Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
I turned 39 (2014)

Monday, August 23, 2021

HATE in Pittsfield Massachusetts! Where is Mayor Linda Tyer?

Letter: "Everyone should feel welcome in downtown Pittsfield"

The Berkshire Eagle, August 23, 2021

To the editor: I experienced a sense of deja vu while reading Felix Carroll’s article ("Pittsfield's North Street retailers want answers. Mayor Tyer says, 'It's a work in progress,'" Eagle, Aug. 21).

To be sure, a safe and vibrant downtown area is the lifeblood of a healthy community; and, over the years, Pittsfield, to its credit, has made great strides in revitalizing North Street. However, for some reason, it consistently falls short of meeting retailers’ basic needs (parking, safety, cleanliness) by leaving these issues woefully under-addressed and by leaving stakeholders out of the planning and decision-making processes.

All of the above aside, the article brought one new very disturbing and shameful issue to light. That is that the owners of Township Four Floristry and Home are planning to leave the area out of concern for their own safety. Apparently, they made this decision after their storefront was egged and reportedly because of the barrage of homophobic slurs directed at them.

The last time I checked, egging windows was considered vandalism. Vandalism was considered a crime. And targeting someone because of their race, religion or sexual orientation was considered a hate crime in the commonwealth of Massachusetts.

I have no idea if the egging incident meets the legal definition of a hate crime. However, given the vandalism of their property coupled with the reported homophobic slurs, make no mistake, business owners Jed Thompson and Nathan Hanford are being driven out of the city by hate. Yes, hate. Let us call it by its ugly name.

The milquetoast response from the mayor quoted in the article left me unimpressed and embarrassed for the city. First of all, the mayor and her administration ought to send a clear message that vandalism and crimes of hate will not be tolerated in the city. Secondly, the mayor would do well to make it her business to know how residents of Pittsfield who are targeted by hate feel. Thirdly, the mayor should initiate a community education program that addresses issues of bias and prejudice. She could begin by updating her own knowledge base. For example, homosexuality is not a "lifestyle." That notion is so 1970s.

It would be great to see Mayor Linda Tyer, Police Chief Michael Wynn and Berkshire District Attorney Harrington stand together and denounce all hate-motivated activity. Heck, they could even invite Attorney General Maura Healey who, married to a woman, takes these issues very seriously.

Mary L. Ferraro, Pittsfield


August 26, 2021

Mayor Linda Tyer is sitting on tens of millions of dollars in stimulus and slush funds - also known as "Kapan$ki Ka$h".  Does anyone believe that the proverbial Kapanski family is anything but a proverbial doormat to the incestuous group of ruling elites in Pittsfield politics?  Mayor Linda Tyer recently told the Eagle that it is not in her record setting municipal budget to have cops patrol North Street and the Ring of Poverty that encircles the inner city.  That is NOT even rational!  Mayor Linda Tyer has been raising municipal taxes, fees, public debts and other liabilities by record high levels for over 5.5 years now, and she is sitting on huge stacks of tens of millions of dollars in COLD CASH.  Pittsfield politics has always been totally predictable with high municipal taxes and record setting budgets that always increase by 5% per fiscal year, while Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski either complies with the city's ruling elites legal right to steal from them or face RETRIBUTION, such as losing their jobs for exercising free speech.  Mayor Linda Tyer blocks my email letters that criticize her failed leadership in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  She only wants to hear from people who praise her out-of-touch management style by telling her Pittsfield is a vibrant and dynamic fairy tale that none of the Pittsfield politicians even buy into themselves.  Linda & Barry live in a millionaires-only gated community far away from inner city Pittsfield.  Jimmy Ruberto lives in Naples, Florida and also has a condo in upscale Lenox.  It has been and always will be snake oil sales pitches, propaganda, and a mockery of democracy in Pittsfield politics!

Jonathan A. Melle


Our Opinion: "We all have a stake in the health of North Street"

The Berkshire Eagle, Editorial, August 27, 2021

All of us have a vested interest in what’s going on in downtown Pittsfield. It was heartening to see that many residents agreed when The Eagle joined Mayor Linda Tyer for an informative walk through the heart of the city. A plethora of business owners, workers and passersby took this chance to express their concerns about the state of North Street to the mayor. Those worries suggest how much progress there is yet to make for downtown, but there is also a bright side — it means that they care and that Pittsfield, indeed all of Berkshire County, realizes we all have a stake in the health of North Street.

Those who spoke with the mayor and The Eagle voiced optimism and frustration, and both are certainly valid. The spirit of North Street is walking a tightrope of sorts, between the bustling bygone days of the General Electric era toward a future that will hopefully bring revitalization. It’s a path on which many post-industrial communities find themselves, and the novel coronavirus has hindered that journey. More than a year of COVID restrictions disproportionately put the squeeze on storefronts, restaurants and small businesses in general, and Berkshire communities like Pittsfield felt that pinch.

In turn, the pandemic accelerated some of downtown stakeholders’ chief irritants: tepid foot traffic, lagging upkeep, crime and vandalism. While Mayor Tyer sought to accentuate the optimistic points in North Street’s favor during her walk, she also acknowledged these and other challenges. Some business owners have critiqued the mayor’s office for being less than receptive to their concerns in the past. Credit where it’s due to Mayor Tyer for meeting her downtown constituents where they are while opening herself up to some direct criticism. We hope to see more of that substantive engagement.

It was also encouraging to hear some of those constituents float ideas for how to better organize community goals and communicate about them better between all sectors. For instance, Billy Keane, managing broker of Jan Perry Realty, suggested a summit to address what he sees as a “distinct breakdown in communication between our municipal leadership and our business leadership and, frankly, our creative leadership.” This is a great idea, because the swirl of dreams and ideas for downtown’s future might be similar, but they are not necessarily identical. Take the recent North Street redesign that has prompted much discussion in the community, including in The Eagle’s letters to the editor section. The need for more foot traffic downtown has been a common refrain, but the redesign, which sought to make North Street more “walkable” and accessible, with bike lanes, parklets and other upgrades, has received mixed reviews. Some have praised the benefit to pedestrians and cyclists, while others are critical of the overall design and the effect on motor vehicle traffic and parking.

Mayor Tyer has said that the new configuration for North Street is still “in its infancy,” and hopefully this lively community conversation will inform how it proceeds. But it underscores the fact that, while nearly everyone agrees some changes are needed downtown, change almost always chafes at least a few people and the kind of change needed is not always unanimously agreed upon. Take, for example, downtown merchants’ remarks about the placement and effects of social services resources in the area. Many agree that more widely available services — whether for those struggling with homelessness, addiction or unemployment — would go a long way to improving downtown’s social atmosphere. Yet many also worry about their placement’s effects on surrounding businesses.

To be sure, not all of these questions about North Street’s evolution are easy to answer. There are some issues, however, that are simple to address if not simple to solve. As a community, we should be ashamed that the owners of Township Floristry and Home were subjected to homophobic slurs and had their storefront egged. Now, that small local business has been driven from its North Street home. “It is not safe for us here,” read a post on the business’ Instagram that asked for leads on retail space outside of Pittsfield. It’s an unfortunate example of the need to create spaces that are thriving but also inclusive — not just for its effect on the local economy but the cost to our common social fabric and moral decency.

Still, the unique grit of Pittsfield and the greater Berkshire community imbues North Street with a valuable asset in this journey toward a rejuvenated future: “What the city does have is just this enduring hope,” Bjorn Somlo, owner of The Lantern Bar & Grill.

We, too, have hope for our downtown. We also see the challenges, but we are heartened that there is a robust community response willing to flag those obstacles in the effort to overcome them. We hope to see more of this boots-on-the-ground engagement from the mayor’s office with business owners and other community stakeholders, and we hope that those stakeholders keep speaking up for the heart of our community. It might be a narrow tightrope that North Street is walking, but perhaps this way we can still move forward.


August 27, 2021

Hello Berkshire Eagle Editors,

North Street in Pittsfield, Massachusetts is sarcastically called "Social Services Alley".  North Street is home to the Juvenile Courthouse.  Juveniles are vandalizing North Street storefronts.  The homeless are pooping on North Street.  Earlier this year, a man was shot dead in broad daylight on North Street.  No wonder why North Street has little foot traffic!

During a brief time every Summer, North Street has live plays and other tourism venues.  However, decades of failed, redundant and costly downtown revitalization efforts proved futile.  The common residents of Pittsfield cannot afford to drop a couple of hundred of dollars on a night out in downtown Pittsfield.  News Flash: Pittsfield is an expensive place to live for local residents.  Moreover, North Street is surrounded by a Ring of Poverty in inner city Pittsfield.

I grew up in Pittsfield and lived in the beautiful Berkshires for over the first 28.5 years of my life (I am now 46 years old).  While it still breaks my heart to read about Pittsfield's downward spiral, I know all to well that Pittsfield has severe economic inequality because there are scarce living wage jobs there.  The wealthy few Pittsfield residents, including some of the state and local ruling elites in Pittsfield, live in outer Pittsfield, while the working class and underclass mostly live in inner city Pittsfield.  Mayor Linda Tyer lives like a SNOB in her millionaires-only gated community near the Hancock border with her multimillion-dollar Accountant husband Barry Clairmont.  I hope I explained my take on why North Street is struggling, especially during the global Covid-19 pandemic.

In Truth!

Jonathan A. Melle

Post Script:

August 28, 2021

I respect Linda Tyer.  We never had any kind of relationship; I don't even know her on a personal level.  I have no romantic interest in her.  I hope Barry & Linda have a happy life together.  My criticisms are political only.  I believe Mayor Linda Tyer is WRONG to block my emails.  Politicians should hear from people who wish to tell them off, not just their loyal supporters.  If I was a politician, I would listen to all political views within reason.  Lastly, Linda is a SNOB!  She is very disconnected from the majority of people who live in Pittsfield, Massachusetts by living in her wealthy gated community of multimillionaires.

Jonathan A. Melle


Letter: "Pittsfield's downtown struggles show mayor's leadership struggles"

The Berkshire Eagle, September 6, 2021

To the editor: The city seems to be once again heading for troubling times, especially in its downtown.

The mayor, who many claim makes few if any trips into businesses and never seems to take the pulse from downtown merchants, took a walk and it was front-page news in this paper. ("Pittsfield's North Street retailers want answers. Mayor Tyer says, 'It's a work in progress,'" Eagle, Aug. 21.) She heard many negative things about what has been happening, and the answers were bland and generic and, from what some have told me, uninterested and lacking in empathy.

But the answer that got me was that a hate crime, actually many hate crimes occur against one business, and the mayor claims she did not know they had occurred. In a city as small as ours, I cannot fathom that when a business is being attacked on a routine basis that no one is informing her of this. She isn’t offering stepped-up patrols, assistance in cleaning up the human waste being left behind, a mobile surveillance unit to catch the perpetrator on film — nothing. Just "I didn’t know." It’s either a lie or it is a massive failure on her part to be engaged with a part of the community we spend a lot of resources to make healthy.

That one statement undid any efforts by the Red-Carpet Team, Downtown Inc. or any landlords in an effort to recruit business to this city. That statement implies the police are not being asked to double down on these quality-of-life issues in general, or on the perpetrators of a hate crime in particular. There have been vigils and marches supporting the Four Freedoms, diversity and other things to show we are a welcoming community. That stuff is window dressing. Showing our colors as a community is how we address actual incidents and how we respond, and the response from the corner office on Allen Street shows that the mayor is disinterested and disengaged.

