Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
I turned 39 (2014)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Jonathan Melle on Politics - Who I am. Also see Denis Guyer & Andrea Nuciforo.













I am Jonathan Melle and am starting a Blog because I enjoy understanding, analyzing and commenting on politics. My areas of political interest include: HUMAN RIGHTS for ALL Peoples!, Peace & Social Justice, Global socioeconomic equity to end poverty, which is the root of most social probems, and hopefully being elected to a political office in the future where I will truly represent all: Citizens of the United States of America & the World. As well, I follow Massachusetts Politics, especially in Pittsfield and the State House in Boston. I send out email letters with my thoughts on politics to the people of Massachusetts from my new home in Southern New Hampshire. I follow a few Massachusetts politicians closely.

My political enemies consist of two Massachusetts state politicians: Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr., and Carmen C. Massimiano, Jr. These two men have tried to jail me, intimidate me from speaking out on public policies, and slandered my name to the people of the Pittsfield area where they still live in order to cause me to feel fear, violence and dislike.

I will never be intimidated from participating in politics from the local level to the World Stage. I am an American Citizen with U.S. Constitutional Rights and Civil Liberties and I will always speak my good conscience for as long as I live! My goal in politics is to help people via the government, from the local community level through the international community forum. I love all of God's Children and believe that Human Rights for ALL Peoples is the real answer to peace, justice, equity and equality. I believe in the U.S. Constitution and our American way of life. However, I believe the Corporate Elite and their inequitable agendas stand in the way of humankind's journey towards human rights. I further believe that the Corporate Elite is subverting our American Democracy. I hope that my leadership will someday turn the tide against War, Famine, Disease, Hate, and the like. I hope that I will be a leader who defends All Peoples for Democracies, Human Rights, Peace & Justice.


My wonderful mother Beverly had a medical emergency yesterday (10/24/2007), so I drove her down to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts. My mom has had cancer now three times: 1990, 2006 and 2007. I blame Pittsfield, Massachusetts' toxic PCB pollution for causing cancer in my mother's body, as well as countless numbers of others who lived there. GE was the main pollutor of this toxic chemical in Pittsfield, and many Pittsfield residents have suffered through high rates of cancer because of GE's dumping of PCBs all around the city.

I have lead an alternative life moreso than most people, but not always by choice. Throughout my life, I have lived through any and all difficult situations. When I meet with my Social Worker to receive my biweekly mental health treatments for my mental disabilities, which may have also been caused -- in part -- by Pittsfield's toxic waste pollution, he and I discuss the virtues of the myriad of difficult situations I have faced in my life thus far, but also how I have always survived them all without causing anyone else harm. In fact, time after time, I have saved many lives.

Due to my mom's recent surgery to treat her cancer, she is unable to drive. I got my mom to her appointment in Boston yesterday at 1:30 P.M. on the dot -- right on time. The medical staff at Dana Farber/Brigham & Women's Hospital treated my mom right away. By 2:00 P.M., we were on our way with my mom all fixed up like new.

Game 1 of the World Series was about to take place that night, and since Fenway Park is a 15-minute walk down Brookline Street from my mom's hospital, I asked my mom if I could feel the setting of The World Series. At first, my mom said to me, "I don't know. I am not supposed to walk too long or exert myself too much right now." I said, "O.K., mom, I understand." We had a snack at "au bon pain" and then my mom changed her mind and let me walk to Fenway Park.

In between my mom's hospital, on our walk, was Emmanuel College (Catholic) and Simmons College (Womens). After the two colleges, there was a mall with a Best Buy, R.E.I. sporting goods store, a movie theater, and my mom's favorite, an art store. My mom made a deal with me. She would spend 30-minutes at the art store while I toured the outside of Fenway Park. So for 30-minutes I got to walk all around Fenway Park yesterday around 3:00 P.M. before Game 1 of the World Series. I was really excited, but I was unable to buy a program booklet because it cost an exorbinant $15.

Ironically, my mom and I then watched a movie at "Fenway Stadium" that mirrored GE's pollution of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, called "Michael Clayton" starring George Clooney, Tom Wilkinson, & Sydney Pollack. This fictional agricultural chemical company had killed 486 people with one of their agricultural chemicals -- just like GE has killed countless thousands of people with their dumping of cancer-causing PCBs all over Pittsfield -- and this fictional company was now involved in a $3 Billion class-action lawsuit and hired George Clooney and Tom Wilkinson's law firm to cover the whole thing up so as to limit the financial damages to their bottom-line. This fictional company goes onto kill Tom Wilkinson's character, and they then try to ice George Clooney's character too because these lawyers are suffering a crisis of conscience about the monster's they were defending. George Clooney's character survives the assassination attempt, and then successfully sets up a sting against the company. It was a really good movie!

After 6:00 P.M., my mom and I walked back down Brookline Street towards her hospital, and she treated me to a dinner out. My mom looked really happy. She had not looked so at ease in a long time. I told my mom how happy she looked, and she said that she feels good but was exhausted, and that her outlook looks rosy. Around 8:00 P.M., my mom navigated for me as I drove out of Boston and back to my parent's home in Southern New Hampshire.

My mom briefly sat with my dad and I as we watched the Red Sox game on TV, and then went to bed. While my mom sat with my dad and I last night as we watched the Red Sox game on TV, I told my dad how my mom took a stand for the Red Sox in the art store earlier today. There was a woman who was on her cell phone and she said, "Go Rockies." My mom then corrected her and said, "Go Red Sox." The woman said to my mom how she flew to Boston all the way from Colorado. My mom responded to the woman, "You are in Red Sox country now." My dad loved the story and we shared a collective smile as we rooted for our hometeam.

I sat with my dad for the next 90-minutes and together we watched the Red Sox take a commanding 13-1 lead, which ended up being the final score of Game 1 of the World Series. My dad told me that I was a good man for helping mom today. I said to my dad that it was my pleasure, and that I do not have a job so I am the perfect person to help out in these kinds of situations. I told my dad that my mom was in a really good mood and we had a nice day together in Boston.

-Jonathan A. Melle





Dear Bloggers:

I hope to be a future U.S. President. I am only 32-years of age. I have mental disabilities for which the current U.S. President ordered me a hearing before the VA one city block from The White House in mid-July, 2004 for protecting lives in the U.S. Army, but I am also very intelligent and have a Master's Degree in public policies and administration from U Mass Amherst.

Someday, I hope to serve the people of the United States of America and peoples of the World as a future U.S. President. When I am U.S. President, I will serve the People (and Peoples), not the Corporate Elite, for which I expect many economic criticisms from George Will. When I am a future U.S. President, I will END poverty across the entire globe. For I believe poverty is the root of all societal problems we face in the World. If we are truly a civilization and not just cogs in the Corporate System, then poverty would NOT exist.

Mark my words, as a future U.S. President, I am going to end HOMELESSNESS. No one in our World will be without adequate shelter. I am going to continue my protection of human lives that has given my praise from The White House in Washington, D.C. by ensuring social services to all.

Lastly, I am going to END genocide in the World. I cannot believe that genocide still exists in the 21st Century. When I am a future U.S. President, my legacy will be the end of genocide. I hope that between my age of 32 and my future age as president, someone beats me to the punch.

In Truth,
Jonathan Alan Melle



My mom took me on a 3 day vacation to NYC this past weekend. We went to several museums, including the JP Morgan Library and then the Met. Also, we ate out an Italian Restaurant in Little Italy, which was called Pellegrino's. Saturday, March 15th, 2008, was a beautiful Spring-like day; we walked to uptown & then back to midtown. We saw Megan Mullally (from Will & Grace) in a Broadway Play: "Young Frankenstein". She has a beautiful voice. We visited with two of my family members who live in the area, too. It was a wonderful time.

-Jonathan Melle





Re: Deval-uator's FY2009 Massachusetts State Government Budget proposal.

I am very disappointed that the state is choosing to balance its fiscal books on the backs of its cities and towns AGAIN!

In previous years, Senator Stan Rosenberg emailed me about how the state did not have to borrow money to cover its operational or general fund costs, while he omitted, of course, the part of the many billions of dollars in debt incurred by the state from "Big Dig" borrowing.

I wanted to run for State Senator (against "Luciforo") in 2004 before moving to Southern NH because the state cut its aid to its cities and towns for 3 consecutive fiscal years: FY2002-FY2004, while Legislators like "Luciforo" and Stan Rosenberg voted for and/or accepted 3 legislative pay raises.

Now, the "Big Dig" settlement will net the state less than 1/2-Billion Dollars after costing taxpayers $15 Billion. What a rip-off!

Deval Patrick SUCKS as the Governor of Massachusetts. The Legislature is no better. The "Big Dig" is going to someday collapse under water.

I wish I was able to have run for Berkshire State Senator in 2004. At least there would have been one good man out of the group who would have saved the cities and towns from this financial destruction served up on Beacon Hill's State House.

In Dissent!
Jonathan A. Melle


"Paul, Pearl City, HI" - May 31, 2008 -

Do you and your Dad still hoop suck when playing basketball like you use to at the YMCA? Never got back on defense and were always there for the long pass and the easy basket. You are quite the little Democrat now aren't you. I remember you when you and your brother use to come down into the weight room when you were in high school. Word to the wise stop being a limp wrist, panty wearing, whiney Democrat like many of the robots in Massachusetts that think Ted Kennedy (aka Mayor Quimby from The Simpsons)is "Mr. Wonderful". Unfortunately, Mayor Ruberto does what all good democrats do when faced with a shortage of cash and that of course is to hit the RICH, you know anybody that owns a home or small business. Three years ago he and the city council made that "tough" decision to raise the property taxes back then and are still doing it without increasing the quality of life for the people of Pittsfield. The thing is, I'm sure the people would not mind so much except they get nothing back for their money. I voted for Mayor Ruberto because I thought he would bring fresh ideas after being away from Pittsfield for 20 years but he unfortunately has done very little. One last thing does your Dad still play pick up basketball. His favorite shot was the set shot from the outside.


"Melle is a loser", Pittsfield, Massachusetts, May 29, 2008

You should really stop spamming the Topix forums with your blogs. Noone wants to read them.

You are a nobody and nobody cares what you have to say.

You are insignificant and you have only two claims to fame:

1) you got waitresses at Hooters to take a picture with you (you probably think that now she's your girlfriend), and,

2)....well, I guess that's it. You're a loser.


"Publius", Holyoke, Massachusetts, May 29, 2008

What spam? First I've seen of it.

Must be I have better things to do than look for Hooters pix. You must be a Hooters reject.



Jonathan Melle at Fenway Park (above).

July 23, 2008

Please look at the following map/graph:

No wonder Massachusetts has a +$1 Billion state budget deficit, while NH has a +$200 Million state budget deficit. The federal government is screwing us out of our own tax dollars by redistributing the money to other state governments!

On another note, today is my 33rd Birthday. I am in good health, but I only have $1 to my name. I broke with my usual contempt for the state lottery (regressive taxation), and I bought myself a $1 powerball ticket for tonight. I am blessed by good family and friends, which matters most in one's life.

I guess if I wanted to be like our nation's tax system, I should be like New Mexico and have $2 to my name instead of like New Hampshire and having 67-cents to my name. My $1 is only worth 59-cents compared to when President Bush #2 took office when I was nearly 25.5-years-old, or about 7.5-years-ago.

Our country's public financial system is as terrible as my net worth! At least those fellow 33-year-olds in China & India have jobs!

Jonathan A. Melle



-(Of course, not limited to)-
Pittsfield's political inbred, dark prince: Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.!



Carmen Massimiano II
P.S. Please keep protecting all of the bullies: Commonwealth of Massachusetts and State of New Hampshire, respectively, among all other included but sorry top-down, elitist authorities/institutions. THE ONLY ANSWER FROM THE STATE SO FAR IS TO PERSECUTE JONATHAN MELLE UNTIL I COMPLETELY LOSE MY SANITY! Do not stand up to the bullies, but rather, PERSECUTE ME! However, ALL OF THE "ASSHOLES OF THE WORLD" WILL BE JUDGED BY GOD! I will have the last laugh in Heaven! -Jonathan Alan Melle


Re: The passing of my 99 year maternal Grandmother


Dear Friends,

My Grandmother Frances Tremblay -- (Born Filomena Marie Marchetti) -- died yesterday at 11:15 A.M. with my mom watching over her at my Uncle's home in R.I. She was 99 years. Next Friday, 10/3, & next Saturday, 10/4, the funeral services will be held in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

When I lived with my Grandmother for about 7-months from August 26, 2003 - April 6, 2004 in my native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, after my parents moved away from Becket, Massachusetts, to Southern New Hampshire, I was able to help her with her elderly life, and I was able to meet and know her doctors, family and friends. I was able to spend time with her, too.

