April 18, 2023
Please read the following political email:
Jonathan, tomorrow Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. officially announces his challenge to Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination for president.
Kennedy also happens to be suing Daily Kos. This fight is not cheap. Can you support Daily Kos with a $5 donation?
Just as the COVID vaccine was becoming widely available, Kennedy tried to equate the vaccine mandates to Jews living in Nazi Germany, saying in a speech at the Lincoln Memorial “Even in Hitler's Germany, you could, you could cross the Alps into Switzerland. You could hide in an attic, like Anne Frank did.” Unfortunately, this wasn't a one-time occurrence; he has made past references to Nazi Germany in his speeches.
Kennedy isn't suing CNN or the New York Times for reporting on this, though. He's suing Daily Kos to unmask the identity of a community user that posted a story on the site about Kennedy speaking at a rally in Berlin that was heavily planned, promoted, and attended by neo-Nazis.
Daily Kos has been fighting this lawsuit since 2021, in two different states. Right now, we're waiting on an appeals court, which means we're still going to need to shell out serious cash to fight this frivolous lawsuit.
As I mentioned in the email below, Kennedy can rely on his personal funds to prolong this lawsuit AND run a national campaign. Daily Kos doesn't have access to such money. Our largest source of revenue is from our readers and activists donating just a few dollars at a time. Now more than ever, we are leaning on our grassroots donors to support our work.
We’ve been able to fight this (ongoing) battle because you’ve had our back, helping fund this litigation and the progressive work we do day in and day out. That's why I'm asking you to chip in $5 today to help us keep fighting.
Thanks for all you do,
Amanda McKay, Daily Kos
Jonathan, at Daily Kos, we pride ourselves on not only working hard to elect more Democrats, but better Democrats, from the top of the ballot to the bottom, in every corner of the country.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. isn’t one of those. The zealot anti-vaxxer, Nazi cavorter was reportedly recruited by Trump mastermind Steve Bannon to run for president, as a Democrat, against President Joe Biden.
A recent poll shows that 10% of potential Democratic primary voters would back Robert F. Kennedy Jr. because of his famous name. That doesn’t make him a threat to win the nomination, but it gives him a platform to spread his dangerous anti-vaccine ideology.
Oh, and he is suing Daily Kos to unmask the identity of a community diarist for writing a story that Kennedy attended an anti-mask rally in Berlin that was heavily planned, promoted, and attended by neo-Nazis.
Kennedy has the personal wealth to prolong the lawsuit against Daily Kos AND fund a presidential campaign that keeps his dangerous, life-threatening misinformation and lies in the mainstream limelight.
Unfortunately, Daily Kos doesn't have such funds to tap into. Over the last few months our income has fallen behind our projections. We have made financial cuts and scraped by thanks to tens of thousands donations from our readers and activists.
It's important that Daily Kos protects the anonymity of community writers. It is also important that we expose the truth about Kennedy and his faux Democratic campaign for president. Please support our hard work by donating $5 today.
Thanks for all you do,
Amanda McKay, Daily Kos
April 25, 2023
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
While Joe Biden has a 50-year public record history of racism in Swamp politics, RFK, Jr. is on a much higher level. I posted the following on your blog tonight:
I recently posted a blog page that Nazi Trumper Steve Bannon recruited his fellow alt-right political bedfellow Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (RFK, Jr.) to run against Joe Biden in the 2024 Democratic Party Primary election. It is the oldest strategy in human history: Divide and Conquer!
RFK, Jr. is NOT really a Democrat. RFK, Jr. has made past references to Nazi Germany in his political speeches. The very wealthy RFK, Jr. is suing Daily Kos in both NY State and California to unmask the identity of a community user that posted a story on the site about Kennedy speaking at a rally in Berlin, Germany that was heavily planned, promoted, and attended by neo-Nazis.
RFK, Jr. said in a speech at the Lincoln Memorial: “Even in Hitler's Germany, you could, you could cross the Alps into Switzerland. You could hide in an attic, like Anne Frank did.”
Daily Kos calls RFK, Jr. a zealot anti-vaxxer, Nazi cavorter who is politically connected to the alt right Nazi Steve Bannon.