I voted for a modern charter that granted a four-year term to the mayor. Now I see that was an error. Running for office is what keeps politicians engaged. Let’s hope she learns how to be a leader in these next two years. We need solutions and we need actions — and we need results. Downtown is not safe. If it were safe, it would have good people on it instead of those who drive good people (and businesses) away.

Dave Pill, Pittsfield


September 6, 2021

Mr. Pill is obviously NOT living in Linda Tyer and Barry Clairmont's millionaires-only gated community near the Hancock border.  Mr. Pill is obviously not scheming with Matt Kerwood to sit on over $20 million in direct aid Biden Buck$, and piling Kapan$ki Ka$h into Matt Kerwood's multimillion dollar $lu$h Fund$ that should belong in the pockets of the proverbial Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.  Mr. Pill is obviously not helping Peter Marchetti win reelection so that Peter Marchetti can dish out retribution to any City Councilor(s) who opposes Mayor Linda Tyer's out-of-touch, costly, and failed leadership in Pittsfield politics.  Mr. Pill is obviously not supporting Pittsfield's "Level 5" School Committee.  To answer your statement that there's an election this year of 2021 in Pittsfield politics, and your question where are you, Mr. Pill, I would say that Mr. Pill is somewhere other than with Linda, Barry, Matt Kerwood, Peter Marchetti, and the "Level 5" School Committee.  Kudos to Mr. Pill for speaking out against Mayor Linda Tyer's failed leadership.

Jonathan A. Melle


Letter: "As mayor, I'm proud to support Freeman Center fundraising efforts"

The Berkshire Eagle, September 18, 2021

To the editor: Each year, the Elizabeth Freeman Center serves more than 3,000 adults and children in Berkshire County. At the height of the pandemic in 2020 and continuing through this year, EFC saw a monumental increase in calls to its 24/7 hotline as well as police department referrals.

This year, there will be multiple socially distanced planned walks under the new theme, “Rise Together for Safety and Justice” in Pittsfield and other communities throughout the county beginning Sept. 19 and continuing through Sept. 27.

As mayor of the city of Pittsfield, it is my absolute honor and privilege to extend my full support toward Rise Together. While the name and theme has changed, Rise Together continues the significant work of EFC’s former event, Walk-a-Mile, which attracted thousands to the heart of our downtown and raised funds to support those in need.

Our collective assistance and solidarity will go a long way in helping our fellow neighbors. I hope you’ll join me in supporting the Rise Together walks. For more information on how to get involved, please visit

Linda M. Tyer, Pittsfield

The writer is the mayor of Pittsfield.


October 21, 2021

Linda Tyer proved to be yet another phony baloney Pittsfield politician.  Sarcasm: Big surprise there.  She is obviously in Pittsfield politics for her own personal gain, and she hit the proverbial lottery jackpot by marrying her "three times is a charm" wealthy husband Barry Clairmont who is a CPA where they live together in their millionaires only gated community in far west Pittsfield within feet of the Hancock border.  Linda Tyer's financial management public record includes record high municipal budgets, fees, public debts and other liabilities, Matt Kerwood's multimillion dollar Slush Funds, and sitting on tens of millions in Biden Bucks and then having the temerity to shut out the public from knowing the process of how the Biden Bucks will be spent.  Mayor Linda Tyer's mark on public education in Pittsfield is to work with her rubber stamp School Committee who defends its Level 5 inner city public schools.  Mayor Linda Tyer's mark on economic development in Pittsfield is to work with her rubber stamp City Council to give out-of-town millionaires huge tax breaks, calling North Street "A work in progress", and taxing the proverbial Kapanski family out of their homes.  I thought Jimmy Ruberto turned out to be a big failure for Pittsfield Massachusetts, but Mayor Linda Tyer is by far the biggest failure in Pittsfield politics corrupt and inequitable municipal government that consistently makes everyone turn their head in disgust.

Jonathan A. Melle


October 24, 2021

Someone posted on Planet Valenti blog to me: "According to today’s far left progressives standards you would qualify as being labeled a Nazi and a White Nationalist member."

I dislike and disagree with extremism on both/all sides.  Nobody is right about politics and government all of the time.  We need diversity of thought and actions in politics and government within reason, of course.  I believe that Donald Trump and his inner circle are, indeed, Nazis who are leading a racist White Nationalist movement that would change politics, government and American Democracy as we know it.  I will never support Donald Trump and his Nazi-like racist White Nationalist political movement because it stands against Human Rights, Democracy, the Rule of Law instead of the rule of men/women, socioeconomic opportunity and social mobility for all American Citizens.  

I understand that Donald Trump makes valid points that the Swamp is broken, about America's midwestern rust belt, Democrat-run cities, and far left extremism that are all real threats to American Democracy, but Donald Trump needs to look at himself in the proverbial mirror with his own far right political leadership.  That is what extremists do: They point their judgmental finger at and blame the other side to build up their own base to obtain and retain political power.  In a nutshell, that is why extremism is WRONG on both sides.

In closing, I wish to explain my political theory that we are all goofballs.  Whether we live in a city, a suburb, or rural town; whether we are rich, middle class or poor; whether we are White, Black, Jewish, Irish, Italian, Polish, or a mix, and the so on; whether we have a college degree or not; and so on, we are all goofballs that roam the Earth for an average of 85 years.  As fellow goofballs, we should all put aside our differences and enjoy life under the universal umbrella of us all being goofballs.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


November 28, 2021

I will define racism.  It is when a person and/or group believes that they are racially superior to other persons or groups who in turn are believed to be inferior based on their race.  I have written about conflict and violence before on this blog [Planet Valenti].  The 1st form of conflict/violence is personal (verbal/physical assaults), which can be stopped.  The 2nd form of conflict/violence is structural (jobless, homeless, poverty), which can be stopped.  The 3rd form of conflict/violence is cultural (racism, sexism, religious/political extremism), which cannot be stopped and has been used as a weapon for thousands of years of human history.  The main reason why I hate extremists is that they use cultural conflict and violence to have legitimacy and power over people.  The only way to limit cultural conflict/violence on all sides is for good people of all races, genders and backgrounds to practice and teach tolerance and Human Rights for All people and Peoples.  No one person or group is better or worse than any other one person or group.  We have to stop using violence - personal, structural, and cultural - as a weapon of conflict to get what we want.  Instead, we should use reason, Human Rights, tolerance and compassion to get what we want.

Jonathan A. Melle


Dear Honorable Linda Tyer,

I wish to publicly praise the Lovely Linda Tyer for supporting the Vigil for Democracy this evening of January 6th, 2022, from 5 to 6 p.m. at Park Square to protest the Donald Trump-led insurrection on Capitol Hill last year on January 6th, 2021.  Mayor Linda Tyer shows great leadership by supporting the people of Pittsfield Massachusetts who are standing up against Trump's HATE and for our American Democracy!

Thank you,

Jonathan A. Melle


January 6, 2022

Hello Patrick Fennell,

I have let Mayor Linda Tyer know how I feel about Pittsfield's violent crime problem, Level 5 public schools, overreliance on Social Services, teen pregnancies and high welfare caseloads, severe economic inequality, corrupt insider Pittsfield politics, the PEDA debacle with millions is debts, her administration's secretive and expensive municipal finances, and so on.  I am sure that she knows all of this much better than I do from my perch in Southern New Hampshire.  In short, I let her know when I support her and when I disagree with her leadership in my native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  I don't believe that Linda Tyer is all that bad, despite Pittsfield being in the proverbial ditch.

I will never support Donald Trump in politics because he is a Nazi who is that leader of the racist and evil alt-right White Nationalist political movement in the USA.  Trump was wrong about Charlottesville Virginia.  Trump was wrong about the January 6th, 2021, insurrection on Capitol Hill.  Trump is wrong to disparage minority and underclass cities by pointing out their socioeconomic problems.  I would much rather have Linda Tyer in the White House than Donald Trump!

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


January 7, 2022

I thought the Vigil for Democracy on Park Square in Pittsfield Massachusetts on Thursday, 1/6/2022, from 5 pm to 6 pm was something positive for a change in Pittsfield politics.  Who could possibly argue that Democracy is not important?  I am very disappointed with blogger Dan Valenti for criticizing the right for people to stand against the fascism that Donald Trump and his violent followers stand for.  Rather, I am on Mayor Linda Tyer's side on this issue.  I support the Lovely Linda's commitments to Democracy and Human Rights. 

Despite what Mr. Fritz and others write about me, I respect their right to support Donald Trump in politics, but it is something I will never do myself.  Furthermore, I am NOT a Marxist because I know that there is no economic system that has ever worked in human history.  Marxism means that the workers are also the owners of the farms and factories, but the flaw is that no one would work without an authoritarian state forcing people to work.  Socialism means that the state profits from the means of production through high taxes on the wealthy who still get to own the farms and factories but for a large price.  The flaw is that Socialist states are always robbing Peter to pay Paul.  Capitalism means that the owners of the farms and factories are regulated by the limited laws of the state, but the owners get to keep most of the profits through limited government.  Each economic system is flawed, especially capitalism because the social safety net incentivizes our country's huge underclass to be dependent on the state, which means systemic severe economic inequality.  My solution is to combine the Socialist and Capitalist contradictory economic systems so that everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve a rewarding life for themselves and their families, but that would only work in theory.  The reality is that the Financial Elites, the Ruling Elites, and the Corporate Elites in every economic system have most to all of the money and power, while the rest of us hope to survive.

All I know for sure is that the Government mostly does DISSERVICES to the people the Elites are supposed to represent and serve.  No matter what happens, the Elites always win while the rest of us have to pound sand.

Jonathan A. Melle


Letter: "Misleading headline on Estrella story"
The Berkshire Eagle, May 11, 2022

To the editor: We live in a fractious time where many people distrust institutions, including the press.

A recent Eagle headline is an example of from where that distrusts stems. Monday’s paper had the front-page headline: “2 years before deadly police encounter, Estrella was arrested on firearms charges.” What the article actually says is that police believe that Mr. Estrella was threatened into taking the rap for the gun, most likely owned by a Mr. Moody.

Someone glancing at this front page headline could come away thinking that Mr. Estrella was a thug who got what was coming to him. The content of the article tells a very different story.

Our free press is a fragile institution. Please do better next time.

Andrea Sholler, Stockbridge


July 2, 2022

Go to the Boston Herald homepage to see photos of Nazis marching around downtown Boston today, Saturday, July 2nd, 2022.  Why?  Our country should outlaw Nazis with similar laws in place in Germany and beyond.  Communists and Nazis have killed hundreds of millions of innocent people and Peoples.  The U.S.A. should outlaw Communists and Nazis.  Extremists are a threat to human life everywhere.

Donald Trump is the leader of the Nazi White Nationalist political movement in the U.S.A.  Donald Trump is similar to Adolf Hitler.  MAGA = NAZI!

We need to stand for Human Rights for ALL people and Peoples and STOP with today's cultural conflict and violence that has polarized our country and world.  If we do NOT STOP Communists and Nazis alike than we are all as good as dead.

As much as I criticize Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer, I always admired her support for Human Rights and Democracy going back 20 years.  I wish someone such as Linda Tyer were U.S. President who would stand up against HATE and VIOLENCE in the U.S.A. and world.