Prior to moving to Southern NH, I was able to save her life, as the doctor's office called and apprised me that she had a diabetic attack with a blood sugar level over 600 points; while a normal count ranges between 60 - 120 points. I ensured that she be admitted to the local hospital and they brought her back to me in good health.

I will miss my grandmother, and I believe her passing yesterday (9/25/2008) was merciful and ended her suffering during her hospice care treatment.

In Truth,
Jonathan A. Melle


Re: I have failed my native home "commonwealth"!

October 17, 2008

I should have braved the corruption and wickedness of Pittsfield, (Massachusetts), politics in early-2004 and waged a viable campaign for Berkshire State Senator against then-State Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr. (now Berkshire State Senator Ben Downing). Instead of focusing on the city and "commonwealth", my anger at "Luciforo's" abuses of power and his corruption diverted my otherwise good intentions, and I unfortunately dropped out of the race.

Only a mere +4.5-years-ago, I collected over 300 campaign signatures, without one state representative and the like signing (Peter J Larkin, William Pignatelli, Daniel Bosley; Carmen Massimiano, et al), to place my name on the September '04 primary ballot.

My reasons for running were two: one good and the other personal or negative. The latter was that I strongly dislike "Luciforo". To read more about my negative feelings on Pittsfield's political prince of darkness, please view my Blog pages:

For this above reason, I have failed my native home "commonwealth"!

The former reason was my good intentions. You see, in early-2004, I was upset with former-Acting Governor Jane Swift and then-Governor WILLARD Mitt Romney and the closed door, special interest and CORRUPT self-serving Massachusetts State Legislature.

I lived in Berkshire County for the first 28.5-years of my life: From July 23, 1975 to April 6, 2004. From the "Thanksgiving 2001" FY2002 Massachusetts State Budget to the "Summer 2003" FY2004 Massachusetts State Budget, Governors Swift and Romney with the Legislature CUT LOCAL AID 3 CONSECUTIVE FISCAL YEARS! Please note, that in this same time period, the Legislature voted themselves 3 pay raises during the 3 years of budget cuts to their districts.

So it was early-2004, still FY2004, and the state government had decimated the financing of my then local area's local governmental units to record low levels! As a result of what Beacon Hill's State House did, property taxes went up by 33% to 40%, which forced elderly citizens out of their homes. Moreover, then-Lieutenant Governor Kerry Healey once stated that "Seniors were overhoused" and that they should be forced to sell their homes and live in inner cities in small apartments for greater efficiency.



As a native of Berkshire County, I saw how much the majority of Berkshire residents relied on their state taxpayers being returned to them via local aid to fund the units of their local governmental services: Public Education, Public Safety, Public Works, and the like. Unlike Boston and its wealthy suburbs, a majority of Berkshire County residents rely on their state representatives and one state senator to advocate for their needs.

I saw a majority of Berkshire residents being SCREWED by their state representatives: Peter J Larkin (now Chris Speranzo), William Pignatelli, Shaun Kelly (now Denis E Guyer), & Daniel Bosley! I also saw my then-State Senator, LUCIFORO!, representing INSURANCE COMPANIES in private law practice, while at the very same time chairing the very legislative committee that regulated them. I was upset and saddened for my native hometown and Berkshire County...FOR GOOD REASONS! Berkshire County was being sold out by bought off Berkshire area Legislators, including Amherst's State Senator Stan Rosenberg, too.

I have lived in Southern New Hampshire's Hillsborough County since April 7, 2004 through today (10/17/2008) and onwards. I am now 33-plus years of age. For the past +4.5-years, I have watched Massachusetts State Politics and followed the Berkshires, too. Please note, that (Amherst, NH &) Manchester, NH share Boston's news media. I like living in Southern New Hampshire, except for me facing 7 FALSE criminal charges before the NH Superior Court - North at my re-scheduled trial by jury on 2/17/2009. Please note, New Hampshire has PERSECUTORS just like Massachusetts!

Now, I read that Governor Deval Patrick is following in his predecessors' footsteps in reducing finances for governmental units. One would ask, what is wrong with that? My answer is that just like Jane Swift and WILLARD Mitt Romney, Deval Patrick is making inequitable cuts to governmental units that a majority of residents depend on for their well being, WHILE (at the same time) KEEPING IN PLACE TAX BREAKS and public or taxpayer subsidies for the state's already wealthy SPECIAL INTERESTS...just like before!

You don't believe me? O.K., I will prove my point! Please visit my Blog pages on the Deval-uator and the (not so) great Tim Murray:

&, My least favorite story is North Adams State Representative Daniel "Bureaucrat" Bosley sponsoring a secret budget rider to the FY2009 Massachusetts state budget that would have given hundreds of millions in off-shore tax breaks to large corporations, which was called "The Bosley Amendment"! Fortunately, "The Bosley Amendment" was defeated prior to the FY2009 Massachusetts State Budget was passed into law.

Please note that "Bureaucrat" Bosley also voted to abolish "Clean Elections" in the FY2004 Massachusetts State Budget. Please note that "Bureaucrat" Bosley also was a loyal Lieutenant of former-Speaker Tom Finneran and is now at the beckon call of Speaker Sal DiMasi! Please note that "Bureaucrat" Bosley takes in many thousands of dollars per year from special interests that are far east of his legislative district. Please note that "Bureaucrat" Bosley is Orwellian in his support and opposition to gambling public policies. He supports the state's monopoly on the Lottery system, but strongly opposes the state licensing private casinos. To read more about Daniel E. Bosley, please view my Blog pages:

You can see how I have failed my native home "commonwealth" by not being elected Berkshire County State Senator about 4 years ago due to me dropping out of the race and moving away. I get distracted by all of these CORRUPT Pols, and I become very angry with them, and I lose my focus on what I wanted to do to make society a better place for a majority of the people to live, work and enjoy.

If I had not failed my native home "commonwealth", I would have worked hard to ensure the brutal fiscal realities to day would have been history, footnoted to Jane Swift and WILLARD Mitt Romney. I would have ensured Berkshire County and Western Massachusetts, and the like received equitable levels of local aid. I would have ensured effective, efficient and accountable governance.

However, I am sorry Massachusetts, I have failed you long ago in early-2004. I shed tears for you and feel sorry for the people for having a government they certainly do NOT deserve!

In Dissent!
Jonathan Melle



Those were the days, my friend. Hanging out every weekend at the Pittsfield YMCA. We would play basketball for 3 to 4 hours, sometimes lift weights, sometimes go upstairs to the nautilus room where people would play volleyball and other games. That was when Pittsfield was cool. We all used to stick together like a cult of gym rats who had each other's backs. Unfortunately, it only takes a few bad apples to ruin what we had in our youth. Just like the haters who ruined the "Y", I am dealing with Manchester Police Officer John Cunningham who is filled with so much anger and hate that he is trying to ruin my life by lying about illegally using multiple kinds of force against me. All we have is our memories. Looking forward, we have to remember who we truly are inside and we can get through everything and anything. The good people still have my back and that is all that counts.

- Jonathan Melle


The Manchester Express, February 9 - 15, 2009, Volume 4 No. 7
"Politics this week" ~In Part~
By JOSEPH KELLY LEVASSEUR, Manchester Express Columnist

Political gadfly Jonathan Melle has moved out of Ward 3 (in Manchester, NH). (Jonathan) Melle purchased a condo in Amherst (New Hampshire) to be closer to his parents. The feisty Democrat has publicly pounded on Democratic Ward 3 Alderman Peter Sullivan and Republican Mayor Frank Guinta. (Jonathan) Melle, not impressed with Guinta, has called him the “worst mayor ever.” But the mayor and aldermen won’t see Melle around City Hall anymore.

“Since I no longer am a resident of the ward, I will no longer make public comment at City Hall,” Melle said. “But I will still blog my opinions.”

In an e-mail, Ward 8 Alderman (& NH State Senator) Betsi DeVries reacted to Melle’s move:

“Jonathan, I just wanted to express my regrets that you have decided to move to Amherst (New Hampshire), and wish you all the best,” DeVries wrote. “You will always be an individual who watches and comments on government and stays involved. This is to be applauded. Again I wish you the best.”


April 18, 2009

Re: Massachusetts guts local aid dollars AGAIN!

One of the reasons why I wanted to run for Massachusetts State Senate back in early-2004 was because the state government had cut local aid dollars, including public education monies for 3 consecutive fiscal years from the "Thanksgiving 2001" FY2002 state budget through the FY2004 beginning on July 1, 2003. As a then resident of Becket, Massachusetts, I watched my then state government make cut after cut after cut to any and all programs and public services that served my then regional public interest in Berkshire County and Western Massachusetts. Meanwhile, the Governor (from Jane Swift to WILLARD Mitt Romney) and Legislature kept voting themselves pay raise after pay raise after pay raise. Moreover, the Legislators reported many thousands of special interest dollars in the campaign coffers, and while they cut services that benefited their constituents, they kept in place hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks for Boston area big banks and insurance companies, among other already wealthy corporations. It was impossible to run against my State Representative or State Senator because they had six-figure campaign "war chests", while their constituents had to pay more state and local taxes and fees far above the rate of nominal inflation. Now, 5 years later, I read from my perch in Southern New Hampshire that Beacon Hill is proposing a record setting 25% cut in local aid dollars on top of the already 10% "emergency" cut in local aid earlier this year. These continual cuts will be devastating for most of the people and regions of the commonwealth of Massachusetts who do not benefit from the corporate elite's business interests. However, the State Representatives and Senators, whom all received a sizeable pay raise of over $3,200 earlier this year, will be more secure in keeping their incumbency in tact. To me, it all boils down to: "if there is no bread, then let them eat cake." I wish I could have stuck it out in Massachusetts politics, defeated "Luciforo", and brought real representation to the people of Berkshire County, Massachusetts.

In Dissent!
Jonathan Melle


July 16, 2009

Re: I have no intention of running for US Congress

There has been postings on the Internet that I may run for US Congress someday. I have no intention of doing so. First of all, it would cost about $10 million every 2 years, which would mean that I would have to raise $5 million a year for 2 decades, which is $100 million over a career on Capitol Hill. That would mean that I would have to do the bidding of lobbyists, corporate executives and their PACs. However, I have a good conscience, which means I would NEVER take their special interest money to obtain and retain high political office. There are over 40,000 registered lobbyist in Washington, D.C. compared to 535 members of US Congress on Capitol Hill, which means there are about 70 lobbyists for 1 member of US Congress. Who really runs the show? In theory, the people via their national "elected" delegates. In reality, the corporate executives through their lobbyist and PACs. Moreover, I live below the poverty line as a Disabled Veteran who served our nation Honorably in the US Army. While I am poor, at least I can live with myself and sleep at night. Politicians who take special interest money are nothing more than whores in suits! I want to a good person who wont sell the people out for high political office. I would, however, like to be a future US President so I could bring back the humanitarian values of the Enlightenment and Founding Fathers, which means standing up for Human Rights for ALL Peoples both in the USA and citizens of the World. I would like to end genocides, wars, poverty, and many other needless social injustices. I can only HOPE!

- Jonathan A. Melle


July 30, 2009

"No tax on Medications" - "Ten things you did not know about jonathan melle
1-he thinks he will be elected president of the united states
3-the army discharged him from service as unfit
4-he is love with a hooter girl called tiffany
5-his middle name is homer
6-his favorite food is split pea & ham soup
7-he hates 12,447 elected public officials
8-he was rejected as contestant on the tv show "I LOVE NEW YORK"
9-he thinks there is a conspiracy to get him


1 - Yes. I want to be a future US Prez!

2 -

3 - Yes. The US Army Psychiatrist found me mentally unfit for military service. I received an Honorable Discharge, Disabled Veterans Benefits, and the regards of a US President.

4 - I have never been in love with any Hooters lady.
However, I do, indeed, like going to Hooters.

5 - My middle name is NOT Homer. It is Alan!

6 - My favorite food is NOT split pea & ham soup. It is ICE CREAM!

7 - I do NOT hate 12,447 elected public officials. I do not hate Denis E Guyer anymore!

8 - I was never rejected as a contestant on on the TV show "I LOVE NEW YORK". However, I am a North Street reject!

9 - Yes. I do, indeed, believe that there is a conspiracy that is set out to make me look like a bad person! It centers around Pittsfield's Inbred, Dark Political Prince: Andrea F Nuciforo II (aka "Luciforo"!).

10 -

- Jonathan Melle



My best doggy friend!