Source: Amanda McKay, Daily Kos
Jonathan A. Melle
April 27, 2023
Joe Biden is 80. He should retire in 2024 after over 50 years in the Swamp. Joe Biden is a corporate Democrat who received more money from Wall Street and K Street than any other presidential candidate in U.S. history. Joe Biden's foreign relations with Russia and China are looking very ugly with the escalating threats of nuclear weapons in a would-be WW3. On Monday, May 1st, 2023, OPEC will cut its oil exports output just as summer travel will begin to go into peak demand. Joe Biden's Green New Deal only resulted in more GREEN MONEY for the Swamp's Hot Air spewing career politicians. Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden is at risk of being charged in criminal and family court cases alike, which could lead to Hunter Biden's incarceration. Hunter Biden's alleged illegal business activities may involve his father Joe Biden's own finances and political interests, which could lead to Joe Biden's impeachment. RFK, Jr. will capitalize on all of Joe Biden's family and political problems, but he himself has his own political problems, including being recruited to run against Joe Biden in the Democratic Party 2024 primary by Nazi Trumper Steve Bannon. If/when RFK, Jr. loses, he will have divided the Democratic Party by criticizing Joe Biden's public record, which will benefit Donald Trump like it did in 2016 when Bernie Sanders' campaign criticized Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton's corporate politics. History always repeats itself because "Divide and Conquer" is the oldest strategy in the political playbook. Rather than allowing all of this to play out in 2024, Joe Biden should retire at the end of his presidential term in 2024 and allow a new Democratic Party candidate for U.S. President to run and accept the nomination in 2024. I also do NOT want Donald Trump to run for U.S. President in 2024 because he is the leader of the racist White Nationalist political movement in the U.S.A., and he will prioritize authoritarianism over democracy to achieve his ends for minority rule by white elites in our country and in Europe alike. Ronald Reagan used to say that the U.S.A. is founded on Human Rights, Jimmy Carter openly ran his presidential administration based on Human Rights, but Donald Trump only wants white elites' minority rule by White Nationalism. The Swamp is facing a lose-lose situation with a Joe Biden versus Donald Trump rematch in 2024. It is time for change in 2024! I want the U.S. President(s) to go back to supporting Human Rights for All Peoples and people both at home and around the world. It is time to end the rule corporate Democrats, White Nationalist Trumpers, and the Swamp spending us into oblivion.
Jonathan A. Melle
April 29, 2023
John Adams did NOT write that most of the Founding Fathers should NOT have owned Slaves, but his son John Quincy Adams was a powerful voice to end Slavery in the U.S.A. Abe Lincoln ended Slavery in the U.S.A., but he also wanted to deport all black people from the U.S.A., but then he was assassinated, and his post-Civil War plans never happened. FDR and the Allied Powers defeated Hitler in WW2, but FDR refused to sign a federal law outlawing lynching of black people. Ronald Reagan did not support boycotting South Africa's system of Apartheid. Donald Trump is the leader of the racist White Nationalist political movement to replace democracy with authoritarianism to establish white elite led minority rule in the U.S.A., as well as in Europe. Joe Biden has an over 50-year public record of racism in the Swamp, but he has also made progress towards racial justice. The greatest political evil continues under the U.S. Constitution: Over 200 years of systemic racism by many racist U.S. Presidents, including the classical ones who owned Slaves.
Jonathan A. Melle
August 7, 2023
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
I thought that Eric SwanSIN the SINNER was going to allege those homophobic salacious sex acts towards me - Jon Melle (I am not a homosexual), instead of against the former U.S. President Barack Obama. I also thought that the Republican Party in the Swamp had another name: The MORAL HYPOCRISY Party! We all have a Penis or a Vagina everybody. We all like to ORGASM everybody. We all have sexual interests everybody. It doesn't matter if it is the three marriages and countless love affairs ultimate MORAL HYPOCRITE named Donald Trump, or the hunky love bug named Barack Obama. Cultural Wars in Swamp politics are never-ending and do no nothing to help to better our messed-up society that the fringe media outlets like to broadcast for cheap, gratuitous political points and the Almighty Dollar. Even Jesus Christ Himself said and THE BIBLE wrote that we are all sinners!
Jonathan A. Melle
August 17, 2023
Sarcasm: I heard Glen Beck say that the Republican Party in the Swamp is the Grand Old Party of Moral Hypocrisy! Not Sarcasm: Donald Trump is the Republican Party's number one Moral Hypocrite who openly cheated on all three of his wives, paid off a porn star and a Playboy model to not kiss and tell on him. Oh, and let us not forget that Donald Trump equals Adolf Hiter. Donald Trump's presidential campaigns and presidential administration had/have neo-Nazis - aka alt-right - work for him since 2015. I think the terms "Moral Hypocrisy" and "Moral Hypocrite" are too kind because Donald Trump is EVIL! Anyone with a good conscience will never support Donald Trump in U.S. politics! I will never support Donald Trump in U.S. politics!