Jonathan A. Melle


July 2, 2022

Hello Patrick Fennell,

It is true that Joe Biden has a racist public record in the Swamp.  It is true that Joe Biden and his alleged crime family have made many millions of dollars through his politically corrupt connections both in the Swamp and overseas in adversarial countries such as Russia and China.  It is true that Joe Biden is going to visit Saudi Arabia and Crown Prince MBS on July 15th, 2022, which the foreign news media wrote that it showed Joe Biden as morally bankrupt, especially after he criticized Donald Trump in 2020 for his close ties with Saudi Arabia and MBS.  You have made valid points about Joe Biden and the Democratic Party's long history of racism.

Two wrongs do NOT make a right.  Donald Trump also has a long history of racism, as well as sexism.  To deny it is to deny that the Earth has mostly oceans, is round, and is not the center of our Solar System.  Donald Trump is the leader of the racist White Nationalist movement in the U.S.A.  The HATE groups are Nazi groups who marched at Charlottesville Virginia, stormed Capitol Hill on January 6th, 2021, and marched in downtown Boston today, July 2nd, 2022.  Donald Trump's public record is one of supporting Nazi Hate Groups instead of supporting Human Rights, the Rule of Law, and Democracy.

I now dislike both Joe Biden and Donald Trump.  I wish we had a good and decent U.S. President.  I hope neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump will run for U.S. President in 2024.  I also hope that all of the 80-year-old Members of U.S. Congress will all retire soon.  They have made themselves wealthy at the public trough, while we are paying 41-year high U.S. inflation.  They are all failures!

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


July 2, 2022

I wish to write THANK YOU to Boston Mayor Michelle Wu.

“To the white supremacists who ran through downtown today: When we march, we don’t hide our faces,” Mayor Michelle Wu tweeted. “Your hate is as cowardly as it is disgusting, and it goes against all that Boston stands for.”

I stand with Boston Mayor Michelle Wu against HATE.  I admire Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer for her longtime support for Human Rights and Democracy.  THANK YOU!

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


July 3, 2022

Hello Patrick Fennell,

Donald Trump has a long history of racism and sexism.  There is no doubt about it.  I believe you have been gaslighted.  I believe you are trying to gaslight people.  Donald Trump is the leader of the racist White Nationalist political movement in the U.S.A.; MAGA = NAZI.  Donald Trump's appeal to white rural voters is that he promotes conservative causes of the 1920s and 1950s, which was prior to WW2 and the Civil Rights Act, respectively.  Who rose to power in Germany in the 1920s?  Answer: Adolf Hitler.  What is the 1950s known for in the Swamp? Answer: Joseph McCarthyism.

I agree with your valid points about Joe Biden's long history of racism in the Swamp.  I agree with your valid points about Hunter Biden's many scandals.  I agree with your valid points that the Democrats in the Swamp have cashed in on the legal corruption there.  I agree with your valid points that the Democrats' phony words belie the violence and crime in minority-populated inner cities.

The Democrats use minority voters to win elections, but after they are elected, the Democrats never help the low to moderate income families climb the social mobility ladder into the middle class.  I agree with you about Democrats treating Veterans - such as you and me - like second class citizens.  The VA's mismanagement of Veteran healthcare has led to many deaths of our fellow Veterans, including in Holyoke Soldiers Home during the outbreak of Covid-19.

Please answer my question to you: Do you really believe that I am not upset by the Swamp?

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


September 10, 2022

Hello, Editor(s) of the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle):

The editorial, below, in the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) about the mass resignation by the members of the Pittsfield Police Advisory Board was due to the bald-faced lie that Mayor Linda Tyer supported in the Pittsfield Police Department Use of Force report that determined that the young man named Miguel Estrella was not a person in distress under the law prior to and during the city police officer(s) opening fire on the suspect that resulted in his death.

Mayor Linda Tyer has failed in her legal duties by supporting the city's police department's outright lie(s).  The city administration upheld the lie about the suspect's distressed state under the law in order to cover their legal liabilities should insurance claim(s) and/or lawsuit(s) present themselves, which is always one of the worst forms of bad bureaucracy due to failed leadership.

Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington's determination upholding the city's flawed position on the matter was in error due to the fact that Miguel Estrella was, indeed, a person in distress under the law.  The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) should be writing and publishing editorials calling for a state and/or federal investigation into the Pittsfield Police Department's fraudulent Use of Force report(s) that stated that Miguel Estrella was not a person in distress under the law.

From the news articles I read about the case, Miguel Estrella was a young man who had a well-known history of mental illness and substance abuse issues.  On the night of the incident, Miguel Estrella was having a mental health episode(s), he was intoxicated and/or high, he was self-harming himself by cutting himself with a knife, the police were called and showed up twice, he charged the police officers with a knife, and then he was shot in the chest by the police officer(s) and then he died.

Jonathan Alan Melle


Our Opinion: "Some key considerations for the necessary task of rebuilding Pittsfield Police Advisory and Review Board"
The Berkshire Eagle, September 10, 2022

In the wake of a wave of resignations from the Pittsfield Police Advisory and Review Board, Mayor Linda Tyer said she will “reset and reconsider how this board functions” before refilling the board’s seats.

That seems a wise move, given the fact that these high-profile exits heaped more heat than light onto a controversial community issue that was already quite heated: the death of Miguel Estrella.

All but one of the board’s members quit after expressing frustration with the city solicitor’s determination that the advisory board did not have the authority to review the Pittsfield Police Department’s force investigation report in the Estrella case. We see two distinct if related issues here that need addressing if the board is to get back on track — and one of them seems easier to resolve than the other.

The spat between discontented board members and other city officials seemed to be spurred by clashing understandings of the board’s authority, duties and limits. In detailing the reasons for her departure, former board Chair Ellen Maxon said she was not only “disappointed” but “shocked” to hear from the city solicitor’s office that the advisory board did not have the authority to review the PPD’s internal force investigation. When panel members realized they’d have no oversight on use of force investigations, she said, “People were like ‘Why are we doing this then?’”

A deeper question is why this mutual misunderstanding festered until a tragedy brought it to the surface and higher tensions made it harder to resolve. For her part, Mayor Tyer said she understands the outgoing board members’ frustrations, but they should have known the contours and borders of the panel’s powers.

Did this costly confusion stem from the mayor’s office failing to properly relay the board’s mission when reconstituting it in 2019 or board members’ failure to grasp their own mandate? Or was it some combination thereof? We can’t and won’t speculate as to what the answer is, but it underscores the need for the mayor to prioritize clear communication on those key points in bringing the board back to life.

That’s the relatively simple part, although it’s a requisite for tackling the stickier debate raised by this spat: What should be the authority and limits of such a board? Incidents within and outside of Berkshire County have prompted difficult but necessary conversations about how to bring reform, transparency and oversight to the public departments meant to protect and serve us. The moral necessity of this mission does not negate its complicating factors, from the strictures of civil service and police union contracts to the inevitable intrusion of politics.

The board’s request to review the force investigation report on the police shooting of Mr. Estrella apparently prompted a discussion between Mayor Tyer, Police Chief Michael Wynn and City Solicitor Stephen Pagnotta on whether to update the board’s ordinance, including its ability to review those kinds of reports.

The mayor said she hoped to work with advisory board members on identifying real ways to improve the ordinance, though she said it’s “disappointing” that their resignations now undercut that. To be sure, the former board members are well within their rights to follow their consciences on their decision to leave their posts on the advisory board. It’s worth noting, though, that if you’re agitating for a stronger hand on the wheel, leaving doesn’t do that — it simply removes your hand from the wheel entirely.

We believe a police advisory board is a necessity for cities like Pittsfield. For that reason, we want to see it succeed, even as its mission is a complex and pressurized one. Right now, that requires looking forward and not backward to reconstitute the board.

The first forward step must be discussing and designing the appropriate parameters for the Police Advisory and Review Board. As this recent setback demonstrates, far better communication will be needed to effect that goal.


September 17, 2022

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

I read the comments on your blog about Mayor Linda Tyer and a majority of the Pittsfield City Councilors voting down Ward 2 City Councilor Charles Ivar Kronick's petition to address the homelessness pandemic in the city.  My thoughts on Pittsfield's growing homeless population and underclass is that the state and local Ruling Elites are totally DISCONNECTED from the people they represent in government.

Mayor Linda Tyer, who lives in a mansion in a Gated Community, should understand that Pittsfield's most valuable resource are the people who live in the city.  To that end, she should stop being so unapproachable and start working with the people who live in Pittsfield.  Mayor Linda Tyer's administration has multimillion dollar slush funds plus Biden Buck$.  Pittsfield State Representative Tricia Farley Bouvier and her fellow corrupt career politicians in Boston are still sitting on billions upon billions of surplus state government funds - the biggest amount of money in the over 400-year history of Massachusetts.  Given Linda's millions and Tricia's billions, it would be easy to fund and address the issues of homelessness and poverty.  It looks to me like Linda and Tricia are too lazy to get off of their fat asses to do anything except doing nothing.

For years, I have read about how our native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, is one of the most economically unequal metro areas in the state and nation.  There are little to no living wage jobs for the average worker there.  When I was a young man living in the Pittsfield area two decades ago, I felt that I had better odds of winning the state lottery jackpot than finding a full-time living wage job there.  Those are horrible odds!  20 years later, Pittsfield's distressed economy tanked even further into the proverbial ditch.

I am fortunate to receive my VA benefits so that I don't have to be an at-risk homeless Veteran.  During the years that I fought the VA for my Veterans benefits, the VA acted like there were plenty of full-time living wage jobs out there for someone such as myself, Jon Melle.  In 2002, the economic recession was the worst one since the Great Depression in the 1930s.  Then came 2008, and the economic recession replaced 2002's economic recession as the worst one since the Great Depression in the 1930s.  In 2023, there may be yet another brutal recession that could rank right up there with the ones in 2002 and 2008.  Yet, in the eyes of the government bureaucracies, someone such as myself should be easily gainfully employed in a full-time living wage job after 50 years of the Financial, Corporate and Ruling Elites systemic decimation of our nation's middle class.

In closing, the government and the Fourth Estate - the news media and blogs - should look at the corrupt career politicians' failed leadership over the past 50 years.  Pittsfield politics is no different than Boston and the Swamp and beyond in that the Ruling Elites are totally DISCONNECTED from the people they serve in the government.  No wonder why Pittsfield's homeless population and underclass is growing larger as the years pass us by!

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


Letter: "We should hear more from those enduring homelessness"
The Berkshire Eagle, September 20, 2022

To the editor: Recently, The Eagle has devoted some front-page coverage to the problem of homelessness ("Lack of access to sanitation areas and restrooms causing problems in downtown Pittsfield," Eagle, Sept. 14) and then again in an editorial in its weekend edition ("Our Opinion: Pittsfield's persistent homelessness problem demands the attention of our community's open hearts and minds," Eagle, Sept. 17).

The first story focused on the need for toilet facilities faced by those living without a home to return to, particularly at night. The editorial was broader in scope and inspiring in its expression of concern for the many difficulties faced by homeless individuals. There was also a bit of commentary on the ever-increasing amount of panhandling on the streets, particularly in Pittsfield.

The editorial further mentioned the specific difficulties added to the problem of poverty that come along with issues of mental health, drug abuse and such. I suggest that The Eagle assign one or more reporters to interview those in the community with no place to call home and generate a composite of ideas that homeless people feel would best help improve their situations. I know from conversations with some such individuals that not all answers would be identical, and therefore The Eagle could portray a researched assessment of where the community might best place its efforts to improve the lot of those fellow citizens who will soon face winter weather without a warm and safe place as their habitat.