May 6, 2010

Re: Hardball court tomorrow

The Prosecutor, Brett Harpster, is going to ask the Judge, James O'Neill, for the maximum penalty of 12 months in jail against me tomorrow (Friday) morning when I go to my sentencing in Laconia, NH. His reasoning for "throwing the book at me" is because he believes a criminal act against a police officer must be met with jail time. I asked my Attorney, Tom Ficarra, to stand up to Attorney Brett Harpster, and explain that I am a mentally disabled man/Veteran who did not understand or was unable to adequately communicate with the hostile police officer, named John Cunningham. I did not intend to hurt anyone, nor did anyone get hurt (except for me when Cunningham illegally sprayed and beat me). And that I take responsibility for my actions of misdemeanor reckless conduct and misdemeanor disobeying a police officer and will fulfill the obligation of my sentence. I do not believe that Attorney Brett Harpster is being reasonable. He made a mockery of my mental disabilities in court by telling the jury it was a "crutch" and to throw "that card out"! He suppressed the witness' statement that Police Officer John Cunningham yelled "I do NOT care if he is disabled"! Attorney Brett Harpster is playing hardball against me. I will not be intimidated by these unfair tactics. I believe that my Defense Attorney will stand up to his opposing counsel's shameful tactics and the Judge will see reason when he sentences me tomorrow morning.

- Jonathan Melle


May 7, 2010

Re: many weekends in jail and other consequences

My sentencing today will incarcerate me at the Hillsborough County NH Jail in Manchester from Friday evening through Sunday evening for many consecutive weekends in jail starting on May 14th, 2010. My other punitive obligations include a $500 (+ $100) fine, 1-year of probation, community service, a letter of apology to Manchester Police Officer John Cunningham, an evaluation by the DMV concerning my ability to drive, and follow-up with my medical (mental health) treatment at the VA Hospital. My crimes are misdemeanor reckless conduct and misdemeanor disobeying a police officer. I spoke at my sentencing, stating that the prosecutor discriminated against me for having mental health disabilities and the police officer sprayed and beat me, as well as yelled at one of the witnesses: "I don't care if he is disabled".

- Jonathan Melle


April 28, 2011

I am not a statistic, nor a reflection of the sad realities facing Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Instead of contributing to job loss, I worked every and any job given to me throughout my life. I served our nation Honorably in the U.S. Army and am a Disabled Veteran. As a young adult, I went to college for 6 straight years instead of being part of the teenage pregnancy welfare complex that is Pittsfield & North Adams. I only have 2 misdemeanors for a criminal record and served my time, fines and fees. I don't abuse alcohol and I don't do drugs. I am averse to violence of any kind. While I have been a victim of bullies, I refuse to live at any of their low levels of behaviors. I speak out against insider politics and the corrupt politicians who use the Good Old Boy network's political machine for their own gain at the expense of many. I blog about politics, politicians and the system to try to understand, analyze and speak for changes. I email my political thoughts and personal struggles so people would understand my good conscience and well meaning for our World. I support quality public education and dissent against all of the politics that have taken away from teachers educating students to think critically and be good citizens. No one wants Pittsfield to change more than me. It is my native hometown and I get angry to see its downward spiral into job loss, teen pregnancies & welfare caseloads, violent crimes and drug use, corrupt & insider politics, and poorly performing schools. Rinaldo Del Gallo, III, used to speak out about the real Pittsfield back in 2003 - 2005 era, too. Rinaldo was not listened to because The Berkshire Eagle, the Good Old Boy network & political machine, & WHEN voiced many falsehoods and propaganda that has neglected the need for economic growth, family values, community, public schools, and stopping violent crimes. I don't know what happened to Rinaldo's voice for Pittsfield. Maybe he got discouraged, but Rinaldo was right about everything he spoke out about. Rinaldo is intelligent and should run for political office once again. I like the work Dan Valenti is doing on his blog. Maybe Valenti will make a difference in Pittsfield.

- Jonathan Melle




December 10, 2014

Re: It is (not) all my fault that I am a financially insecure nearly 40 year old man

It is all my fault that I never had a +$20 per hour plus benefits living wage job with job security where I could save for my retirement, and get married and afford a residential home in a nice neighborhood and have two children and one dog and one cat, and then save for their college funds, and have a nest egg for emergency expenses. It is my fault that I am almost 40 years old next summer without attaining the American Dream. I mean, millions of jobs have been outsourced to Asian nations like China, India, and the like. I mean, income inequality and flat wages for the average worker is the new normal in our 21st Century American economy. I mean, everything is more expensive than ever before. Housing, Healthcare Insurance, Education, Debt, Negative Income, Insufficient Retirement Accounts, Job Insecurity. But, it is all the fault of Jonathan Alan Melle of Amherst, New Hampshire!

- Jonathan A. Melle


February 21, 2015

Re: Big banks are planting the seeds of political extremism

I have been following the Greek financial system and its 4 month extension of bailout aid that gives Greece more time to negotiate an agreement with its creditors, including its biggest creditor: Germany, to avoid defaulting on its debts. I believe our financial system is planting the seeds of political extremism. The same seeds that were planted at the end of World War One, which lead to the rise of Adolf Hitler and other dangerous dictators. The big banks want all of the money, power, and control over the political system. The big banks are systematically destroying the middle class. The big banks want Greece to implement austerity measures that would diminish the quality of life and financial security of the masses. Our political leaders in America and Europe are letting this happen. Many politicians from the White House to U.S. Congress are supporting the top-down financial system for their own special interests. I am sending this letter to the U.S. President, and my delegates to Capitol Hill.

- Jonathan Melle


March 3, 2015

Re: We are all being controlled by the system

Dan Valenti writes about China surpassing the United States of America in economic output. He believes China poses an imperial threat to our nation's Superpower status. I see it from a different perspective. I see China's economic status and the US' Superpower status under the lens of the corporate elite benefiting from a new global economic system at the expense of the billions of have-not people. Everything is being done for the benefit of the wealthiest corporations. It no longer matters if the U.S. is number one or China is number one. The billionaire class does not care if I make $10 per hour in the U.S. or $1 per hour in China. As long as wealth and growth is maintained for the most elite of our institutions, someone such as myself can "pound sand" in either nation. The global economic system is no longer based on democracy. Our nation's ruling and business elites are bought by the billionaire class. Everything is based on the financial system now. The underclass is larger than ever now. Communities such as Pittsfield are losing the battle because there are no elites benefiting from the system. It is a scary world in the 21st Century. If we systematically take away people's economic and political security via an equitable and democratic society, we are planting the seeds for another Hitler to take over the system. This time, there will be no power on Earth to stop another madman because we will all be controlled by the system.

- Jonathan Melle


March 21, 2015

Re: The three legged stool of the middle class

The three legged stool of the middle class are:

Leg One: Housing. People who live in decent housing with safe streets will lead prosperous lives.

Leg Two: Public Education. People who learn to think and acquire job skills will lead prosperous lives.

Leg Three: Healthcare Insurance. People who are healthy will lead prosperous lives.

After the three legged stool of the middle class, people need job security and financial security.

Put all of this together with a nurturing family structure, and our nation will have a strong middle class once again.

This is not rocket science. Both the Democratic and Republican Parties say they are the for the middle class. Politicians need to invest in people again. It is not all about corporate profit margins and top-down growth of the economic/financial system. Both the Government and the private sector need to invest in the people so they are able to obtain decent housing, public education, and healthcare insurance. We must ensure that the working class has both job and financial security. We must support strong families that nurture each other. We must rebuild the middle class once again.

- Jonathan Melle



July 20, 2015

Re: my final "mass" email

I turn 40 later this week, and I am done sending "mass" emails. A lot of what I went through with Nuciforo's Pittsfield politics has passed. I am no longer affected by the negative experiences I had as a then young adult living in the Pittsfield area. I am happy my personal and political problems in Pittsfield are over and done with. I like my middle aged life in Amherst, NH. I have a wonderful family and a good dog, support from my fellow Veterans at the VA medical center in Manchester, NH, and I have my self respect back. I wish the people of Pittsfield well. I will still read and blog about Pittsfield and Massachusetts politics. I enjoy reading Dan Valenti's blog: "Planet Valenti".

- Jonathan Melle


Jonathan Melle with my dog Chocolate on September 18, 2015.

July 3, 2017

The American Dream has a special meaning to me. It is the power of Free Speech and the Right to dissent against corrupt politicians and the government they spoil. I will always speak my good conscience as long as I live! I will always speak out against corrupt politicians, the political system full of special interests and corporate lobbyists, and socioeconomic injustices that cost our society "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".

- Jonathan Melle


August 14, 2017

Re: Human Rights under law

We are a country founded on both Human Rights and Slavery. The United States of America is a contradiction in terms. We hold our ideals of democracy, Human Rights, and Liberty to be sacred. We cannot erase our nation's unjust past.

Prior to the Declaration of Independence, we lived in British Colonies that were ran like corporations for the profit of the British state. We rebelled against colonialism and British tyranny over the American People. However, our Founders also owned Slaves and exploited the Native Americans in ways similar to the British.

In Europe and in America, there is an alt-Right or White Supremacy movement. Most people are against this newest form of fascism that we fought against in World War Two. But there are minority factions of white groups that support overt discrimination against minorities including the Jewish People, the Muslim People, the Black or African-American People, the Mexican Immigrants or Mexican-American People, and the like.

For the record, and above all else, I stand for Human Rights for all Peoples and people! We all have equal rights under the law. We must stand against hate, intolerance, and discrimination. We should love and respect one another, and embrace our diversity.

I am a disabled Veteran who suffers from mental illness. I live and breathe because I live in a country that accepts people like me. Sometimes, I get made fun of by bullies or ignorant people, but at the end of the day, I am alive and well because of Human Rights under law.

- Jonathan Melle


August 24, 2017

I saw that a Western Massachusetts women won the 2nd largest Powerball drawing in U.S. history. My Powerball ticket had no matching numbers. But, I had the chance to dream of being a multi-millionaire. That is what the lottery really sells people who pay that state a voluntary tax borne by more low-income consumers than high-income ones. It is kind of like a beer commercial where there are beautiful young women in bikinis dancing around men. But when I drink a cold one, I am only dreaming like when I buy my lottery tickets. Anyways, I am happy for the 53 year old lady from Chicopee who won last night's Powerball jackpot!

- Jonathan Melle


June 9, 2019

Re: My former criminal record has been annulled!

I no longer have a criminal record. The State of New Hampshire recently granted me annulments. I am grateful to be a law-abiding citizen in good standing again.

- Jonathan Melle


June 21, 2019

War = Money!

The U.S.A. has the World's largest market share of selling military weapons and technology. It is our nation's #1 non-farm export. We always fight or are involved in wars each and every year since World War II, which was the last officially declared war. We have a military industrial complex and war machine that runs our government. Our national debt is huge to feed our nation's hunger for war.

It is all very tragic and sad!

- Jonathan Melle


June 22, 2019

Re: My response to blog poster C. Trzcinka

If you are right, which means that I am wrong, then please answer my questions: Why is our nation's #1 non-farm export military weapons and related technologies? Why does our nation have the World's largest market share of sales of military weapons/tech?  Why does our nation have a military industrial complex with a tragic history of many military conflicts since World War II?  Why is our national debt $22.4-trillion after 4 tax cuts and two wars over the past 2 decades?  Why is Wall Street at record highs?

I respect your opinions.  I hope you will answer my questions about the correlation between war and money.

- Jonathan Melle


February 22, 2020

Re: I am a persecuted and unlucky man

After I spoke out against Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign for Prez over the past few days on Dan Valenti’s awesome blog, there have been negative blogger posts against me for being a disabled Veteran. I want you to know that from the Spring of 1996 – July 1, 2000, my dad was a politician as a Berkshire County Commissioner. I was 20 years of age during the Spring of 1996. Having a parent in politics led me to be a target of bullying, including vicious rumors, and blacklisting from employment. Nuciforo tried to jail me in the Spring of 1998, and he filed multiple “ethics” complaints against my dad. When I graduated from U Mass Amherst in May of 1999 when I was 23 year of age, I tried to find a job, but my dad was in elected office in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. I had student loans, and I thought I would give the U.S. Army a try. I served for one year and 9 months, and I received an Honorable discharge based on my psychiatric condition. One week prior to 9/11/2001, I started a job at a bank. I worked for the bank for 8.5 months in Pittsfield, Mass. My branch manager, who was a Dalton politician and ally of Nuciforo, called me “wop” many times, as I have an Italian-American last name that means “Mele: Apple” in Italy. I used the f-bomb against my boss, and he reported me for swearing at him, but he denied calling me “wop”. My employment was terminated from the bank during the Spring of 2002. For over one year of my adult life, I walked around Pittsfield, Mass., looking for employment. I was blacklisted. During the Summer of 2003, I worked at a Massachusetts State Park. At the end of the Summer of 2003, my parents sold their home in Becket, Massachusetts. My family moved to Amherst, NH. In the early-winter of 2004, I took out nomination papers and collected signatures for Pittsfield State Senator to oppose Nuciforo, but I dropped out of the race, and I decided to move to Amherst, NH, to live with my family. That Summer of 2004, the then sitting U.S. President, George W. Bush, ordered me a hearing at the VA Central Office near the White House in Washington, D.C. My mom and I went to my VA hearing, but we were told we should have had a Veteran’s Attorney. I worked part-time at Sears in the Tools department from the late-Spring of 2004 until the early-Spring of 2007. In early-June of 2007, a bullying cop in Manchester, NH arrested me. I was indicted for 2 felonies and 8 misdemeanors. I drove past the cop and knocked over an orange traffic cone with my car. The cop jumped me, but he lied about his illegal uses of force. I stood trial in January of 2010, and I was convicted of 2 misdemeanors: reckless conduct and disobeying a police officer. I had to serve 20 weekends in the county jail, among other sentencing punishments. 9 years later, in the Summer of 2019, the State of NH annulled my criminal record. Back to the VA, during the Summer of 2008, I received a letter that the VA had granted me service connection. I am a 100-percent disabled Veteran. I go to the Manchester VAMC for my health care. I feel very fortunate to receive VA care, which is a positive place for me to go most weekdays.

