfield needs to unite for the good of its future. The city needs an experienced businessman and a consensus builder who will invite the people to hold him accountable."
Matt Kerwood

Pittsfield's Councilor-At-Large. Go to: extras.berkshireeagle.com/NeBe/profiles/12.htm
Gerald M. Lee

Pittsfield's City Council Prez. Top-down governance of the first order!
Mary Carey

Mary with student
Boston Red Sox

Jonathan Papelbon celebrates with Jason Varitek
Free Bernard Baran!

Political Intelligence

Capitol Hill
Sherwood Guernsey II
Wealthy Williamstown Political Activist & Pittsfield Attorney
Mary Carey 2
California Pol & porn star
Pittsfield's Good Old Boy Network - Political Machine!
Andy "Luciforo" swears in Jimmy Ruberto for the returning Mayor's 3rd term
Berkshire Grown


The Mount was built in 1902 & was home to Edith Wharton (1862-1937) from 1903 to 1908.

The Mount, the historic home in Lenox of famed American novelist Edith Wharton, is facing foreclosure.
Blog Archive
- Justice Francis X. Spina & the 1982 French film "T...
- Daniel Bosley is NOT hard at work! And the "BUREA...
- Michelle Gillett
- STOP Handgun Violence!
- US President Harry Truman & his wife Bess Truman's...
- Mayor Frank Guinta criticizes Governor John Lynch!...
- Matt Kinnaman
- Alderman Peter Sullivan is hypocrite on mental hea...
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