Don Lathrop, Canaan, N.Y.


September 27, 2022

I am not looking for attention for its own sake.  I experienced unusual events in my life in Berkshire County when I was a young man during and after my dad, Bob's, political activism there since the Spring of 1996 when he began his successful campaign for Berkshire County Commissioner that he began when I was only 20 years old back then.

I know all about Pittsfield politics, which I still follow from my perch in Amherst, New Hampshire, as a middle-aged man who is now 47 years old.  I still root for Pittsfield and Berkshire County all of these years later, but I believe the corrupt and greedy political establishment there is only about power and the Almighty Dollar for their own gains.  I guess it is the same everywhere.  I like that blogger Dan Valenti fights for the little guy who he calls the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski family who proudly lives by the rules in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

My last name Melle comes from the small commune of Melle, Piedmont, Italy, but I have never visited there, as my great-great grandfather Michael emigrated to Pittsfield in the 1880s; he passed away in Pittsfield in 1937.  I am sad that Italy will soon have a neo-fascist government for the first time since the end of WW2.  Italy's national debt is excessively high, and Italy's bonds are almost worthless to investors.  The U.S. and Europe are both predicted to be in a brutal recession in 2023, which will rival 2008 and 2002's brutal recessions.  I hope that history will NOT repeat itself 100 years apart so that democracy, the rule of law, and Human Rights will all stand strong in the 21st century.

It is time for the Financial, Corporate and Ruling Elites to invest in the people and the communities the common people live in again so that political extremism won't have fertile ground to grow again like the cancer that it has been and continues to be in government both in the U.S.A. and overseas.

Jonathan A. Melle


Letter: "City should pay more attention to effect of homelessness on Berkshire Athenaeum"
The Berkshire Eagle, September 28, 2022

To the editor: On Saturday at 10:15 a.m. I went to the library to pick up a book.

I parked in the lot on Wendell Avenue and was shocked to see homeless people loitering there, but worse than that was the line of trash bags, bottles and a loose roll of toilet paper along the front and side outside walls of the building. By 10:15 a.m., can't the police move them and all their things somewhere away from such a public building?

I called the mayor's office and was told they are "working on it and trying to think outside the box to solve the problem." The lady I spoke with said they talked to someone at the library about having their custodian try to keep it clean. It should be city workers cleaning it up.

I was also told these people have every right to be there. This is a shameful disgrace in the center of our city that needs more attention from this administration. People I have talked to say they unfortunately avoid the library now because of this. I hope the mayor and police make a better attempt to take care of this disgrace.

Donna Rouette, Pittsfield


Letter: "As a handicapped person, my trip to Pittsfield City Hall was a tough one"
The Berkshire Eagle, October 22, 2022

To the editor: Being temporarily handicapped due to impending hip replacement surgery, my trip to Pittsfield City Hall was a less-than-favorable experience.

I pulled into a handicapped parking space behind the building, gathered my cane and belongings, only to be told by a passing motorist that the back door is locked from outside and exit only. I’d have climbed the three-tiered staircase had I not been warned.

Back in the car, I found another handicapped space across from the police station on the side street abutting City Hall.

I gathered my belongings once more and noticed the very long handicapped ramp (only one ramp opening) to enter the handicap-indicated door. Once in, the walk to the city clerk's office was a maze of hallways that seemed to go on forever. I got my birth certificate and headed back the same way I entered, still shaking my head.

The original door I was going to enter, behind the building, was a very short walk from the clerk’s office and would have been great had my car still been parked there, out back.

Either way, it was difficult to navigate.

City planners should take another serious look at the fiasco presented to the permanently handicapped citizens of Pittsfield and Berkshire County.

Entrances and exits and handicapped parking spots need a 21st-century redesign.

Christine Jordan, Lenox


Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

The news article today (Veterans Day, Friday, 11/11/2022): 

.... is the very definition of Orwellian!

Site 9 under PEDA has had no takers since its inception during the Summer of 1998, which was a little over 24 years ago and counting, including the nearly 7 years since Linda Tyer has been Mayor of Pittsfield.  A few weeks ago, outgoing Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker hand-delivered a $3 million check from state taxpayers to transform Site 9 from a postindustrial wasteland to an economically developed brownfield.

Pittsfield's postindustrial economy is diversified with a hospital and healthcare, defense, manufacturing, IT, tourism, hospitality and the arts jobs.  They say that Pittsfield is a destination for people of all ages.  Municipal and business leaders claim that it has led to a rebirth of North Street.  Mayor Linda Tyer says that she has diversified and strengthened Pittsfield's economy during her tenure.  Mayor Linda Tyer says that Pittsfield is in a housing boom.  She has started a red-carpet team, but there is an acute shortage of affordable housing for the workforce that she is still working to solve.

My thoughts on this news story are that PEDA is still a very polluted and heavily indebted debacle that should end as soon as possible.  The federal government should take it over as a Superfund site.  Every year that passes by since PEDA began during the Summer of 1998, PEDA's debts and other liabilities have increased by millions upon millions of dollars.  PEDA is totally financially unsustainable.  If PEDA continues into the future and goes bankrupt, who will pay for its multimillion-dollar debts and other liabilities?  Mayor Linda Tyer should be denouncing PEDA as the debacle it is instead of saying that she is going to put millions of dollars into its economic development as a brownfield.  This part of the news story alone is Orwellian!

Pittsfield's postindustrial economy has scarce living wage jobs with a lot of low to moderate wage jobs.  On top of it all, the low to moderate wage workers do not have access to affordable housing in Pittsfield.  The housing boom that Mayor Linda Tyer speaks of is the result of private equity firms buying up homes throughout the nation to rent to working class families.  What will happen when the predicted 2023 economic recession hits?  The private equity firms will sell their investments, or the city/banks will foreclose on them, and Pittsfield's housing boom will become a housing bust.  Just like the PEDA debacle, Pittsfield's so-called housing boom is unsustainable.

North Street is full of dozens of empty storefronts.  The tourism economy in downtown Pittsfield is seasonal, which means that for most of the year, there is no economy at all.  Pittsfield's inner-city is full of violent crime, over 1,000 gang members who live there, and poverty.  Pittsfield's inner-city public schools are rated Level 5, which is the worst rating by the state.  In return for Mayor Linda Tyer's over $200 million Pickleball budget, the taxpayers of Pittsfield receive substandard municipal services.

In closing, I don't think even the late-George Orwell would not pass by this propaganda news story about our native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts!

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


November 12, 2022

I asked Matt "Kufflinks" Kerwood for financial advice.  I asked Mayor Linda Tyer's financial genius: If I won the big lottery jackpot worth tens of millions of dollars, should I put more money into one of his multimillion-dollar Slush Fund$ or in the blackhole we all know as the polluted PEDA debacle with its always growing larger multimillion-dollar debts and other liabilities?  Matt "Kufflinks" Kerwood told me that if I really want to lose millions of dollars, I should bottle up Nuciforo's pot growing odors that blanket Pittsfield's residential neighborhoods and sell Nuciforo's waste in a bottle on PEDA's Site 9, along with GE's industrial chemicals called PCBs, along with marketing Pittsfield's Level 5 public school district, along with selling people mansions in Mayor Linda Tyer's Gated Community as a bait and switch scheme to sell rooms at the Pittsfield YMCA, and finally, that I could add millions of dollars to the "Free Cash" account in Pittsfield's $200 million Pickleball budget.  I told Matt "Kufflinks" Kerwood that when I win the lottery, I will use my winnings so that I may be just like the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski taxpaying family and contribute to his cause of financially screwing over the public.  Matt "Kufflinks" Kerwood told me that I wouldn't meet that goal until I allowed him to "Cook the Books" so that I would go from a lottery jackpot winner to having millions of dollars in debts and other liabilities.  I asked him, how would someone like Jon Melle (me) be able to pay off millions of dollars in debts and other liabilities?  He told me that I would not be able to do so, but that I could go swimming in Silver Lake with no clothes on in the middle of the night.  Lastly, I said to Matt "Kufflinks" Kerwood that he has earned his title of "Creative Public Accountant", and that makes the lovely Linda proud.

Jonathan A. Melle


November 19, 2022

Hello Patrick Fennell,

Communist W.E.B. DuBois praised mass murdering Communist Dictators Joseph Stalin (between 23 million to possibly over 60 million deaths of innocent people) and Mao Zedong (over 81 million deaths of innocent people).  What if W.E.B. DuBois had praised Adolf Hitler, too, who killed over 17 million innocent people, including over 6 million Jewish People in the Holocaust? 

If one adds up the mass murdering genocides of Stalin, Hitler and Mao, one would see that these evil dictators caused the deaths of possibly over 158 million innocent people.  Stalin's mass killings outnumber Hitler's mass killings by at least millions of deaths.  Mao's mass killings outnumber both Stalin and Hitler's mass killings combined.  How do people today - hopefully with a good conscience - overlook the fact that W.E.B. DuBois praised mass murdering Communist Dictators who killed possibly over 100 million innocent people over Hitler's death count?

The letter writer to the editor of the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) called W.E.B. DuBois quote that is critical of the U.S.A. "prescient".  Why doesn't he write about how W.E.B. DuBois praised evil Communist mass murdering dictators, too?  What country fought against Fascism and Communism in the 20th Century?  Answer: The United States of America!  The truth hurts, doesn't it?

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


Letter: "Will ignorance destroy us?"
The Berkshire Eagle, November 15, 2022

To the editor: I enjoyed Carole Owens' recent mini-biography of Great Barrington's favorite son, W.E.B. DuBois. ("Carole Owens: What Du Bois, a lover of knowledge, learned in Great Barrington," Eagle, Nov. 10.)

Here is my favorite quote by him, so prescient today: "Either the United States will destroy ignorance or ignorance will destroy the United States." Which way will we go?

Sam Barrett, Sheffield


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About Me

My photo
Amherst, NH, United States
I am a citizen defending the people against corrupt Pols who only serve their Corporate Elite masters, not the people! / My 2 political enemies are Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr., nicknamed "Luciforo" and former Berkshire County Sheriff Carmen C. Massimiano, Jr. / I have also pasted many of my political essays on "The Berkshire Blog": / I AM THE ANTI-FRANK GUINTA! / Please contact me at

50th Anniversary - 2009

50th Anniversary - 2009
The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame on Columbus Avenue in Springfield, Massachusetts.

Pittsfield Politics: Capitanio, Mazzeo agree on budget cuts, public safety

Pittsfield Politics: Capitanio, Mazzeo agree on budget cuts, public safety
Paul Capitanio, left, speaks during Monday night's Ward 3 City Council debate with fellow candidate Melissa Mazzeo at Pittsfield Community Television's studio. The special election (3/31/2009) will be held a week from today (3/24/2009). The local issues ranged from economic development and cleaning up blighted areas in Ward 3 to public education and the continued remediation of PCB's.

Red Sox v Yankees

Red Sox v Yankees
Go Red Sox!

Outrage swells in Congress!

Outrage swells in Congress!
Senate Banking Committee Chairman Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., left, and the committee's ranking Republican Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., listen during a hearing on modernizing insurance regulations, Tuesday, March 17, 2009, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh). -

Beacon Hill's $pecial Interest Tax Raisers & $PENDERS!

Beacon Hill's $pecial Interest Tax Raisers & $PENDERS!
Photo Gallery:

The path away from Wall Street ...

The path away from Wall Street ...
...Employers in the finance sector - traditionally a prime landing spot for college seniors, particularly in the Northeast - expect to have 71 percent fewer jobs to offer this year's (2009) graduates.