- Jonathan Melle


March 23, 2020

Re: Disabled Veterans earned their benefits

I disagree with the view that I “sit in an apartment somewhere while I collect an unearned pension”. Rather, disabled Veterans like me earned their benefits through Honorable military service. I also want to say that I went to college and graduate school. When I was a young man, I looked for a job in the Pittsfield area without any success. I believe those who ran Pittsfield politics blacklisted me from employment because my dad was a politician there. They were retaliatory and mean-spirited against my dad and me for not playing ball with the big wheels who ran Pittsfield politics. From the mid-Spring of 2002 to the beginning of Summer of 2003, I walked around Pittsfield (Mass.) looking for a job, but no one would hire me. By the end of the Summer of 2003, my parents retired and sold their home in Becket and they moved to Amherst, NH to be with their then baby granddaughter. I moved to southern NH to live with my family, and all the work I could find was working part-time at a Sears store selling tools, which ended in the early-Spring of 2007, and it would the last job I ever held. I was arrested 2 months later, I was wrongly indicted on two Felonies and 8 misdemeanors after I drove around a Manchester NH cop and knocked over a traffic cone with my car. The cop jumped me and went on to lie about his illegal uses of force against me. Of course, in the cop’s use of force report, he checked off every box stating he used standard operating procedures to subdue and arrest me. In short, John Cunningham lied to cover his own behind, while placing me in legal jeopardy for a number of years. I was convicted of two misdemeanors: reckless conduct and disobeying a police officer. I had to serve 20 weekends in the county jail, among other sentencing guidelines. In the Summer of 2019, the State of New Hampshire annulled my criminal record. In closing, I am thankful for my VA care. Without it, I would be at risk of being homeless and would have to live a life of poverty, which I believe was caused by mean-spirited and retaliatory Pittsfield politicians and a lying city cop who protected himself while watching me get in legal trouble.

- Jonathan Melle


March 24, 2020

I did not choose to be a victim! My dad was a politician when I was in my early to mid 20's. Pittsfield politics is toxic and mean-spirited! They tried to ruin my dad and my own respective lives during that time in my life. When I was in the U.S. Army, I did not ask to have a steel bar held to my head and then get punished for reporting the incident. I did not ask to be sleep deprived for days on end in the middle of a freezing January winter and then be given illegal orders to drive a 5 ton military vehicle on Germany's civilian roads after a similar 5 ton truck had previously jackknifed and killed a mother and her son in their car en route to a German elementary school. I did not ask to be called "wop" multiple times by my branch manager at a bank and then have my employment terminated after I admitted to swearing at him while he denied his misconduct. I did not ask to be blacklisted from employment by the Good Old Boys who run Pittsfield politics. I did not ask for a Manchester NH cop to illegally use force against me and then deny it while I wrongly faced an excessive amount of criminal charges, including 2 felony indictments and 8 misdemeanor charges. I was convicted of 2 misdemeanor charges, but the State of NH annulled my criminal record last summer (2019). Lastly, I did not ask to be a person with a disability based on a psychiatric condition.

- Jonathan Melle


March 27, 2020

I am still being picked on in Pittsfield (Mass.)

Thank you for the dressing down. My dad was a Pittsfield area politician (from the Spring of 1996 - July 1, 2000), and they were not nice to my dad and me, especially a former Pittsfield State Senator and current marijuana drug dealer [named Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior] who I promised I would not name anymore on this [Dan Valenti's] awesome blog. When I was a Soldier in the U.S. Army, I complained that a fellow Soldier held a steel bar to my head and I was punished for reporting it. I was sleep deprived for days on end in a cold mid-January winter and then I was given illegal orders drive a 5 ton military truck on Germany's civilian roads, which was a month after a sleep deprived Soldier jackknifed a civilian car killing a mother driving her son to a German elementary school. I received an Honorable discharge based on a psychiatric condition. I am a 100% service connected disabled Veteran, I received a letter from the White House stating the U.S. President (George W. Bush) sends me his regards after he ordered me a hearing at the VA Central Office near the White House in Washington, D.C. during the Summer of 2004. In closing, I think you are wrong to say I am the bad guy! Rather, I am a respected person, despite all of the people who dislike me and have been mean to me in my life of +44.5-years.

- Jonathan Melle


April 15, 2020

Re: Open letter to blogger Dan Valenti

Hello Dan,

I love reading your awesome blog everyday. I think it is wonderful that you allow “Freedom of Speech”, unlike many news media web-sites.

I support the lovely Linda Tyer in politics. While I do not agree with all of her policies and decisions she makes as Mayor of Pittsfield (Mass.), I admire her compassion for all of the people, as well as her commitment to Human Rights for All. If I were a politician, I would model myself after her leadership!

I oppose Donald Trump in politics. I believe he is EVIL! He had neo-Nazis work for his presidential campaign and administration. He divides people by race. His disparages Peoples and Women with racist, sexist, and demeaning language. His immigration policies are inhumane. He is a moral hypocrite of the highest degree. His economic policies are inequitable. Senior Citizens are afraid of his plans to cut social insurance programs that give the elderly their dignity.

I do not see myself as a “Victim”! I explained to you and your blog followers that my dad was a politician decades ago. My dad told state politicians on Beacon Hill that they are wrong to pick on Berkshire County Government when Boston’s “Big Dig” was running multi-billion dollar cost overruns. They used retribution against my dad and me.

When I was a Soldier in the U.S. Army, another Soldier was sleep deprived and jackknifed a 5 ton military vehicle into a mother driving her son to an elementary school in Germany. In Germany, there was outrage that a negligent on duty American Soldier killed a German civilian mother and her son. That Soldier was court martialed and dishonorably discharged. A month later in a freezing mid-January 2001 winter, my Staff Sergeant ordered me to pull many consecutive 24 hour duty shifts against Army regulations. A Soldier in my platoon threatened me by holding a steel bar to my head. I reported the incident, but only I was punished for telling him to “go to Hell”. Then, my abusive Staff Sergeant ordered me to drive a 5 ton Army vehicle over civilian roads. I knew what happened a month earlier, I was freezing, threatened, and sleep deprived, and I refused to comply with his illegal order. I had a mental breakdown. I received an Honorable discharge based on a psychiatric condition. In the Summer of 2004, the then sitting U.S. President, George W. Bush, ordered my a hearing at the VA Central Office near the White House in Washington, D.C. 4 years later, in the Summer of 2008, I was granted service connection VA disability benefits. I am now a 100% service connected disabled Veteran.

On June 7, 2007, I drove around a Manchester NH police officer and knocked over a traffic cone with my car to park in my car near my then downtown apartment. The county D.A.’s office indicted me on 2 felonies, along with 8 misdemeanors. I stood trial in January of 2010 in NH Superior Court in Nashua NH. The jury found me “not guilty” of the 2 felony indictments, but I was convicted of 2 misdemeanors: reckless conduct and disobeying a police officer. Last Summer 2019, the State of NH annulled my criminal record.

I have faced difficult circumstances in my life, but I take my mental health seriously. I follow evidenced based recovery mental health practices to live a rewarding life in my home, with my family, in my community, and in our great country that honors me.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Melle


April 17, 2020

I keep telling you and everyone else that I tried to find work for years of my adult life. It did not happen for me. I am vested in the VA system now. It is not that I choose not to work, but rather, it is that I don't want to become homeless in my mid-40's. I take my VA care seriously. I am thankful for what I have in my life.

- Jonathan Melle


May 28, 2020

Police need to go through mental health response training. When I was arrested in Manchester, NH on June 7, 2007 by city cop John Cunningham, he screamed at the witnesses that he did not care if I (Jonathan Melle) is disabled. After my trial by jury, the Police Chief sent me a letter in the mail apologizing for his police officer's disrespectful behavior and words.

I believe police should be evaluated for their mental health, too. My arresting police officer should have been made to go through anger management mental health treatment.

- Jonathan Melle


July 15, 2020

Re: In memory of Joan Kaiser

When my family lived in Becket, Massachusetts from the Spring of 1996 - late August of 2003, we befriended a loyal Democrat named Joan Kaiser. She was always kind to me and she supported my dad Bob when he ran for Berkshire County Commissioner in 1996. She wrote a letter to the New Hampshire Judge in 2010 on my behalf saying that I was always a caring person. I learned today that she recently passed away. I was sad to hear the news that a good and decent person recently passed away. Joan Kaiser will always have a special place in my heart.

- Jonathan Melle


December 18, 2020

My experience with someone playing "the victim card" is that they usually are both the abuser and the victim, but they only tell their side of the story.  It always comes down to who has more power than the person on the other side of the conflict.  Hopefully, we can all be adults in the proverbial room and not say "I am a woman" or "I am black" or "I am poor" and the like.  When will we ever grow up?

- Jonathan Melle


July 18, 2021

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

I promise to keep my blog postings on your awesome blog about Pittsfield politics and beyond brief.  Thank you for your suggestion.  I enjoy reading your blog, and I respect your rules and suggestions.  My 46th birthday is this Friday, July 23rd.  I still enjoy learning and I have learned a lot from the diverse political viewpoints posted on your awesome blog about our native hometown and beyond.  I don't care if people roll their eyes and/or skip over my blog posts.  I enjoy reading all political viewpoints within reason.  In closing, the one thing I still do not fully understand is why so many people have to lose in politics for the elites to always win.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


August 9, 2021

On my 46th birthday night on July 23rd, my friend won over $1,000 with Quad Aces.  The Lucky Moose Casino in Nashua, New Hampshire posted our picture on their website.  I was being a big goofball with my tongue sticking out.

Jonathan A. Melle


November 23, 2021

I wish to write my condolences for the passing of Pittsfield Massachusetts' longest serving city Democratic Party association member, Edith Mazzer.  I was fortunate to have been friends with Edith during and after my time living in my native hometown of Pittsfield Massachusetts.  I used to sit with Edith at local political events, and I was able to treat Edith to meals out at Pittsfield restaurants.  I feel fortunate to have been friends with Edith, who lived 97 years and was dedicated to Pittsfield politics and the community she loved.

Jonathan A. Melle


December 28, 2021

"Marxist/Masturbating" Melle would not win an election.  But Maryland Markey won by using his HOT AIR to sell his Utopian Green New Deal propaganda to Massachusetts voters that old man Ed says will save the world from Global Warming - yeah right & 4 eye rolls.  Moscow Mitch McConnell won by opposing Maryland Markey and his far-left colleagues in the Swamp.  So many Mmmmm's....  Madison, Monroe, Millard, McKinley.... But no Melle.  My last name derives from the Italian word for Apple.  Melle, Piedmont, Italy is the village that my Old-World family probably came from, but somehow one of my family members made his way to Pittsfield, Massachusetts well over one century ago; I believe in or shortly after 1888.  My immigrant great-great Grandfather Michael Melle lived in a working-class home across Clapp Park.  Michael's son Albert - my great Grandfather - served in both World War I and World War II, and he passed away in 1971, which is 4 years before I was born in Pittsfield.  My grandfather Henry briefly served in the U.S. Navy during World War II until the war ended, and he would worry about my father who was a born in Pittsfield during the war.  My father, Bob, served as the last Chairman of the Berkshire County Commission, which was abolished by Beacon Hill effective mid-2000, but there are still seven county governments and other regional governments left in Massachusetts, but no such county/regional entity in Berkshire County.  Then there is me - Jon Melle - aka "Jonny Appleseed" - who is NOT a Marxist because I know that there is no economic system that has ever worked in human history, and who also knows that the U.S. economic system is really a rigged casino-like financial shell game where the ELITES move vast sums of money around and around amongst only themselves to always get what they want: MONEY & POWER! - which are two things that Jon Melle will never have in his lifetime, but I am happy being a Have-Not because Jon Melle needs to sleep well at night with a good conscience by not hurting anyone unlike so many ELITES.  The Almighty Dollar doesn't appeal to me, nor does the Swamp.  My life is too short, and some apples are too sweet, especially the ones from Melle, Piedmont, Italy.