Jonathan A. Melle
January 8, 2024
I do NOT believe that rape is O.K. I do not believe that minors being raped by adults is O.K. I do believe that Donald Trump is a Nazi. I believe that MAGA really stands for NAZI. I have long listed evidence to substantiate my beliefs about Donald Trump's racism. I have stated that Donald Trump had Nazi's work in his campaign(s) and presidential administration. I have stated that Donald Trump has used words and speeches that are similar to those of Adolf Hitler. I have stated that Donald Trump's propaganda that the 2020 election was stolen from him and that the 1/6/2021 insurrection on Capitol Hill was not an insurrection is similar to Nazi propaganda in the 1930's. I do acknowledge that both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden have a history of racism in politics. Hillary Clinton's use of the word "Super-Predators" in the 1990's crime bill really meant "keep the N-word out of the wealthy white suburbs". Joe Biden has a long list of racism in the Swamp going back over 50 years. Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have a history of racism in politics. The current Republican Party is one of MORAL HYPOCRISY led by the biggest Moral Hypocrite EVER named Donald Trump. The current Democratic Party is one of corporatism mixed with left-wing socialist big federal spending. I hope for two new presidential candidates to run in 2024. I hope that all of the career politicians get voted out of elected office in 2024 and beyond. The current system of government is not working for the American people it is supposed to serve. The financial, corporate and ruling elites are all benefiting, while the rest of us have to pound sand.
Jon Melle
September 3, 2024
Kamala will visit Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on Wednesday, September 04th, 2024.
(Sarcasm): I will let her know that blogger Dan Valenti writes unfavorable posts about her candidacy for U.S. President. She will tell me that if Donald Trump is elected U.S. President in 2024, then he will turn our democracy into an authoritarian regime that will side with other authoritarian economic and military superpowers such as Russia and China in the name of peace, but it will really be a world of terror and fascism.
(NOT sarcasm): Trump, Vance, Project 2025, billionaires and greed, Saudi oil and MBS and their legacy of 09/11/2001, mass arms sales exports for Wall Street's lucrative profits, cultural conflicts wedge issues, WEIRD moral hypocrisies by a big government full of moral hypocrites, the January 06th, 2021, insurrection on Capitol Hill and Trump's promised pardons of convicted Felons, and Trump's daily propaganda that would tell us that it is all for our own good when it will actually put us in a state of fear from being persecuted.
Blogger Dan Valenti has joined Donald Trump in Donald Trump's lies about Kamala and the Democrats, and Donald Trump's own life of being the ultimate moral hypocrite. The truth: It is all about MONEY and POWER! It is all a GAME! We do NOT matter in any of this Twilight Zone billion-dollar 2024 presidential campaign season.
Jonathan A. Melle
December 16, 2024
Donald Trump's lawfare threats and defamation lawsuits against the media:
This comes from a 78-year-old orange buffoon who does nothing but lie to people.
I believe that it will backfire because it will only embolden the media to publish unfavorable news stories and opinions about Donald Trump.
Jon Melle
Letter: "American voters chose poorly"
The Berkshire Eagle, December 21, 2024
To the editor: American voters installed a treasonous insurrectionist, racist, molester, habitual liar and convicted criminal assaulting the timeless principles of truth, morality and the common good.
Their blind choice will deny specific programs meant to help people: a woman’s freedom, voting rights, increasing Social Security, universal health care with paid family/medical leave and elderly home care, assault weapons elimination, ending the genocide in Gaza, strengthening unions, making homebuying affordable and free higher education in return for national service. Instead of an astute leader in this time of global crisis, we now have a buffoon running a sandbox of transactional bribery.
The decision removes any pretense of humane values in this floating garage sale called a country. Our hemisphere has been inhabited by first peoples since at least 23,000 BCE. Europeans came in 1492, initiating a genocide lasting to the present, occupying lands and people for free labor in the profit-driven plantations and industries developed over centuries. When natives could not serve as fodder, enslaved African peoples filled the role in a holocaust begun in 1532 in Brazil and 1619 in what is now the U.S. Succeeding waves of immigrants — Chinese, Mexicans, Vietnamese — were cast as the "other," tortured and killed yet used as integral parts of the labor pool to benefit successive actors in the 1 percent snake-oil medicine show. That has included agricultural and factory operations, with its current offspring, the prison-industrial complex; overseers of immigrant labor; robber barons old and new; and now a new means of production/control via information and virtual reality — all serving the updated radical individual, stealing fortunes for ego and power, diametrically opposed to the idea of communal responsibility.
The American circus is retreating to further extremes in lockstep against the world’s peoples with violence, puppet leaders, oppression and media suppression — a metastasis of domestic and planetary inhumanity. Our moral vacuum is historically and currently drenched in atrocity, denial of justice justice, rejection of laws and the Constitution, all part of the global scene’s last refuge for extractive monopoly capitalism.
Headline news states Kamala Harris lost the election. Yet the people of the U.S. Inc. and the world have lost things that cannot be regained on our path to extinction: democracy, truth, honesty, responsibility and community as one human family. As George Orwell stated at the end of his novel "Animal Farm": "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
Royal Hartigan, Pittsfield
January 20, 2025
JD Vance once called Donald Trump: "America's Hitler".
Elon Musk looked like he saluted Adolf Hitler today.
Jonathan A. Melle
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