Economic collapse puts graduates on unforeseen paths: Enrollment in public service jobs rising...

Economic collapse puts graduates on unforeseen paths: Enrollment in public service jobs rising...

Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis

Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis
Should he be fired? As Bank of America's Stock Plummets, CEO Resists Some Calls That He Step Down.

Hookers for Jesus

Hookers for Jesus
Annie Lobert is the founder of "Hookers for Jesus" - - Saving Sin City: Las Vegas, Nevada?

Forever personalized stamped envelope

Forever personalized stamped envelope
The Forever stamp will continue to cover the price of a first-class letter. The USPS will also introduce Forever personalized, stamped envelopes. The envelopes will be preprinted with a Forever stamp, the sender's name and return address, and an optional personal message.

Purple Heart

Purple Heart
First issued in 2003, the Purple heart stamp will continue to honor the men and women wounded while serving in the US military. The Purple Heart stamp covers the cost of 44 cents for first-class, one-ounce mail.


The bottlenose is just one of the new animals set to appear on the price-change stamps. It will serve as a 64-cent stamp for odd shaped envelopes.

2009 price-change stamps

2009 price-change stamps -&-

Red Sox v Yankees

Red Sox v Yankees
Go Red Sox!

President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama
AP photo v Shepard Fairey

Rush Limbaugh lackeys

Rush Limbaugh lackeys
Posted by Dan Wasserman of the Boston Globe on March 3, 2009.

Honest Abe

Honest Abe
A 2007 US Penny

Dog race

Dog race
Sledding for dogs

The Capital of the Constitution State

The Capital of the Constitution State
Hartford, once the wealthiest city in the United States but now the poorest in Connecticut, is facing an uphill battle.

Brady, Bundchen married

Brady, Bundchen married
Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and model Gisele Bundchen wed Feb. 26, 2009 in a Catholic ceremony in Los Angeles.

Mayor Jimmy Ruberto

Mayor Jimmy Ruberto
Tanked Pittsfield's local economy while helping his fellow insider political hacks and business campaign contributors!

Journalist Andrew Manuse

Journalist Andrew Manuse

New Hampshire Supreme Court Building

New Hampshire Supreme Court Building

Economic State of the Union

Economic State of the Union
A look at some of the economic conditions the Obama administration faces and what resources have already been pledged to help. 2/24/2009

President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama
The president addresses the nation's governors during a dinner in the State Dinning Room, Sunday, Feb. 22, 2009, at the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari).

The Oscars - 2/22/2009.

The Oscars - 2/22/2009.
Hugh Jackman and Beyoncé Knowles teamed up for a musical medley during the show.

The 81st Academy Awards - Oscars - 2009

The 81st Academy Awards - Oscars - 2009
Hugh Jackman pulled actress Anne Hathaway on stage to accompany him during his opening musical number.

Rachel Maddow

Rachel Maddow
A Progressive News Commentator

$500,000 per year

$500,000 per year
That is chump change for the corporate elite!


Jeffrey R. Immelt, chairman and chief executive of General Electric

The Presidents' Club

The Presidents' Club
Bush, Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton & Carter.

5 Presidents: Bush, Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton, & Carter!

5 Presidents: Bush, Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton, & Carter!
White House Event: January 7, 2009.

Bank Bailout!

Bank Bailout!
v taxpayer

Actress Elizabeth Banks

Actress Elizabeth Banks
She will present an award to her hometown (Pittsfield) at the Massachusetts State House next month (1/2009). She recently starred in "W" and "Zack and Miri Make a Porno," and just signed a $1 million annual contract to be a spokesmodel for Paris.

Joanna Lipper

Joanna Lipper
Her award-winning 1999 documentary, "Growing Up Fast," about teenaged mothers in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

Happy Holidays...

Happy Holidays...
...from "Star Wars"

Massachusetts "poor" economy

Massachusetts "poor" economy
Massachusetts is one of the wealthiest states, but it is also very inequitable. For example, it boasts the nation's most lucrative lottery, which is just a system of regressive taxation so that the corporate elite get to pay less in taxes!

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon
Hollywood Actress

Peter G. Arlos.

Peter G. Arlos.
Arlos is shown in his Pittsfield office in early 2000.

Turnpike OK's hefty toll hikes

Turnpike OK's hefty toll hikes
Big Dig - East-west commuters take hit; Fees at tunnels would double. 11/15/2008.

The Pink Panther 2

The Pink Panther 2
Starring Steve Martin

Police ABUSE

Police ABUSE
I was a victim of Manchester Police Officer John Cunningham's ILLEGAL USES of FORCE! John Cunningham was reprimanded by the Chief of Police for disrespecting me. John Cunningham yelled at a witness: "I don't care if he (Jonathan Melle) is disabled!"

Barack Obama

Barack Obama
The 44th US President!



The Bailout & the economic stimulus check

The Bailout & the economic stimulus check
A political cartoon by Dan Wasserman

A rainbow over Boston

A rainbow over Boston
"Rainbows galore" 10/2/2008

Our nation's leaders!

Our nation's leaders!
President Bush with both John McCain & Barack Obama - 9/25/2008.

Massachusetts & Big Dig: Big hike in tolls for Pike looming (9/26/2008).

Massachusetts & Big Dig: Big hike in tolls for Pike looming (9/26/2008).
$5 rise at tunnels is one possibility $1 jump posed for elsewhere.

Mary E Carey

Mary E Carey
My FAVORITE Journalist EVER!

9/11/2008 - A Show of Unity!

9/11/2008 - A Show of Unity!
John McCain and Barack Obama appeared together at ground zero in New York City - September 11, 2008.

John McCain...

John McCain...
...has all but abandoned the positions on taxes, torture and immigration. (A cartoon by Dan Wasserman. September 2008).

Dan Wasserman

Dan Wasserman
The deregulated chickens come home to roost... in all our pocketbooks. September 2008.

Sarah Palin's phobia

Sarah Palin's phobia
A scripted candidate! (A cartoon by Dan Wasserman).

Dan Wasserman

Dan Wasserman
Family FInances - September, 2008.

Mark E. Roy

Mark E. Roy
Ward 1 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

Theodore “Ted” L. Gatsas

Theodore “Ted” L. Gatsas
Ward 2 Alderman (& NH State Senator) for Manchester, NH (2008).

Peter M. Sullivan

Peter M. Sullivan
Ward 3 (downtown) Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

Jim Roy

Jim Roy
Ward 4 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

Ed Osborne

Ed Osborne
Ward 5 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

Real R. Pinard

Real R. Pinard
Ward 6 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

William P. Shea

William P. Shea
Ward 7 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

Betsi DeVries

Betsi DeVries
Ward 8 Alder-woman (& NH State Senator) for Manchester, NH (2008).

Michael Garrity

Michael Garrity
Ward 9 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

George Smith

George Smith
Ward 10 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

Russ Ouellette

Russ Ouellette
Ward 11 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

Kelleigh (Domaingue) Murphy

Kelleigh (Domaingue) Murphy
Ward 12 Alder-woman for Manchester, NH (2008).

“Mike” Lopez

“Mike” Lopez
At-Large Alderman for Manchester, NH. (2008).

Daniel P. O’Neil

Daniel P. O’Neil
At-Large Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

Sarah Palin for Vice President.

Sarah Palin for Vice President.
Republican John McCain made the surprise pick of Alaska's governor Sarah Palin as his running mate today, August 29, 2008.

U.S. Representative John Olver, D-Amherst, Massachusetts.

U.S. Representative John Olver, D-Amherst, Massachusetts.
Congressman Olver said the country has spent well over a half-trillion dollars on the war in Iraq while the situation in Afghanistan continues to deteriorate. 8/25/08.

Ed O'Reilly for US Senate in Massachusetts!

Ed O'Reilly for US Senate in Massachusetts!
John Kerry's 9/2008 challenger in the Democratic Primary.

Shays' Rebellion

Shays' Rebellion
In a tax revolt, Massachusetts farmers fought back during Shays' Rebellion in the mid-1780s after The American Revolutionary War.

Julianne Moore

Julianne Moore
Actress. "The Big Lebowski" is one of my favorite movies. I also like "The Fugitive", too.

Rinaldo Del Gallo III & "Superman"

Rinaldo Del Gallo III & "Superman"
Go to:,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=699&cntnt01returnid=69

"Income chasm widening in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts"

"Income chasm widening in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts"
The gap between rich and poor has widened substantially in Massachusetts over the past two decades. (8/15/2008).

Dan "Bureaucrat" Bosley

Dan "Bureaucrat" Bosley
"The Bosley Amendment": To create tax loopholes for the wealthiest corporate interests in Massachusetts!

John Edwards and...

John Edwards and...
...Rielle Hunter. WHO CARES?!

Rep. Edward J. Markey

Rep. Edward J. Markey
He wants online-privacy legislation. Some Web Firms Say They Track Behavior Without Explicit Consent.

Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan
She gained fame with her antiwar vigil outside the Bush ranch.

Olympics kick off in Beijing

Olympics kick off in Beijing

Exxon Mobil 2Q profit sets US record, shares fall

Exxon Mobil 2Q profit sets US record, shares fall
In this May 1, 2008, file photo, a customer pumps gas at an Exxon station in Middleton, Mass. Exxon Mobil Corp. reported second-quarter earnings of $11.68 billion Thursday, July 31, the biggest quarterly profit ever by any U.S. corporation, but the results were well short of Wall Street expectations and its shares fell as markets opened. (AP Photo/Lisa Poole, File) 7/31/2008.

Onota Lake 'Sea Serpent'

Onota Lake 'Sea Serpent'
Some kind of monster on Onota Lake. Five-year-old Tyler Smith rides a 'sea serpent' on Onota Lake in Pittsfield, Mass. The 'monster,' fashioned by Smith's grandfather, first appeared over July 4 weekend. (Photo courtesy of Ron Smith). 7/30/2008.

Al Gore, Jr.

Al Gore, Jr.
Al Gore issues challenge on energy

The Norman Rockwell Museum

The Norman Rockwell Museum
Stockbridge, Massachusetts

"Big Dig"

"Big Dig"
Boston's financially wasteful pork barrel project!

"Big Dig"

"Big Dig"
Boston's pork barrel public works project cost 50 times more than the original price!

Mary E Carey

Mary E Carey
My favorite journalist EVER!

U.S. Rep. John Olver, state Sen. Stan Rosenberg and Selectwomen Stephanie O'Keeffe and Alisa Brewer

U.S. Rep. John Olver, state Sen. Stan Rosenberg and Selectwomen Stephanie O'Keeffe and Alisa Brewer
Note: Photo from Mary E Carey's Blog.


Boston Symphony Orchestra music director James Levine.



Jimmy Ruberto

Jimmy Ruberto
Faces multiple persecutions under the Massachusetts "Ethics" conflict of interest laws.

Barack Obama

Barack Obama
Obama vows $500m in faith-based aid.

John McCain

John McCain
He is with his wife, Cindy, who were both met by Colombian President Alvaro Uribe (right) upon arriving in Cartagena.

Daniel Duquette

Daniel Duquette
Sold Mayor James M. Ruberto of Pittsfield two tickets to the 2004 World Series at face value.

Hillary & Barack in Unity, NH - 6/27/2008

Hillary & Barack in Unity, NH - 6/27/2008
Clinton tells Obama, crowd in Unity, N.H.: 'We are one party'

John Forbes Kerry

John Forbes Kerry
Wanna-be Prez?