Jonathan Melle


December 29, 2021

I didn't ask for my dad to be a politician in corrupt Pittsfield politics whereby I, along with my father, was persecuted by the Nuciforo network for years on end of my then young adult life; I am now 46-years-old.  I didn't ask for a fellow Soldier to hold a steel bar to my head threatening my life in the U.S. Army Europe, where I was given illegal orders to drive a 5-ton Army vehicle over winter roads after being sleep deprived, which was one month after a sleep deprived Soldier jackknifed a 5-ton Army vehicle into a German mother's car while driving her son to an elementary school, which resulted in their deaths and the Soldier being court-martialed and sent to military prison.  I didn't ask for any of it, but it all happened.  So, STUFF IT about my playing the victim card to collect my VA earned benefits.  I, Jon Melle, served our country honorably and received the regards of a U.S. President named George W. Bush.

Jonathan A. Melle


December 30, 2021

When I am being bullied/threatened, I should not piss off the bully/bullies, but rather (sarcasm) I should drop to my knees and then grab my ankles and then say, "Thank you, Asshole(s)!"  How dare I have a Personality Disorder after dealing with the conspiratorial Nuciforo network in Pittsfield politics, abusive U.S. Army personnel, being wrongly indicted on two felonies I was found NOT guilty of, and all of the other difficult people and situations Jon Melle has had to go through in my life of mental illness and disability.  I never said or wrote that I am always the victim.  I will say that I do NOT live a normal life!

Jonathan A. Melle


January 7, 2022

I have, indeed, volunteered at the VAMC Manchester, NH.  I have, indeed, given my personal money to charity, even when I was honorably serving in the U.S. Army.  I have, indeed, helped out my family and friends when they needed my help and to help them to get ahead in life.  I have, indeed, written to my elected officials to both praise and criticize them.  I do, indeed, care about people, my fellow Veterans, and society.  I feel peace of mind living in my so-called upper middle-class Town of Amherst, New Hampshire, unlike when I lived in inner-city Manchester, NH, for 4 years of my then young adult life from early-2005 to early-2009.  It would be one of my worst nightmares in my life if I had to live in "The Ring of Poverty" that surrounds inner-city Pittsfield Massachusetts, which I long feared that I would end up being stuck there as an adult.  I don't understand how inner-city Pittsfield hit rock bottom with poverty, blight, violent crime, Level 5 public schools, political corruption, decades of population loss and so many lost living-wage jobs, excessively high municipal finances with a shrinking tax base, severe economic inequality with the Mayor, Linda Tyer, living in a mansion in a millionaires-only gated community within a few feet of the Hancock border, and so on.  Lastly, my wish is for everyone to be able to have peace of mind by having a rewarding, happy and healthy life for themselves and their loved ones.

Jonathan A. Melle


January 17, 2022

Sleep deprivation with an inordinate amount of 24-hour duty shifts in the field in freezing mid-January 2001 Germany with me, Jon Melle, receiving and having to disobey very similar illegal orders that could have resulted in innocent civilian deaths one month after a sleep deprived Soldier drove a 5-ton U.S. Army truck that jackknifed and killed a German mother driving her son to an elementary school in Germany where I was honorably serving after a fellow Soldier threatened my life by holding a steel bar to my head, but when I complained to my immediate Chain of Command, my black Sergeant and black Staff Sergeant told me that only I, Jon Melle, was going to be written up for the incident because I told my fellow Soldier to Go To Hell while he was threatening to maim and/or kill me, then me going to JAG and the 2 Star U.S. Army-Europe General's Inspector General's Office with my written documentation of the abuse I was enduring, and then me receiving retribution from my Unit for months-on-end.  My mental and physical health needed constant attention with me going to the psychiatric unit and various hospitals in Germany where even the German Doctors fought with my U.S. Army Command about my physical and mental health.  The White House sending me a letter stating that the U.S. President sends me his regards and the then President, Bush 2, ordering me a hearing during the Summer of 2004 at the VA Central Office that is very close to the White House in Washington, D.C.  Me, Jon Melle, being a 100% service-connected disabled Veteran.  When I receive a medical bill, the hospital statement reads that our grateful country is happy to serve you [Jon Melle].  Is that good enough for you?  Lastly, I wish to thank you for your military service.

Jonathan A. Melle


February 4, 2022

Hello "Markus Aurelius",

Once again, I wish to thank you for your military service.  Your post was very hurtful.  I wish to write again that I was ordered to perform several consecutive 24-hour duty shifts in mid-January 2001 in the freezing field in Germany, a fellow Soldier who was abusing/bullying me threatened my life by him holding a steel bar to my head and I told him to "Go to Hell" and when the incident was over, I reported it directly to my (black) Sergeant and (black) Staff Sergeant, and they both said to me that only I was to be punished for disrespecting a fellow Soldier, and then in my sleep deprived condition, they (illegally) ordered me to drive a 5-ton U.S. Army truck over civilian roads in Germany where one month prior a U.S. Army- serving in Germany, Europe - Soldier fell asleep behind the wheel of a U.S. Army 5-ton truck and jackknifed a German mother driving her child to an elementary school in Germany.  That Soldier was court-martialed and sent to military prison.  I had a mental health breakdown.  I became sick and I was sent to the U.S. Army psychiatric unit, as well as the German Hospitals whereby the medical staff fought with my U.S. Army Command about my condition.  I received an Honorable Discharge, and a couple years later I received a letter from the White House saying that the U.S. President, George W. Bush, sends me his regards and that he ordered me a hearing at the VA Central Office that is close to the White House in Washington, D.C. during the Summer of 2004.  I am a 100% service-connected disabled Veteran.  When I go to the Hospital my statement reads that a grateful country is happy to serve me.  I am a respected Veteran.  Lastly, despite your remarks, I see you as a brother Veteran and I am thankful for your service.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Alan Melle


February 5, 2022

I thank all of you and/or your family members for your military service.  I don't wish to complain.  I thought I did the right thing by our country by protecting innocent human lives after a sleepy Soldier killed a mother who was driving her son to an elementary school in Germany with a U.S. Army 5-ton truck when I was given a similar order one month later in mid-January of 2001.  I am sorry that I couldn't handle all of the abuse I endured during my honorable military service in Germany, Europe.  I have endured unusual event in my then young adult life.  My dad was a Berkshire County Commissioner when I was 21.5 years old to nearly 25 years old from January 1st, 1997 - June 30, 2000.  Nuciforo and his conspiratorial network bullied my dad and I for many years back then.  I had a mental health breakdown in the U.S. Army around the time when the U.S. presidency transitioned from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush in mid-January 2001 when I was just about 25.5 years old.  I understand that all of it happened in my life a long time ago now, as it is now early-February of 2022.  I am not delusional.  Everything I "complain" about really did happen to me (and my political activist dad back then).  I understand that Soldiers have lost their lives and suffered worse traumatic events than myself, and I am grateful for their sacrifices for God and Country.  I am also grateful for the VA and all of the services I receive from the VA.  I love our country, and I wish to let everyone know how blessed I am to be a fellow brother Veteran to all of my brothers and sisters who served honorably in the United States Armed Services.  I believe in Human Rights and Civil Rights for All under Democracy and the rule of law.  I will always support politicians who are good men and women who will stand for our country's best ideals so that we may all live with Liberty and Justice for All Peoples and people of our country and the world.

Jonathan Alan Melle


March 5, 2022

I served our country honorably in the United States Army, and I earned my VA benefits; thank you.  I am very grateful for your honorable military service, including your combat duty, and for you paying federal income taxes through your hard work.  I tried to be independent, but my mental health condition(s) disability and the unusual circumstances I experienced in my life, such as during and after my father was a Pittsfield area politician when I was a young man, left me at risk of homelessness and other socioeconomic risks.  I finally have a little peace of mind in my life, but you repeatedly criticize me - I will turn 47-years-old this Summer of 2022 - for finally being healthy and secure in my life.  What the Hell do you want me to do?  Should I shit on North Street, and then wave to Mayor Linda Tyer when she would drive by me on her way to and then from Pittsfield City Hall in her Lexus luxury car?  Thank goodness I am finally O.K., but if Putin deploys his nuclear weapons against us, then I will be vaporized along with everyone else out there.  Then you wouldn't be able to post anymore about Jon Melle receiving his VA benefits, which you say is government assistance, because you and I would both be vaporized in a horrific nuclear war.  I hope that you are able to keep criticizing Jon Melle, and that there will never be a nuclear war.

Jonathan A. Melle


March 5, 2022

I am very proud of your disabled son for his healthy path of recovery.  You are a wonderful parent.  Thank you for sharing your story.  I am grown up enough to take it, but it is easier said than done for me, of course.  Your son is a better man than me, but please note that I tried to be gainfully employed and do better many times throughout my adult and post-military life.  I have volunteered my time at the Manchester NH VAMC and the Animal Rescue League.  I take care of my 13.5-year-old dog, who is my official Emotional Support Animal.  I am a peer with my fellow Veterans at the VA.  I am a good neighbor and law-abiding citizen with no criminal record.  I hope that I am not all that bad in our society whereby almost everyone is out for the Almighty Dollar for themselves, while Putin is threatening to vaporize us all with his nuclear weapons.  I would rather blog posters criticize Jon Melle everyday than Putin starting a nuclear war.  You may call me whatever sarcastic name you wish in your blog posts, but I ask not to be called Jon Putin, please; thank you.

Jon Melle


March 5, 2022

Yes. Patrick Fennell, who is a Republican and proud Trump supporter (I will never support Trump in American politics and government), answers some of my political emails, and I reply to his political letters to the Editor.  He is an Army Veteran, too.  He lives in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, and he is represented by Elizabeth Warren, Maryland Markey, PAC Man Richie Neal, Chrome Dome Adam Hinds, Shitty Pigpen, and Town leaders who honor the late-Communist W.E.B. DuBois, who personally befriended and praised two Communist Dictators named Stalin and Chairman Mao who killed well over 100 million innocent people and Peoples, which is over 6 times more innocent people and Peoples that Hitler killed (17 million), including in the Holocaust (6 million Jewish People and millions of other people and Peoples).  Housatonic, which is part of Great Barrington, has cancer causing toxic brown tap water with no remediation in sight.  Patrick Fennell and I enjoy writing to each other political emails to complain about the misguided neoliberal federal, state and local career politicians who systemically screw over and lie to the people and taxpayers they supposedly represent in American government.  Lastly, the Town of Great Barrington is one of the most messed up municipal governments in human history for supporting W.E.B. DuBois, who openly hated both Great Barrington and the United States of America!  Go figure.

Jonathan A. Melle


March 5, 2022

Hello Patrick Fennell,

If a famous and historic white man who was born in Great Barrington was personal friends with Hitler and praised his political leadership whereby 17 million innocent people and Peoples, including the 6 million Jewish People and millions of other people and Peoples, were murdered in the Holocaust, would the Town of Great Barrington have named their middle school after their native son, as well as planning to erect a statue of him in a public place?

Just because W.E.B. DuBois was a famous and historic black man who was born in Great Barrington does not mean the Town should be honoring him due to his friendships and praises for Communist Dictators named Stalin and Chairman Mao, who combined murdered over 6 times more innocent people and Peoples than Hitler.  W.E.B. DuBois did not stand for Human Rights for All people and Peoples.

I love my country, but I fear my government because the government has a history of being right, wrong and indifferent.  For example, President Joe Biden spent well over $10 trillion federal dollars in his first year in the Oval Office, and Republicans in U.S. Congress are asking his administration for an accounting of where all of the Biden Buck$ went to.  After the 2022 midterm elections, the Republicans in U.S. Congress will be running the Congressional Committees in 2023 and 2024, and the Biden administration will have to answer for their excessive federal spending binge.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


March 16, 2022

Hello Rinaldo [Del Gallo III],

When I talk to people about Putin's war against Ukraine, most people say that the news media is mostly lying to us because the people and Peoples who live in Ukraine are being slaughtered by the Russian military forces.  It is not at all a fair fight because Russia's military has many more lethal weapons and troops than Ukraine, while the men who are being conscripted to fight for Ukraine are fighting with rifles and other weapons that do not come close to matching Russia's military power.  I praise the people and Peoples of Ukraine for resisting Putin in 2022, who is acting similar to Hitler in 1939, but in the end, Putin is slaughtering thousands of Ukraine's civilians and the less powerful Ukrainian military forces.