"out of this World"

Crisis in the Congo - Ben Affleck

Crisis in the Congo - Ben Affleck -

Jeanne Shaheen

Jeanne Shaheen
NH's Democratic returning candidate for U.S. Senate


a cool robot

Ed O'Reilly

Ed O'Reilly

Go Celtics!

Go Celtics!
World Champions - 2008

Go Red Sox!

Go Red Sox!
J.D. Drew gets the same welcome whenever he visits the City of Brotherly Love: "Booooooo!"; Drew has been vilified in Philadelphia since refusing to sign with the Phillies after they drafted him in 1997...

Joe Kelly Levasseur & Joe Briggs

Joe Kelly Levasseur & Joe Briggs

NH Union Leader

NH Union Leader
Editorial Cartoon

Celtics - World Champions!

Celtics - World Champions! - - -

"The Nation"

"The Nation"
A "Liberal" weekly political news magazine. Katrina vanden Heuvel.



The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone
List of Twilight Zone episodes -

Equality for ALL Marriages

Equality for ALL Marriages
I, Jonathan Melle, am a supporter of same sex marriages.

Kobe Bryant leads his time to a Game 5 victory.

Kobe Bryant leads his time to a Game 5 victory.
L.A. Lakers holds on for the win to force Game 6 at Boston

Mohawk Trail

Mohawk Trail
The 'Hail to the Sunrise' statue in Charlemont is a well-known and easily recognized landmark on the Mohawk Trail. The trail once boasted several souvenir shops, some with motels and restaurants. Now only four remain. (Caroline Bonnivier / Berkshire Eagle Staff).

NASA - June 14, 2008

NASA - June 14, 2008
Space Shuttle Discovery returns to Earth.

Go Celtics! Game # 4 of the 2008 NBA Finals.

Go Celtics! Game # 4 of the 2008 NBA Finals.
Boston took a 20-second timeout, and the Celtics ran off four more points (including this incredible Erving-esque layup from Ray Allen) to build the lead to five points with just 2:10 remaining. Reeling, the Lakers took a full timeout to try to regain their momentum.

Sal DiMasi

Sal DiMasi
Speaker of the Massachusetts State House of Representatives

Kelly Ayotte - Attorney General of New Hampshire

Kelly Ayotte - Attorney General of New Hampshire

John Kerry

John Kerry
He does not like grassroots democracy & being challenged in the 2008 Massachusetts Democratic Party Primary for re-election.

Tim Murray

Tim Murray
Corrupt Lt. Gov. of Massachusetts, 2007 - 2013.

North Adams, Massachusetts

North Adams, Massachusetts

Howie Carr

Howie Carr
Political Satirist on Massachusetts Corruption/Politics

Polar Bear

Polar Bear
Global Warming

Elizabeth Warren - Web-Site Links

Elizabeth Warren - Web-Site Links &

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren
Consumer Crusader

Leon Powe

Leon Powe
Celtics forward Leon Powe finished a fast break with a dunk.

Kevin Garnett

Kevin Garnett
Kevin Garnett reacted during the game.

Rajon Rondo

Rajon Rondo
Rajon Rondo finished a first half fast break with a dunk.


Los Angeles Lakers teammates help Pau Gasol (16) from the floor in the second quarter.

Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant
Kobe Bryant took a shot in the first half of Game 2.

Kendrick Perkins

Kendrick Perkins
Kendrick Perkins (right) backed down Lamar Odom (left) during first half action.

Go Celtics!

Go Celtics!
The Boston Symphony Orchestra performed the national anthem prior to Game 2.


Garnett reacted to a hard dunk in the first quarter.

Paul Pierce

Paul Pierce
Paul Pierce reacted after hitting a three upon his return to the game since leaving with an injury.

Go Celtics!

Go Celtics!
Kobe Bryant (left) and Paul Pierce (right) squared off in the second half of the game.

James Taylor

James Taylor
Sings National Anthem at Celtics Game.

John Forbes Kerry & Deval Patrick

John Forbes Kerry & Deval Patrick
Attended Celtics Game.

Greats of the NBA: Dr. J, Bill Russell, & Kareem!

Greats of the NBA: Dr. J, Bill Russell, & Kareem!
Attend Game 1 of the 2008 NBA Finals.

Bruce Willis

Bruce Willis
The actor (left) and his date were in the crowd before the Celtics game.

John Kerry

John Kerry
Golddigger attends Celtics game

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton
Ends her 2008 bid for Democratic Party nomination

Nonnie Burnes

Nonnie Burnes
Massachusetts Insurance Commish & former Judge

Jones Library

Jones Library
Amherst, Massachusetts

Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton

Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton
2008 Democratic Primary

"US vs Exxon and Halliburton"

"US vs Exxon and Halliburton"
U.S. Senator John Sununu took more than $220,000 from big oil.

Jeanne Shaheen

Jeanne Shaheen
4- U.S. Senate - 2008

William Pignatelli

William Pignatelli
Hack Rep. "Smitty" with Lynne Blake

Ben Bernanke

Ben Bernanke
Federal Reserve Chairman

Boys' & Girls' Club

Boys' & Girls' Club
Melville Street, Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Denis Guyer

Denis Guyer
Dalton State Representative

The Berkshire Eagle

The Berkshire Eagle
Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Carmen Massimiano

Carmen Massimiano
Williams College - May 2008

Larry Bird & Magic Johnson

Larry Bird & Magic Johnson

Regressive Taxation! via State Lotteries

Regressive Taxation! via State Lotteries
New Massachusetts state lottery game hits $600 million in sales!

Andrea Nuciforo

Andrea Nuciforo

John Barrett III

John Barrett III
Long-time Mayor of North Adams Massachusetts

Shine On

Shine On



Paul Pierce

Paul Pierce
Paul Pierce kissed the Eastern Conference trophy. 5/30/2008. AP Photo.

Kevin Garnett & Richard Hamilton

Kevin Garnett & Richard Hamilton
Kevin Garnett (left) talked to Pistons guard Richard Hamilton (right) after the Celtics' victory in Game 6. 5/30/2008. Reuters Photo.

Paul Pierce

Paul Pierce
Paul Pierce showed his team colors as the Celtics closed out the Pistons in Game 6 of the Eastern Conference finals. 5/30/2008. Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis.

Joseph Kelly Levasseur

Joseph Kelly Levasseur
One of my favorite politicians!

Mary E Carey

Mary E Carey
In the Big Apple: NYC! She is the coolest!

Guyer & Kerry

Guyer & Kerry
My 2nd least favorite picture EVER!

Mary Carey

Mary Carey
My favorite journalist EVER!

Nuciforo & Ruberto

Nuciforo & Ruberto
My least favorite picture EVER!

Jeanne Shaheen

Jeanne Shaheen
U.S. Senate - 2008

NH Fisher Cats

NH Fisher Cats
AA Baseball - Toronto Blue Jays affiliate

Manchester, NH

Manchester, NH
Police Patch

Michael Briggs

Michael Briggs
#83 - We will never forget

Michael "Stix" Addison

Michael "Stix" Addison

Charlie Gibson

Charlie Gibson
ABC News anchor

Scott McClellan

Scott McClellan

Boise, Idaho

Boise, Idaho
Downtown Boise Idaho

John Forbes Kerry

John Forbes Kerry
Legislative Hearing in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, BCC, on Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson
My favorite classical U.S. President!

NH Governor John Lynch

NH Governor John Lynch
Higher Taxes, Higher Tolls

Paul Hodes

Paul Hodes
My favorite Congressman!

Portland Sea Dogs

Portland Sea Dogs
AA Red Sox

New York

New York



New Hampshire

New Hampshire

New Hampshire

New Hampshire

Carmen Massimiano

Carmen Massimiano
"Luciforo" tried to send me to Carmen's Jail during the Spring & Summer of 1998.

Kay Khan - Massachusetts State Representative

Kay Khan - Massachusetts State Representative


Andrea F Nuciforo II


Pittsfield's monopoly/only daily newspaper

Jon Lester - Go Red Sox!

Jon Lester - Go Red Sox!
A Red Sox No Hitter on 5/19/2008!

Go Red Sox!

Go Red Sox!
Dustin Pedroia & Manny Ramirez

U.S. Flag

U.S. Flag
God Bless America!

Jonathan Melle's Blog

Jonathan Melle's Blog
Hello, Everyone!

Molly Bish

Molly Bish
We will never forget!

Go Celtics!

Go Celtics!
Celtics guard Rajon Rondo listens to some advice from Celtics head coach Doc Rivers in the first half.

Go Celtics!

Go Celtics!
Celtics forward Kevin Garnett and Pistons forward Rasheed Wallace embrace at the end of the game.

Go Red Sox!

Go Red Sox!
Red Sox closer Jonathan Papelbon calls for the ball as he charges toward first base. Papelbon made the out en route to picking up his 14th save of the season.

Go Red Sox!

Go Red Sox!
Red Sox starting pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka throws to Royals David DeJesus during the first inning.

Go Red Sox!

Go Red Sox!
Red Sox pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka delivers a pitch to Royals second baseman Mark Grudzielanek during the second inning.

Go Red Sox!

Go Red Sox!
Red Sox right fielder J.D. Drew is welcomed to home plate by teammates Mike Lowell (left), Kevin Youkilis (2nd left) and Manny Ramirez after he hit a grand slam in the second inning.

Go Red Sox!

Go Red Sox!
Red Sox third baseman Mike Lowell crosses the plate after hitting a grand slam during the sixth inning. Teammates Manny Ramirez and Jacoby Ellsbury scored on the play. The Red Sox went on to win 11-8 to complete a four-game sweep and perfect homestand.

JD Drew - Go Red Sox

JD Drew - Go Red Sox

Thank you for serving; God Bless America!

Thank you for serving; God Bless America!
Master Sgt. Kara B. Stackpole, of Westfield, holds her daughter, Samantha, upon her return today to Westover Air Reserve Base in Chicopee. She is one of the 38 members of the 439th Aeromedical Staging Squadron who returned after a 4-month deployment in Iraq. Photo by Dave Roback / The Republican.

Kathi-Anne Reinstein

Kathi-Anne Reinstein

Ted Kennedy

Ted Kennedy
Tragic diagnosis: Get well Senator!

Google doodle - Jonathan Melle Internet search

Google doodle - Jonathan Melle Internet search

John Forbes Kerry

John Forbes Kerry
Billionaire U.S. Senator gives address to MCLA graduates in North Adams, Massachusetts in mid-May 2008

Andrea Nuciforo

Andrea Nuciforo

A Red Sox Fan in Paris, France

A Red Sox Fan in Paris, France
Go Red Sox!

Rinaldo Del Gallo III

Rinaldo Del Gallo III
Interviewed on local TV

Andrea Nuciforo

Andrea Nuciforo

John Adams

John Adams
#2 U.S. President

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
I stood under a tree on the afternoon of May 9, 2008, on the foregrounds of the NH State House -

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
Inside the front lobby of the NH State House

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
Bill Clinton campaign memorabilia

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
Liberty Bell & NH State House

Jon Keller

Jon Keller
Boston based political analyst

Jon Keller

Jon Keller
Boston based political analyst

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
Franklin Pierce Statue #14 U.S. President

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
NH State House

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
Stop the War NOW!

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
"Mr. Melle, tear down this Blog!"