I understand that you advocate for Men's Rights, and that you often criticize Women's Rights both at home and abroad.  My belief is that Men and Women both get the proverbial shaft in our society in different ways.  My view of Men and Women and that there are good people and bad people on both sides of the human gender divide.  When a man enters into a relationship with a woman and vice versa, I hope that both sides will respect each other instead of each other engage in conflict and/or worse, violence.  I don't like it when a man feels he should be dominant, nor do I like it when a woman feels that she is always right about everything.  Getting married and living with each other costs couples millions of dollars over 40-plus years of marriage, but if the married couple has a healthy relationship, both the man and woman are usually better off financially for it, and both the man and woman usually live longer lives than isolated, lonely and emotionally insecure people.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Melle

P.S. My last name Melle comes from the Town of Melle, Piedmont, Italy.  Please Google: Melle Piedmont Italy to learn about where my family came from in the 1880s prior to living in Pittsfield Massachusetts where my Great Great Grandfather Michael P. Melle fathered my Great Grandfather Albert Henry Melle, who fought in WW1 for the U.S.A., similar to your Grandfather who fought in WW1 for Italy, and who served again for the U.S.A. in WW2, and who passed away in Pittsfield in 1971.  My Grandfather Henry William Melle served in WW2 like his father.  My father, Bob, was a Pittsfield area politician.  I am a 100 percent service connected disabled Veteran, but I was never deployed in combat.


Letter: "What about the men forced to fight in Ukraine?"
The Berkshire Eagle, March 15, 2022

To the editor: While we are quick to observe negative things that disproportionately affect women, we seldom do this for men.

Men are far more likely to be incarcerated, have problems in school, have hypertension, commit suicide, or suffer workplace injuries and death than woman. Men live shorter lives.

While listening to NPR, I couldn’t help but cringe when the male announcer said of Ukraine, “The refugees are mostly women and children,” as if to suggest the women had it harder. That is because, as the female cohost said, the men of “military age” (18-60) are not allowed to leave the country. Despite this being a serious human rights violation, it has escaped criticism.

Men are being prohibited from fleeing the Ukraine en masse at the borders, separated from their wives and children. The purpose of this is to be able to conscript men in the military. It quite literally divests men over ownership of their own lives and control as to whether they will be subject to injury.

The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, Article 13(2) states, “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own.” Article 30 says, “Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.”

There are many reasons a man might choose not to fight. He may be a pacifist. His religion might forbid it. He may not believe in the war. He might believe in the war, but think resistance is futile. He might feel a greater duty to stay alive to support his children or parents.

My grandfather, Rinaldo Del Gallo Sr., immigrated to the United States and went for a visit back home to Italy. While visiting, he was drafted by the Italian army and nearly died in the Australian Alps in a literal uphill battle in pointless bloodshed in a World War (unlike the second) where nobody was right. Later in life, we believe his health ailments might have had a lot to do with his experiences during World War I. So it is personal when I hear men are not allowed to flee a country but must rather stay and fight in a war they do not wish to participate in.

Rinaldo Del Gallo III, Pittsfield


May 15, 2022

Hello All,

I explained to the mental health group I have been attending that I use written aids and my political writings to communicate with people when I need to make appointments with the in person schedulers, in person bank tellers, and so on, I have a card in my wallet that tells public safety personnel that I am autistic and that I have difficulty communicating with them in stressful situations, and that I am unable to be gainfully employed because of my difficulty communicating with my past workplace staff, which leads me to have anxiety, and in some very stressful situations, involuntary emotional outbursts.  When I was in high school after the movie Rain Man was released, a few of my classmates likened me to the autistic character in the movie that starred Tom Cruise as the autistic man's brother.  The online news article makes sense to me, as it did with fellow autistic workers.  I ask that you please read it; thank you.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Melle


"Autistic worker makes sign to hang in office after allegedly getting disciplined for being a ‘bad communicator’"
By Brooke Sjoberg, The Daily Dot, May 12, 2022

In response to allegedly getting disciplined at work for perceived poor communication, an autistic TikTok creator created a sign alerting co-workers to their neurological difference and shared it on the platform, where commenters are sharing similar experiences.

The autistic worker's sign reads: "I'm autistic. I prefer direct, literal and detailed communication. If I am: not making eye contact; not greeting you back; not understanding your social cues, etc.; there is no malicious intent. it is the autism. Thank you for understanding."

"I made an autism sign at work because I got booked for disciplinary meeting for being a bad communicator," the TikToker captioned the video.

Those who shared similar experiences wrote that they have also been misunderstood at work.

"Also I got pulled into the office for 'isolating myself' and people were 'worried'," one commenter wrote. "I was just sitting in a different break room for some quiet time."

"I got called out for 'needing to have my hand held' when really I just needed clear instructions/direct communication so I knew I was doing the job right," another commenter wrote.

"Not me being told I have 'negative body language' and being reprimanded for not saying 'good morning' every single day," a third said.

In a follow-up video, the aforementioned autistic worker addressed some commenters who they said were asking if they are professionally- or self-diagnosed.

"The funniest thing about the comment section of my autism sign video is the people who are asking me, 'are you self-diagnosed? Are you formally diagnosed?'" they say in the video. "Do you think neurotypical people would make a sign like that? Do you think that would happen? Do you think a neurotypical person would do that?"


June 7, 2022

Hello Dan,

Dan, thank you for publishing my letter on my behalf of your awesome blog covering Pittsfield politics and beyond.  Next Tuesday, 6/14, will be when some of the City Councilors will vote to pass Mayor Linda Tyer's record breaking municipal operating budget for fiscal year 2023 that begins on 7/1/2022.  What if the many predictions of a brutal economic recession come to pass in 2023?  If revenues dry up with increasing U.S. inflation and a so-called economic hurricane that is predicted to wipe out businesses and jobs, how will Pittsfield pay its financial obligations?  Pittsfield has been there a couple of times before, and it did not go well.  Why is Mayor Linda Tyer's budget document predicting drastic population loss in Pittsfield, while she is increasing Pittsfield's financial obligations?  It does not make any sense - even to a young child learning how to count coins in kindergarten.  Mayor Linda Tyer's reliance on public debt will soon cause serious financial problems as the Federal Reserve and financial lenders are raising interest rates.  In brief, Mayor Linda Tyer's budget is full of a lot of holes.  It needs to be voted against, but in Pittsfield politics up is down and down is up.

Why are Beacon Hill lawmakers still sitting on billions upon billions of dollars in state surplus cash plus $2.3 billion in "Biden Bucks"?  That is the real hot button issue that Mayor Linda Tyer and the City Council should be raising instead of always increasing municipal spending by 5 percent every fiscal year since the mid-1980s when three-time MVP Larry Bird was winning NBA Championships for the Boston Celtics.  Where are Pittsfield State Representative Trippy Country Buffet and Pittsfield State Senator Chrome Dome Adam Hinds on Boston's billions?  If I was in Trippy and Chrome Dome's shoes, I would be fighting to give my hometown legislative district a cut of the surplus state cash to lower costs for my economically distressed and unequal community.  Moreover, Beacon Hill lawmakers have not passed any tax relief bills for the middle class, including Senior Citizens, Veterans, the disabled, working-class commuters who are paying $5/gallon for gas, and so on, so far this year of 2022.  Why isn't the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) writing editorials about Boston's billions not going to Western Massachusetts and beyond?

My dad, Bob, said to thank you, Dan, for your well wishes, and he sends the same well wishes back to you, Dan.  When my father was a Berkshire County Commissioner over two decades ago, he was retaliated against for his public advocacy in state and local government in Massachusetts.  While we moved away from the beautiful Berkshires over 18 years ago now, my dad and I are both thankful for your public advocacy for Pittsfield and the Berkshires and beyond for the proverbial little guy living in our native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  I know how you feel when you write for the people and taxpayers, only for state and local corrupt career politicians to continue on with their "Business as usual" tax and spend policies that hurt the very people and taxpayers they represent in City Hall and the State House.  I admire and support your blog, despite our political disagreements - most recently about Berkshire County District Andrea Harrington, who is running for reelection to a second term in this year of 2022.  I am grateful that you are a good friend to the Melle family, whose name is named after Melle, Piedmont, Italy, which is a small commune in northwest Italy near Switzerland and France.  Melle is derived from the words Apple and Honey.  I hope that all of our lives will be as delicious as an Apple and as sweet as Honey.

Best wishes,

Jon Melle


June 22, 2022

Along the lines from the song line "I like New York in June.  How about you?": "I like the Red Sox in June? How about you?"  I hope they play ball like they are this month in July, August, September, possibly in October, and possibly in early-November!  My dad & I have tickets to Fenway Park to see the Blue Jays versus the Red Sox on my 47th birthday next month.  My dad & I have watched the Pittsfield Suns versus the Nashua Silver Knights at historic Holman Stadium.  They will play against each other at historic Wahconah Park this Thursday evening.  My dad saw Chuck Garivaltis, his 1962 PHS classmate the late-Mark Belanger, Tom Grieve, and other legendary Pittsfield baseball players play ball back in the old days.  Pittsfield only had one high school back then, along with St. Joseph High School, which closed a couple of years ago.  My dad's 60-year PHS will be held online this year of 2022.  I only went to my 10-year PHS class reunion back in 2003 before I moved to Southern New Hampshire the next year.  Next year of 2023, it will be 30 years since I graduated from PHS.  I still have my 1993 Pittsfield High School diploma, which I like to look at now and then.

Jonathan A. Melle


December 3, 2022

I was sad to read the obituary of my political friend Patrick Fennell of Great Barrington, Massachusetts.  I always enjoyed reading his political letters and emails over the years.  I fondly remember going to political meetings with my dad, Bob, who is a former Berkshire County Commissioner, and seeing and hearing Patrick Fennell speak for the public good of the people and taxpayers of Berkshire County and beyond many years ago.  Patrick Fennell life of 65 years included his honorably military service and public advocacy.  I will miss him - as Patrick Fennell was a good political friend of mine for many years of my adult life - as I am 47 years old.

Jonathan A. Melle


October 7, 2023

I learned that my 30 year PHS class reunion will take place on the evening after Thanksgiving 2023 on November 24th, 2023, at 5:30 pm, at the GEAA in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  I wont be attending.  I used to have a Facebook account years ago, but I canceled it years ago.  I became upset that some of the people, including some of my peers from Pittsfield High School who I new in my teenage years over 3 decades ago, unfriended me over my comments about the recurring abuse I endured in Pittsfield politics starting when I was only 20 years old during the Spring of 1996 when my dad, Bob, successfully campaigned for the elected position of Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 - mid-2000), which has continued over the past 27.5 years of my adult life - even after I moved away from Pittsfield, Massachusetts in the early-Spring 2004 when I moved to Amherst, New Hampshire to live with my family who previously relocated their residences.

How would my PHS class of 1993 classmates understand that I am a persecuted person at the hands of Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior aka "Luciforo" aka "Pittsfield's Pot King" and his conspiratorial network of bullies?  If I attended my PHS 30 year class reunion, my peers would ask me questions, tell me that I am a horrible person, and say that I am messed up.  It would hurt me - Jon Melle - to be criticized by the people who I attended Pittsfield High School with many years ago because I like all of them all of these many years later.  I love Pittsfield because it is my native hometown and I have many warm memories in the beautiful Berkshires from the days of my youth.

I wish that I never had to know Nuciforo and his mean-spirited clique because I would otherwise attend my PHS 30 year class reunion to see my peers next month.  But I have to function and live my middle-aged life with peace of mind, so I am going to stay home with my family in Amherst, NH during the Thanksgiving 2023 holiday weekend.  I like my PHS peers, and I love Pittsfield, of course.  Thank you for your understanding.

Jonathan A. Melle


October 7, 2023

I did not ask for my dad, Bob, to run for elected office in the Berkshires when I was only 20 years old in the Spring 1996.  I did not ask for Nuciforo to conspiratorially and abusively bully me over the past 27.5 years of my adult life because Nuciforo has a vendetta against my father, Bob.  I could not possibly expect that my PHS 1993 classmates would be able to take the time out of their own adult lives to understand that I am a persecuted person in Pittsfield politics due to "Luciforo" aka "Pittsfield's Pot King's" mean-spirited actions.  It all just falls directly on my - Jon Melle's - head because my only crime in my life is being the son of a former politician from Berkshire County named Bob Melle.

Jonathan A. Melle


November 14, 2023

My one big wish may sound silly.  It is to live in a world whereby everyone has a chance to live a happy and healthy life.

I watched Elizabeth Mitchell (Banks)'s Press Your Life on ABC prime-time tonight (Tuesday, 11/14/2023).  Erin from Pittsfield, Massachusetts was a contestant on the TV show.  Elizabeth and Erin talked about Pittsfield during a segment of the game-show.  I thought it was cool.

My older brother graduated from Pittsfield High School in 1992 with Elizabeth Mitchell (Banks), along with Dr. Kim Cobb who is a climate scientist who is interviewed on BBC News, and along with Alec MacGIllis who is a journalist at the Washington Post and other area newspapers and he is an author of political books.  I always tell my brother that the PHS Class of 1992 is the most impressive one.