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
I stood next to a JFK photo

Jonathan Levine, Publisher

Jonathan Levine, Publisher
The Pittsfield Gazette Online

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
I made rabbit ears with John & George

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
I made antenna ears with John & George

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
I impersonated Howard Dean

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
pretty ladies -/- Go to: - Go to: - -

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
Go Red Sox! Me at Fenway Park

Mary E. Carey

Mary E. Carey
My favorite journalist! Her voice sings for the Voiceless. -/- Go to: -/- Go to:

Velvet Jesus

Velvet Jesus
Mary Carey blogs about my political writings. This is a picture of Jesus from her childhood home in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. -//- "How Can I Keep From Singing" : My life goes on in endless song / Above Earth's lamentations, / I hear the real, though far-off hymn / That hails a new creation. / / Through all the tumult and the strife / I hear its music ringing, / It sounds an echo in my soul. / How can I keep from singing? / / Whey tyrants tremble in their fear / And hear their death knell ringing, / When friends rejoice both far and near / How can I keep from singing? / / In prison cell and dungeon vile / Our thoughts to them are winging / When friends by shame are undefiled / How can I keep from singing?

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
Concord NH

The Huffington Post

The Huffington Post

Barack Obama

Barack Obama
smiles & beer

Jonathan Lothrop

Jonathan Lothrop
A Pittsfield City Councilor

Michael L. Ward

Michael L. Ward
A Pittsfield City Councilor

Peter Marchetti - Pittsfield's City Councilor at Large

Peter Marchetti - Pittsfield's City Councilor at Large
Pete always sides with the wealthy's political interests.

Gerald Lee - Pittsfield's City Council Prez

Gerald Lee - Pittsfield's City Council Prez
Gerald Lee told me that I am a Social Problem; Lee executes a top-down system of governance. R.I.P. Gerry Lee.

Matt Kerwood - Pittsfield's Councilor at Large

Matt Kerwood - Pittsfield's Councilor at Large
Kerwood poured coffee drinks for Jane Swift

Louis Costi

Louis Costi
Pittsfield City Councilor

Lewis Markham

Lewis Markham
Pittsfield City Councilor

Kevin Sherman - Pittsfield City Councilor

Kevin Sherman - Pittsfield City Councilor
Sherman ran for Southern Berkshire State Rep against Smitty Pignatelli; Sherman is a good guy.

Anthony Maffuccio

Anthony Maffuccio
Pittsfield City Councilor

Linda Tyer

Linda Tyer
Pittsfield City Councilor

Daniel Bianchi

Daniel Bianchi
A Pittsfield City Councilor

The Democratic Donkey

The Democratic Donkey
Democratic Party Symbol


What is Paramount to you?

NH's Congresswoman

NH's Congresswoman
Carol Shea-Porter, Democrat

Sam Adams Beer

Sam Adams Beer
Boston Lager


Disney Animation

Ruberto Details Plans for Success - January 07, 2008

Ruberto Details Plans for Success - January 07, 2008
"Luciforo" swears in Mayor Ruberto. Pittsfield Politics at its very worst: 2 INSIDER POWERBROKERS! Where is Carmen Massimiano? He must be off to the side.



Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime
Leader of the Autobots

Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime
1984 Autobot Transformer Leader

Cleanup Agreements - GE & Pittsfield's PCBs toxic waste sites

Cleanup Agreements - GE & Pittsfield's PCBs toxic waste sites

GE/Housatonic River Site: Introduction

GE/Housatonic River Site: Introduction

GE/Housatonic River Site - Reports

GE/Housatonic River Site - Reports

US EPA - Contact - Pittsfield's PCBs toxic waste sites

US EPA - Contact -  Pittsfield's PCBs toxic waste sites

GE Corporate Logo - Pittsfield's PCBs toxic waste sites

GE Corporate Logo - Pittsfield's PCBs toxic waste sites

Commonwealth Connector

Commonwealth Connector
Commonwealth Care

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Healthcare Reform

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Healthcare Reform

Network Health Forward - A Commonwealth Care Plan

Network Health Forward - A Commonwealth Care Plan
Massachusetts Health Reform

Network Health Together: A MassHealth Plan - Commonwealth Care

Network Health Together: A MassHealth Plan - Commonwealth Care
Massachusetts Health Reform
Massachusetts Health Reform

Neighborhood Health Plan - Commonwealth Care

Neighborhood Health Plan - Commonwealth Care
Massachusetts Health Reform

Fallon Community Health Plan - Commonwealth Care

Fallon Community Health Plan - Commonwealth Care
Massachusetts Health Reform

BMC HealthNet Plan

BMC HealthNet Plan
Massachusetts Health Reform

Massachusetts Health Reform

Massachusetts Health Reform
Eligibility Chart: 2007

Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare

Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare
Massachusetts Health Reform

Business Peaks

Business Peaks
Voodoo Economics

Laffer Curve - Corporate Elite

Laffer Curve - Corporate Elite
Reagonomics: Supply Side

Corporate Elite Propaganda

Corporate Elite Propaganda
Mock Liberal Democratic Socialism Thinking

Real Estate Blues

Real Estate Blues


End ALL Wars!

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech
Norman Rockwell's World War II artwork depicting America's values

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
A young Abe Lincoln



Jennifer M. Callahan - Massachusetts State Representative

Jennifer M. Callahan - Massachusetts State Representative -

Human Rights for ALL Peoples!

Human Rights for ALL Peoples!
My #1 Political Belief!

Anne Frank

Anne Frank
Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe

A young woman Hillary supporter

A young woman Hillary supporter
This excellent picture captures a youth's excitement

Hillary Clinton with Natalie Portman

Hillary Clinton with Natalie Portman
My favorite Actress!

Alan Chartock

Alan Chartock
WAMC public radio in Albany, NY; Political columnist who writes about Berkshire County area politics; Strong supporter for Human Rights for ALL Peoples


This web-site uses some of my Blog postings
This web-site uses some of my blog postings!

Shannon O'Brien

Shannon O'Brien
One of my favorite politicians! She stands for the People first!

The Massachusetts State House

The Massachusetts State House
"The Almighty Golden Dome" - -

Sara Hathaway

Sara Hathaway
Former Mayor of Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.

Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
A corrupt Pol who tried to put me in Jail

Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.

Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Another view of Pittsfield's inbred, multigenerational political prince. Luciforo!


Nuciforo's nickname

"Andy" Nuciforo

"Andy" Nuciforo

Carmen C. Massimiano, Jr., Berkshire County Sheriff (Jailer)

Carmen C. Massimiano, Jr., Berkshire County Sheriff (Jailer)
Nuciforo's henchman! Nuciforo tried to send me to Carmen's Jail

Andrea Nuciforo Jr

Andrea Nuciforo Jr
Shhh! Luciforo's other job is working as a private attorney defending wealthy Boston-area corporate insurance companies

Berkshire County Sheriff (Jailer) Carmen C. Massimiano, Jr.

Berkshire County Sheriff (Jailer) Carmen C. Massimiano, Jr.
Nuciforo tried to send me to Carmen's Jail! Carmen sits with the Congressman, John Olver

Congressman John Olver

Congressman John Olver
Nuciforo's envy

The Dome of the U.S. Capitol

The Dome of the U.S. Capitol
Our Beacon of American Democracy

Nuciforo's architect

Nuciforo's architect
Mary O'Brien in red with scarf

Sara Hathaway (

Sara Hathaway (
Former-Mayor of Pittsfield, Massachusetts; Nuciforo intimidated her, along with another woman, from running in a democratic state election in the Spring of 2006!

Andrea F. Nuciforo II

Andrea F. Nuciforo II
Pittsfield Politics Pot $

Berkshire County Republican Association

Berkshire County Republican Association
Go to:

Denis Guyer

Denis Guyer
Dalton State Representative

John Forbes Kerry & Denis Guyer

John Forbes Kerry & Denis Guyer
U.S. Senator & State Representative

John Kerry

John Kerry
Endorses Barack Obama for Prez then visits Berkshire County

Dan Bosley

Dan Bosley
A Bureaucrat impostoring as a Legislator!

Ben Downing

Ben Downing
Berkshire State Senator

Christopher N Speranzo

Christopher N Speranzo
Pittsfield's ANOINTED State Representative

Peter J. Larkin

Peter J. Larkin
Corrupt Lobbyist

GE - Peter Larkin's best friend!

GE - Peter Larkin's best friend!
GE's FRAUDULENT Consent Decree with Pittsfield, Massachusetts, will end up KILLING many innocent school children & other local residents!

GE's CEO Jack Welch

GE's CEO Jack Welch
The Corporate System's Corporate Elite's King

Economics: Where Supply meets Demand

Economics: Where Supply meets Demand

GE & Pittsfield, Massachusetts

GE & Pittsfield, Massachusetts
In 2007, GE sold its Plastics Division to a Saudi company. Now all that is left over by GE are its toxic PCB pollutants that cause cancer in many Pittsfield residents.

Mayor James M Ruberto

Mayor James M Ruberto
A small-time pol chooses to serve the corporate elite & other elites over the people.

Governor Deval Patrick

Governor Deval Patrick
Deval shakes hands with Mayors in Berkshire County

Deval Patrick

Deval Patrick
Governor of Massachusetts

Pittsfield High School

Pittsfield High School
Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Sara Hathaway

Sara Hathaway
Pittsfield's former Mayor

Rinaldo Del Gallo III

Rinaldo Del Gallo III
Pittsfield Attorney focusing on Father's Rights Probate Court Legal Issues, & Local Politician and Political Observer

Rinaldo Del Gallo III

Rinaldo Del Gallo III
Very Intelligent Political Activists in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Rinaldo Del Gallo, III, Esq. is the spokesperson of the Berkshire Fatherhood Coalition. He has been practicing family law and has been a member of the Massachusetts bar since 1996.

Mayor Ed Reilly

Mayor Ed Reilly
He supports Mayor Ruberto & works as a municipal Attorney. As Mayor, he backed Bill Weld for Governor in 1994, despite being a Democrat. He was joined by Carmen Massimiano & John Barrett III, the long-standing Mayor of North Adams.

Manchester, NH Mayor Frank Guinta

Manchester, NH Mayor Frank Guinta
Cuts Dental Care for Public School Children-in-Need

Manchester, NH City Hall

Manchester, NH City Hall
My new hometown - view from Hanover St. intersection with Elm St.

Manchester NH City Democrats

Manchester NH City Democrats
Go Dems!

2008 Democratic Candidates for U.S. Prez

2008 Democratic Candidates for U.S. Prez
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Mike Gravel, Dennis Kucinich, John Edwards

NH State House Dome

NH State House Dome
Concord, NH

Donna Walto

Donna Walto
Pittsfield Politician -- She strongly opposes Mayor Jim Ruberto's elitist tenure.


Who doesn't LOVE Elmo?

Hillary Clinton for U.S. President!

Hillary Clinton for U.S. President!
Hillary is for Children. She is my choice in 2008.

The White House in 1800

The White House in 1800
Home of our Presidents of the United States

John Adams

John Adams
2nd President of the USA

Hillary Clinton stands with John Edwards and Joe Biden

Hillary Clinton stands with John Edwards and Joe Biden
Hillary is my choice for U.S. President!

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton
Former President Bill Clinton speaks at the Radisson in Manchester NH 11/16/2007

Barack Obama

Barack Obama
U.S. Senator & Candidate for President

Pittsfield's 3 Women City Councillors - 2004

Pittsfield's 3 Women City Councillors - 2004
Linda Tyer, Pam Malumphy, Tricia Farley-Bouvier

Wahconah Park in Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Wahconah Park in Pittsfield, Massachusetts
My friend Brian Merzbach reviews baseball parks around the nation.

The Corporate Elite: Rational Incentives for only the wealthy

The Corporate Elite: Rational Incentives for only the wealthy
The Elites double their $ every 6 to 8 years, while the "have-nots" double their $ every generation (or 24 years). Good bye Middle Class!

George Will

George Will
The human satellite voice for the Corporate Elite

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren
The Anti-George Will; Harvard Law School Professor; The Corporate Elite's Worst Nightmare

The Flag of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

The Flag of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
I was born and raised in Pittsfield, Massachusetts

State Senator Stan Rosenberg

State Senator Stan Rosenberg
Democratic State Senator from Amherst, Massachusetts -/- Anti-Stan Rosenberg Blog:

Ellen Story

Ellen Story
Amherst Massachusetts' State Representative

Teen Pregnancy in Pittsfield, Mass.

Teen Pregnancy in Pittsfield, Mass.
Books are being written on Pittsfield's high teen pregancy rates! What some intellectuals do NOT understand about the issue is that TEEN PREGNANCIES in Pittsfield double the statewide average by design - Perverse Incentives!

NH Governor John Lynch

NH Governor John Lynch
Supports $30 Scratch Tickets and other forms of regressive taxation. Another Pol that only serves his Corporate Elite Masters instead of the People!

U.S. Congresswoman Carol Shea Porter

U.S. Congresswoman Carol Shea Porter
The first woman whom the People of New Hampshire have voted in to serve in U.S. Congress

U.S. Congressman Paul Hodes

U.S. Congressman Paul Hodes
A good man who wants to bring progressive changes to Capitol Hill!

Paul Hodes for U.S. Congress

Paul Hodes for U.S. Congress
New Hampshire's finest!

Darth Vader

Darth Vader
Star Wars

Dick Cheney & George W. Bush

Dick Cheney & George W. Bush
The Gruesome Two-some! Stop the Neo-Cons' fascism! End the Iraq War NOW!


The Inequity of Globalism


The Corporate Elite have redesigned "The System" to enrich themselves at the expense of the people, masses, have-nots, poor & middle-class families

George W. Bush with Karl Rove

George W. Bush with Karl Rove
Rove was a political strategist with extraordinary influence within the Bush II White House

2008's Republican Prez-field

2008's Republican Prez-field
John McCain, Alan Keyes, Rudy Guiliani, Duncan Hunter, Mike Huckabee, WILLARD Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, Ron Paul

Fall in New England

Fall in New England
Autumn is my favorite season

Picturing America

Picturing America

Winter Weather Map

Winter Weather Map
3:45PM EST 3-Dec-07

Norman Rockwell Painting

Norman Rockwell Painting

Norman Rockwell Painting

Norman Rockwell Painting
Depiction of American Values in mid-20th Century America

Larry Bird #33

Larry Bird #33
My favorite basketball player of my childhood

Boston Celtics Basketball - 2007-2008

Boston Celtics Basketball - 2007-2008
Kevin Garnett hugs James Posey

Paul Pierce

Paul Pierce
All heart! Awesome basketball star for The Boston Celtics.

Tom Brady

Tom Brady
Go Patriots!

Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch
Owner of Fox News - CORPORATE ELITE!

George Stephanopolous

George Stephanopolous
A Corporate Elite Political News Analyst

Robert Redford

Robert Redford
Starred in the movie "Lions for Lambs"

Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep
Plays a jaded journalist with integrity in the movie "Lions for Lambs"

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise plays the Neo-Con D.C. Pol purely indoctrinated by the Corporate Elite's political agenda in the Middle East


"I want to say I've never been surrounded by so many fake breasts, but I went to the Academy Awards."

Amherst Town Library

Amherst Town Library
Amherst, NH -

Manchester NH Library

Manchester NH Library
I use the library's automated timed 1-hour-per-day Internet computers to post on my Blog -

Manchester NH's Palace Theater

Manchester NH's Palace Theater
Manchester NH decided to restore its Palace Theater

Pittsfield's Palace Theater

Pittsfield's Palace Theater
Pittsfield tore down this landmark on North Street in favor of a parking lot

Pleasant Street Theater

Pleasant Street Theater
Amherst, Massachusetts

William "Shitty" Pignatelli

William "Shitty" Pignatelli
A top down & banal State House Pol from Lenox Massachusetts -- A GOOD MAN!

The CIA & Mind Control

The CIA & Mind Control
Did the CIA murder people by proxy assassins?

Skull & Bones

Skull & Bones
Yale's Elite
I believe President Bush should be IMPEACHED because he is waging an illegal and immoral war against Iraq!

Bob Feuer drumming for U.S. Congress v John Olver in 2008

Bob Feuer drumming for U.S. Congress v John Olver in 2008

Abe Lincoln

Abe Lincoln
The 16th President of the USA



Global Warming Mock Giant Thermometer

Global Warming Mock Giant Thermometer
A member of Green Peace activist sets up a giant thermometer as a symbol of global warming during their campaign in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, Sunday, Dec. 2, 2007. World leaders launch marathon negotiations Monday on how to fight global warming, which left unchecked could cause devastating sea level rises, send millions further into poverty and lead to the mass extinction of plants and animals.

combat global warming...

combat global warming...
...or risk economic and environmental disaster caused by rising temperatures
P.O. Box 125, South Lee, MA 01260, (413) 243-5665,,

3 Democratic presidentional candidates

3 Democratic presidentional candidates
Democratic presidential candidates former senator John Edwards (from right) and Senators Joe Biden and Chris Dodd before the National Public Radio debate yesterday (12/4/2007).

The UN Seal

The UN Seal
An archaic & bureaucratic post WW2 top-down, non-democratic institution that also stands for some good governance values


One of my favorite childhood heroes and movies

Web-Site on toxic toys

Web-Site on toxic toys


One of my favorite super-heroes

Deval Patrick & Denis Guyer

Deval Patrick & Denis Guyer
Massachusetts' Governor stands with Dalton's State Rep. Denis E. Guyer.

Bill Cosby & Denis Guyer

Bill Cosby & Denis Guyer
TV Star Bill Cosby stands with Denis E. Guyer

Denis Guyer with his supporters

Denis Guyer with his supporters
Dalton State Representative

Denis Guyer goes to college

Denis Guyer goes to college
Dalton State Representative

Peter Marchetti

Peter Marchetti
He is my second cousin. Pete Marchetti favors MONEY, not fairness!

Matt Barron & Denis Guyer with couple

Matt Barron & Denis Guyer with couple
Matt Barron plays DIRTY politics against his opponents!

Nat Karns

Nat Karns
Top-Down Executive Director of the ELITIST Berkshire Regional Planning Commission

Human Rights for All Peoples & people

Human Rights for All Peoples & people
Stop Anti-Semitism

Massachusetts State Treasurer Tim Cahill

Massachusetts State Treasurer Tim Cahill
State House, Room 227, Boston, MA 02133, 617-367-6900,

Massachusetts State Attorney General Martha Coakley

Massachusetts State Attorney General Martha Coakley
1350 Main Street, Springfield, MA 01103, 413-784-1240 / McCormick Building, One Asburton Place, Boston, MA 02108, 617-727-4765 / /

Bush v. Gore: December 12, 2007, was the seventh anniversary, the 5-4 Supreme Court decision...

Bush v. Gore: December 12, 2007, was the seventh anniversary, the 5-4 Supreme Court decision... - A political billboard near my downtown apartment in Manchester, NH

Marc Murgo

Marc Murgo
An old friend of mine from Pittsfield

Downtown Manchester, NH

Downtown Manchester, NH

Marisa Tomei

Marisa Tomei
Movie Actress

Massachusetts Coalition for Healthy Communities (MCHC)

Massachusetts Coalition for Healthy Communities (MCHC)

Mike Firestone & Anna Weisfeiler

Mike Firestone & Anna Weisfeiler
Mike Firestone works in Manchester NH for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign

James Pindell

James Pindell
Covers NH Primary Politcs for The Boston Globe

U.S. History - Declaration

U.S. History - Declaration
A 19th century engraving shows Benjamin Franklin, left, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Philip Livingston and Roger Sherman at work on the Declaration of Independence.

Boston Globe Photos of the Week -

Boston Globe Photos of the Week -
Sybregje Palenstijn (left), who plays Sarah Godbertson at Plimouth Plantation, taught visitors how to roast a turkey on a spit. The plantation often sees a large influx of visitors during the holiday season.

Chris Hodgkins

Chris Hodgkins
Another special interest Berkshire Pol who could not hold his "WATER" on Beacon Hill's State House!

The Big Dig - 15 tons of concrete fell from a tunnel ceiling onto Milena Del Valle's car.

The Big Dig - 15 tons of concrete fell from a tunnel ceiling onto Milena Del Valle's car.
Most of Boston's Big Dig highway remains closed, after a woman was crushed when 15 tons of concrete fell from a tunnel ceiling onto her car. (ABC News)

Jane Swift

Jane Swift
Former Acting Governor of Massachusetts & Berkshire State Senator

Paul Cellucci

Paul Cellucci
Former Massachusetts Governor

William Floyd Weld

William Floyd Weld
$80 Million Trust Fund Former Governor of Massachusetts

Mike Dukakis

Mike Dukakis
Former Governor of Massachusetts

Mary E. Carey

Mary E. Carey
Amherst, Massachusetts, Journalist and Blogger



Peter G. Arlos

Peter G. Arlos
"The biggest challenge Pittsfield faces is putting its fiscal house in order. The problem is that doing so requires structural changes in local government, many of which I have advocated for years, but which officials do not have the will to implement. Fiscal responsibility requires more than shifting funds from one department to another. Raising taxes and fees and cutting services are not the answer. Structural changes in the way services are delivered and greater productivity are the answer, and without these changes the city's fiscal crisis will not be solved."

James M. Ruberto

James M. Ruberto
"Pittsfield's biggest challenge is to find common ground for a better future. The city is at a crossroads. On one hand, our quality of life is challenged. On the other hand, some important building blocks are in place that could be a strong foundation for our community. Pittsfield needs to unite for the good of its future. The city needs an experienced businessman and a consensus builder who will invite the people to hold him accountable."

Matt Kerwood

Matt Kerwood
Pittsfield's Councilor-At-Large. Go to:

Gerald M. Lee

Gerald M. Lee
Pittsfield's City Council Prez. Top-down governance of the first order!

Mary Carey

Mary Carey
Mary with student

Boston Red Sox

Boston Red Sox
Jonathan Papelbon celebrates with Jason Varitek

Free Bernard Baran!

Free Bernard Baran!

Political Intelligence

Political Intelligence
Capitol Hill

Sherwood Guernsey II

Sherwood Guernsey II
Wealthy Williamstown Political Activist & Pittsfield Attorney

Mary Carey 2

Mary Carey 2
California Pol & porn star

Pittsfield's Good Old Boy Network - Political Machine!

Pittsfield's Good Old Boy Network - Political Machine!
Andy "Luciforo" swears in Jimmy Ruberto for the returning Mayor's 3rd term

Berkshire Grown

Berkshire Grown



The Mount was built in 1902 & was home to Edith Wharton (1862-1937) from 1903 to 1908.

The Mount was built in 1902 & was home to Edith Wharton (1862-1937) from 1903 to 1908.
The Mount, the historic home in Lenox of famed American novelist Edith Wharton, is facing foreclosure.

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