I graduated from PHS the following year in the Class of 1993.  My 30-year PHS Class Reunion is next week on Friday, 11/24/2023, at the GEAA, but I won't be attending because of Nuciforo's 27.5-years-long persecution of me and my dad in Pittsfield politics. I send my love all of my PHS classmates.  I am sad that around 10 of my PHS classmates have passed away over the past 30 years.  I heard that a table is set up in their honor at everyone of my PHS class reunions.  The PHS Class of 1993 is the sweetest one.

I played Trivia tonight at Uno with my dad, Bob, and a friend.  We had fun.  Life is short.  Please take some time to enjoy it.

Jonathan A. Melle


November 15, 2023

My best friend from PHS emailed me: "Sorry to hear about you choosing not to sttend the hs reunion. You will be missed!".  My reply is that I will miss attending my PHS 1993 classmates, too.  What Nuciforo's persecution of me in Pittsfield politics over the past 27.5 years did to me and my dad, Bob, was very painful.  The things - whisper campaigns - that they said about me in Pittsfield are one-sided, half-truths vicious rumors.  The way some people look at me in Pittsfield is very abusive and hurtful.  When I was a then young man living in Pittsfield 2 decades ago, Nuciforo blacklisted me from employment.  When I had a Facebook account years ago, people unfriended me when I wrote about what I heard what was said about me by the Nuciforo network in Pittsfield.  Some people wrote that I am a messed up person.  Others wrote that I am a horrible person.  I canceled my Facebook account years ago.  What I think of Nuciforo is akin to when I have acid reflux or when I have to vomit.  If you were in my - Jon Melle's - shoes, would you go back to Pittsfield to be persecuted by the Nuciforo network?  I send my 1993 PHS classmates my love from Amherst, NH, when they meet for the 30-year PHS class reunion next week on Friday, 11/24/2023, at the GEAA.  I wish they understood what happened to me in Pittsfield politics in the decades since we graduated from PHS together in 1993.  It is a lot to take in - even for yours truly!

Jonathan A. Melle


July 28, 2024

The 83-year-old man whom I befriended at my local diner passed away.  We would love to see each other at the counter and we loved to talk about finance and his investments.  He would give his money to young adults for their education, and teach them about saving and investing money.  When the young adults did well in school or college, they would say that my elderly friend would be proud of them for their academic achievements.

Life is short.  When I lived in the Berkshires as a youth and young adult, my brother and I still talk about our long gone elderly friends back the 1980's and 1990's decades.  My dad, Bob, who was politician back then in the Berkshires, is now 80.  My mom, who was a public school teacher back then in the Berkshires has Stage 4 cancer for life and she is undergoing aggressive cancer treatments.  My family is from Pittsfield (Massachusetts), which is a cancer cluster small city full of GE's industrial chemicals called PCBs.

I am 49 years old now.  I hope that I will live around another 30 years or so, but one never knows when one is going to pass on.  Life is short.  It is sad when one loses a friend.

Best wishes, 

Jonathan A. Melle


August 10, 2024

I posted a reply on the blog named Planet Valenti:


I received an honorable discharge. The U.S. President (GWB) ordered me a hearing at the VA Central Office in Washington, D.C. over 20 years ago now in the Summer 2004. I am a 100 percent p/t service-connected disabled Veteran.

Jonathan Alan Melle


I cannot find it.  I took my last Lisinopril pill this morning (Wednesday, September 18, 2024).  As of Thursday, September 19, 2024, I have no pills of Lisinopril to take.  I have high blood pressure.  If I have a medical emergency, I will have the VA pharmacy to thank.  I would appreciate it if the VA pharmacy would please refill my bottle of Lisinopril pills.  I am looking at my Lisinopril bottle and it is empty tonight (Wednesday, 09/18/2024).  You guys suck for leaving me without my prescription medication.  I did not even receive a telephone call today (W., 9/18).  Thank you for NOT caring about me.  I really hate it when the bureaucracy is more important that the Veteran at the VAMC pharmacy.  I am sending this secure message out to everyone who I know.  Screw you, VA pharmacy!

Jonathan A. Melle


More to come! ...


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About Me

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Amherst, NH, United States
I am a citizen defending the people against corrupt Pols who only serve their Corporate Elite masters, not the people! / My 2 political enemies are Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr., nicknamed "Luciforo" and former Berkshire County Sheriff Carmen C. Massimiano, Jr. / I have also pasted many of my political essays on "The Berkshire Blog": / I AM THE ANTI-FRANK GUINTA! / Please contact me at

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50th Anniversary - 2009
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Pittsfield Politics: Capitanio, Mazzeo agree on budget cuts, public safety
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5 Presidents: Bush, Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton, & Carter!

5 Presidents: Bush, Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton, & Carter!
White House Event: January 7, 2009.

Bank Bailout!

Bank Bailout!
v taxpayer

Actress Elizabeth Banks

Actress Elizabeth Banks
She will present an award to her hometown (Pittsfield) at the Massachusetts State House next month (1/2009). She recently starred in "W" and "Zack and Miri Make a Porno," and just signed a $1 million annual contract to be a spokesmodel for Paris.

Joanna Lipper

Joanna Lipper
Her award-winning 1999 documentary, "Growing Up Fast," about teenaged mothers in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

Happy Holidays...

Happy Holidays...
...from "Star Wars"

Massachusetts "poor" economy

Massachusetts "poor" economy
Massachusetts is one of the wealthiest states, but it is also very inequitable. For example, it boasts the nation's most lucrative lottery, which is just a system of regressive taxation so that the corporate elite get to pay less in taxes!

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon
Hollywood Actress

Peter G. Arlos.

Peter G. Arlos.
Arlos is shown in his Pittsfield office in early 2000.

Turnpike OK's hefty toll hikes

Turnpike OK's hefty toll hikes
Big Dig - East-west commuters take hit; Fees at tunnels would double. 11/15/2008.

The Pink Panther 2

The Pink Panther 2
Starring Steve Martin

Police ABUSE

Police ABUSE
I was a victim of Manchester Police Officer John Cunningham's ILLEGAL USES of FORCE! John Cunningham was reprimanded by the Chief of Police for disrespecting me. John Cunningham yelled at a witness: "I don't care if he (Jonathan Melle) is disabled!"

Barack Obama

Barack Obama
The 44th US President!



The Bailout & the economic stimulus check

The Bailout & the economic stimulus check
A political cartoon by Dan Wasserman

A rainbow over Boston

A rainbow over Boston
"Rainbows galore" 10/2/2008

Our nation's leaders!

Our nation's leaders!
President Bush with both John McCain & Barack Obama - 9/25/2008.

Massachusetts & Big Dig: Big hike in tolls for Pike looming (9/26/2008).

Massachusetts & Big Dig: Big hike in tolls for Pike looming (9/26/2008).
$5 rise at tunnels is one possibility $1 jump posed for elsewhere.

Mary E Carey

Mary E Carey
My FAVORITE Journalist EVER!

9/11/2008 - A Show of Unity!

9/11/2008 - A Show of Unity!
John McCain and Barack Obama appeared together at ground zero in New York City - September 11, 2008.

John McCain...

John McCain...
...has all but abandoned the positions on taxes, torture and immigration. (A cartoon by Dan Wasserman. September 2008).

Dan Wasserman

Dan Wasserman
The deregulated chickens come home to roost... in all our pocketbooks. September 2008.

Sarah Palin's phobia

Sarah Palin's phobia
A scripted candidate! (A cartoon by Dan Wasserman).

Dan Wasserman

Dan Wasserman
Family FInances - September, 2008.

Mark E. Roy

Mark E. Roy
Ward 1 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

Theodore “Ted” L. Gatsas

Theodore “Ted” L. Gatsas
Ward 2 Alderman (& NH State Senator) for Manchester, NH (2008).

Peter M. Sullivan

Peter M. Sullivan
Ward 3 (downtown) Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

Jim Roy

Jim Roy
Ward 4 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

Ed Osborne

Ed Osborne
Ward 5 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

Real R. Pinard

Real R. Pinard
Ward 6 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

William P. Shea

William P. Shea
Ward 7 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

Betsi DeVries

Betsi DeVries
Ward 8 Alder-woman (& NH State Senator) for Manchester, NH (2008).

Michael Garrity

Michael Garrity
Ward 9 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

George Smith

George Smith
Ward 10 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

Russ Ouellette

Russ Ouellette
Ward 11 Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

Kelleigh (Domaingue) Murphy

Kelleigh (Domaingue) Murphy
Ward 12 Alder-woman for Manchester, NH (2008).

“Mike” Lopez

“Mike” Lopez
At-Large Alderman for Manchester, NH. (2008).

Daniel P. O’Neil

Daniel P. O’Neil
At-Large Alderman for Manchester, NH (2008).

Sarah Palin for Vice President.

Sarah Palin for Vice President.
Republican John McCain made the surprise pick of Alaska's governor Sarah Palin as his running mate today, August 29, 2008.

U.S. Representative John Olver, D-Amherst, Massachusetts.

U.S. Representative John Olver, D-Amherst, Massachusetts.
Congressman Olver said the country has spent well over a half-trillion dollars on the war in Iraq while the situation in Afghanistan continues to deteriorate. 8/25/08.

Ed O'Reilly for US Senate in Massachusetts!

Ed O'Reilly for US Senate in Massachusetts!
John Kerry's 9/2008 challenger in the Democratic Primary.

Shays' Rebellion

Shays' Rebellion
In a tax revolt, Massachusetts farmers fought back during Shays' Rebellion in the mid-1780s after The American Revolutionary War.

Julianne Moore

Julianne Moore
Actress. "The Big Lebowski" is one of my favorite movies. I also like "The Fugitive", too.

Rinaldo Del Gallo III & "Superman"

Rinaldo Del Gallo III & "Superman"
Go to:,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=699&cntnt01returnid=69

"Income chasm widening in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts"

"Income chasm widening in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts"
The gap between rich and poor has widened substantially in Massachusetts over the past two decades. (8/15/2008).

Dan "Bureaucrat" Bosley

Dan "Bureaucrat" Bosley
"The Bosley Amendment": To create tax loopholes for the wealthiest corporate interests in Massachusetts!

John Edwards and...

John Edwards and...
...Rielle Hunter. WHO CARES?!

Rep. Edward J. Markey

Rep. Edward J. Markey
He wants online-privacy legislation. Some Web Firms Say They Track Behavior Without Explicit Consent.

Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan
She gained fame with her antiwar vigil outside the Bush ranch.

Olympics kick off in Beijing

Olympics kick off in Beijing

Exxon Mobil 2Q profit sets US record, shares fall

Exxon Mobil 2Q profit sets US record, shares fall
In this May 1, 2008, file photo, a customer pumps gas at an Exxon station in Middleton, Mass. Exxon Mobil Corp. reported second-quarter earnings of $11.68 billion Thursday, July 31, the biggest quarterly profit ever by any U.S. corporation, but the results were well short of Wall Street expectations and its shares fell as markets opened. (AP Photo/Lisa Poole, File) 7/31/2008.

Onota Lake 'Sea Serpent'

Onota Lake 'Sea Serpent'
Some kind of monster on Onota Lake. Five-year-old Tyler Smith rides a 'sea serpent' on Onota Lake in Pittsfield, Mass. The 'monster,' fashioned by Smith's grandfather, first appeared over July 4 weekend. (Photo courtesy of Ron Smith). 7/30/2008.

Al Gore, Jr.

Al Gore, Jr.
Al Gore issues challenge on energy

The Norman Rockwell Museum

The Norman Rockwell Museum
Stockbridge, Massachusetts

"Big Dig"

"Big Dig"
Boston's financially wasteful pork barrel project!

"Big Dig"

"Big Dig"
Boston's pork barrel public works project cost 50 times more than the original price!

Mary E Carey

Mary E Carey
My favorite journalist EVER!

U.S. Rep. John Olver, state Sen. Stan Rosenberg and Selectwomen Stephanie O'Keeffe and Alisa Brewer

U.S. Rep. John Olver, state Sen. Stan Rosenberg and Selectwomen Stephanie O'Keeffe and Alisa Brewer
Note: Photo from Mary E Carey's Blog.


Boston Symphony Orchestra music director James Levine.



Jimmy Ruberto

Jimmy Ruberto
Faces multiple persecutions under the Massachusetts "Ethics" conflict of interest laws.

Barack Obama

Barack Obama
Obama vows $500m in faith-based aid.

John McCain

John McCain
He is with his wife, Cindy, who were both met by Colombian President Alvaro Uribe (right) upon arriving in Cartagena.

Daniel Duquette

Daniel Duquette
Sold Mayor James M. Ruberto of Pittsfield two tickets to the 2004 World Series at face value.

Hillary & Barack in Unity, NH - 6/27/2008

Hillary & Barack in Unity, NH - 6/27/2008
Clinton tells Obama, crowd in Unity, N.H.: 'We are one party'

John Forbes Kerry

John Forbes Kerry
Wanna-be Prez?


"out of this World"

Crisis in the Congo - Ben Affleck

Crisis in the Congo - Ben Affleck -

Jeanne Shaheen

Jeanne Shaheen
NH's Democratic returning candidate for U.S. Senate


a cool robot

Ed O'Reilly

Ed O'Reilly

Go Celtics!

Go Celtics!
World Champions - 2008

Go Red Sox!

Go Red Sox!
J.D. Drew gets the same welcome whenever he visits the City of Brotherly Love: "Booooooo!"; Drew has been vilified in Philadelphia since refusing to sign with the Phillies after they drafted him in 1997...

Joe Kelly Levasseur & Joe Briggs

Joe Kelly Levasseur & Joe Briggs

NH Union Leader

NH Union Leader
Editorial Cartoon

Celtics - World Champions!

Celtics - World Champions! - - -

"The Nation"

"The Nation"
A "Liberal" weekly political news magazine. Katrina vanden Heuvel.



The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone
List of Twilight Zone episodes -

Equality for ALL Marriages

Equality for ALL Marriages
I, Jonathan Melle, am a supporter of same sex marriages.

Kobe Bryant leads his time to a Game 5 victory.

Kobe Bryant leads his time to a Game 5 victory.
L.A. Lakers holds on for the win to force Game 6 at Boston

Mohawk Trail

Mohawk Trail
The 'Hail to the Sunrise' statue in Charlemont is a well-known and easily recognized landmark on the Mohawk Trail. The trail once boasted several souvenir shops, some with motels and restaurants. Now only four remain. (Caroline Bonnivier / Berkshire Eagle Staff).

NASA - June 14, 2008

NASA - June 14, 2008
Space Shuttle Discovery returns to Earth.

Go Celtics! Game # 4 of the 2008 NBA Finals.

Go Celtics! Game # 4 of the 2008 NBA Finals.
Boston took a 20-second timeout, and the Celtics ran off four more points (including this incredible Erving-esque layup from Ray Allen) to build the lead to five points with just 2:10 remaining. Reeling, the Lakers took a full timeout to try to regain their momentum.

Sal DiMasi

Sal DiMasi
Speaker of the Massachusetts State House of Representatives

Kelly Ayotte - Attorney General of New Hampshire

Kelly Ayotte - Attorney General of New Hampshire

John Kerry

John Kerry
He does not like grassroots democracy & being challenged in the 2008 Massachusetts Democratic Party Primary for re-election.

Tim Murray

Tim Murray
Corrupt Lt. Gov. of Massachusetts, 2007 - 2013.

North Adams, Massachusetts

North Adams, Massachusetts

Howie Carr

Howie Carr
Political Satirist on Massachusetts Corruption/Politics

Polar Bear

Polar Bear
Global Warming

Elizabeth Warren - Web-Site Links

Elizabeth Warren - Web-Site Links &

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren
Consumer Crusader

Leon Powe

Leon Powe
Celtics forward Leon Powe finished a fast break with a dunk.

Kevin Garnett

Kevin Garnett
Kevin Garnett reacted during the game.

Rajon Rondo

Rajon Rondo
Rajon Rondo finished a first half fast break with a dunk.


Los Angeles Lakers teammates help Pau Gasol (16) from the floor in the second quarter.

Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant
Kobe Bryant took a shot in the first half of Game 2.

Kendrick Perkins

Kendrick Perkins
Kendrick Perkins (right) backed down Lamar Odom (left) during first half action.

Go Celtics!

Go Celtics!
The Boston Symphony Orchestra performed the national anthem prior to Game 2.


Garnett reacted to a hard dunk in the first quarter.

Paul Pierce

Paul Pierce
Paul Pierce reacted after hitting a three upon his return to the game since leaving with an injury.

Go Celtics!

Go Celtics!
Kobe Bryant (left) and Paul Pierce (right) squared off in the second half of the game.

James Taylor

James Taylor
Sings National Anthem at Celtics Game.

John Forbes Kerry & Deval Patrick

John Forbes Kerry & Deval Patrick
Attended Celtics Game.

Greats of the NBA: Dr. J, Bill Russell, & Kareem!

Greats of the NBA: Dr. J, Bill Russell, & Kareem!
Attend Game 1 of the 2008 NBA Finals.

Bruce Willis

Bruce Willis
The actor (left) and his date were in the crowd before the Celtics game.

John Kerry

John Kerry
Golddigger attends Celtics game

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton
Ends her 2008 bid for Democratic Party nomination

Nonnie Burnes

Nonnie Burnes
Massachusetts Insurance Commish & former Judge

Jones Library

Jones Library
Amherst, Massachusetts

Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton

Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton
2008 Democratic Primary

"US vs Exxon and Halliburton"

"US vs Exxon and Halliburton"
U.S. Senator John Sununu took more than $220,000 from big oil.

Jeanne Shaheen

Jeanne Shaheen
4- U.S. Senate - 2008

William Pignatelli

William Pignatelli
Hack Rep. "Smitty" with Lynne Blake

Ben Bernanke

Ben Bernanke
Federal Reserve Chairman

Boys' & Girls' Club

Boys' & Girls' Club
Melville Street, Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Denis Guyer

Denis Guyer
Dalton State Representative

The Berkshire Eagle

The Berkshire Eagle
Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Carmen Massimiano

Carmen Massimiano
Williams College - May 2008

Larry Bird & Magic Johnson

Larry Bird & Magic Johnson

Regressive Taxation! via State Lotteries

Regressive Taxation! via State Lotteries
New Massachusetts state lottery game hits $600 million in sales!

Andrea Nuciforo

Andrea Nuciforo

John Barrett III

John Barrett III
Long-time Mayor of North Adams Massachusetts

Shine On

Shine On



Paul Pierce

Paul Pierce
Paul Pierce kissed the Eastern Conference trophy. 5/30/2008. AP Photo.

Kevin Garnett & Richard Hamilton

Kevin Garnett & Richard Hamilton
Kevin Garnett (left) talked to Pistons guard Richard Hamilton (right) after the Celtics' victory in Game 6. 5/30/2008. Reuters Photo.

Paul Pierce

Paul Pierce
Paul Pierce showed his team colors as the Celtics closed out the Pistons in Game 6 of the Eastern Conference finals. 5/30/2008. Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis.

Joseph Kelly Levasseur

Joseph Kelly Levasseur
One of my favorite politicians!

Mary E Carey

Mary E Carey
In the Big Apple: NYC! She is the coolest!

Guyer & Kerry

Guyer & Kerry
My 2nd least favorite picture EVER!

Mary Carey

Mary Carey
My favorite journalist EVER!

Nuciforo & Ruberto

Nuciforo & Ruberto
My least favorite picture EVER!

Jeanne Shaheen

Jeanne Shaheen
U.S. Senate - 2008

NH Fisher Cats

NH Fisher Cats
AA Baseball - Toronto Blue Jays affiliate

Manchester, NH

Manchester, NH
Police Patch

Michael Briggs

Michael Briggs
#83 - We will never forget

Michael "Stix" Addison

Michael "Stix" Addison

Charlie Gibson

Charlie Gibson
ABC News anchor

Scott McClellan

Scott McClellan

Boise, Idaho

Boise, Idaho
Downtown Boise Idaho

John Forbes Kerry

John Forbes Kerry
Legislative Hearing in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, BCC, on Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson
My favorite classical U.S. President!

NH Governor John Lynch

NH Governor John Lynch
Higher Taxes, Higher Tolls

Paul Hodes

Paul Hodes
My favorite Congressman!

Portland Sea Dogs

Portland Sea Dogs
AA Red Sox

New York

New York



New Hampshire

New Hampshire

New Hampshire

New Hampshire

Carmen Massimiano

Carmen Massimiano
"Luciforo" tried to send me to Carmen's Jail during the Spring & Summer of 1998.

Kay Khan - Massachusetts State Representative

Kay Khan - Massachusetts State Representative


Andrea F Nuciforo II


Pittsfield's monopoly/only daily newspaper

Jon Lester - Go Red Sox!

Jon Lester - Go Red Sox!
A Red Sox No Hitter on 5/19/2008!

Go Red Sox!

Go Red Sox!
Dustin Pedroia & Manny Ramirez

U.S. Flag

U.S. Flag
God Bless America!

Jonathan Melle's Blog

Jonathan Melle's Blog
Hello, Everyone!

Molly Bish

Molly Bish
We will never forget!

Go Celtics!

Go Celtics!
Celtics guard Rajon Rondo listens to some advice from Celtics head coach Doc Rivers in the first half.

Go Celtics!

Go Celtics!
Celtics forward Kevin Garnett and Pistons forward Rasheed Wallace embrace at the end of the game.

Go Red Sox!

Go Red Sox!
Red Sox closer Jonathan Papelbon calls for the ball as he charges toward first base. Papelbon made the out en route to picking up his 14th save of the season.

Go Red Sox!

Go Red Sox!
Red Sox starting pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka throws to Royals David DeJesus during the first inning.

Go Red Sox!

Go Red Sox!
Red Sox pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka delivers a pitch to Royals second baseman Mark Grudzielanek during the second inning.

Go Red Sox!

Go Red Sox!
Red Sox right fielder J.D. Drew is welcomed to home plate by teammates Mike Lowell (left), Kevin Youkilis (2nd left) and Manny Ramirez after he hit a grand slam in the second inning.

Go Red Sox!

Go Red Sox!
Red Sox third baseman Mike Lowell crosses the plate after hitting a grand slam during the sixth inning. Teammates Manny Ramirez and Jacoby Ellsbury scored on the play. The Red Sox went on to win 11-8 to complete a four-game sweep and perfect homestand.

JD Drew - Go Red Sox

JD Drew - Go Red Sox

Thank you for serving; God Bless America!

Thank you for serving; God Bless America!
Master Sgt. Kara B. Stackpole, of Westfield, holds her daughter, Samantha, upon her return today to Westover Air Reserve Base in Chicopee. She is one of the 38 members of the 439th Aeromedical Staging Squadron who returned after a 4-month deployment in Iraq. Photo by Dave Roback / The Republican.

Kathi-Anne Reinstein

Kathi-Anne Reinstein

Ted Kennedy

Ted Kennedy
Tragic diagnosis: Get well Senator!

Google doodle - Jonathan Melle Internet search

Google doodle - Jonathan Melle Internet search

John Forbes Kerry

John Forbes Kerry
Billionaire U.S. Senator gives address to MCLA graduates in North Adams, Massachusetts in mid-May 2008

Andrea Nuciforo

Andrea Nuciforo

A Red Sox Fan in Paris, France

A Red Sox Fan in Paris, France
Go Red Sox!

Rinaldo Del Gallo III

Rinaldo Del Gallo III
Interviewed on local TV

Andrea Nuciforo

Andrea Nuciforo

John Adams

John Adams
#2 U.S. President

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
I stood under a tree on the afternoon of May 9, 2008, on the foregrounds of the NH State House -

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
Inside the front lobby of the NH State House

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
Bill Clinton campaign memorabilia

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
Liberty Bell & NH State House

Jon Keller

Jon Keller
Boston based political analyst

Jon Keller

Jon Keller
Boston based political analyst

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
Franklin Pierce Statue #14 U.S. President

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
NH State House

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
Stop the War NOW!

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
"Mr. Melle, tear down this Blog!"

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
I stood next to a JFK photo

Jonathan Levine, Publisher

Jonathan Levine, Publisher
The Pittsfield Gazette Online

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
I made rabbit ears with John & George

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
I made antenna ears with John & George

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
I impersonated Howard Dean

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
pretty ladies -/- Go to: - Go to: - -

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
Go Red Sox! Me at Fenway Park

Mary E. Carey

Mary E. Carey
My favorite journalist! Her voice sings for the Voiceless. -/- Go to: -/- Go to:

Velvet Jesus

Velvet Jesus
Mary Carey blogs about my political writings. This is a picture of Jesus from her childhood home in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. -//- "How Can I Keep From Singing" : My life goes on in endless song / Above Earth's lamentations, / I hear the real, though far-off hymn / That hails a new creation. / / Through all the tumult and the strife / I hear its music ringing, / It sounds an echo in my soul. / How can I keep from singing? / / Whey tyrants tremble in their fear / And hear their death knell ringing, / When friends rejoice both far and near / How can I keep from singing? / / In prison cell and dungeon vile / Our thoughts to them are winging / When friends by shame are undefiled / How can I keep from singing?

Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
Concord NH

The Huffington Post

The Huffington Post

Barack Obama

Barack Obama
smiles & beer

Jonathan Lothrop

Jonathan Lothrop
A Pittsfield City Councilor

Michael L. Ward

Michael L. Ward
A Pittsfield City Councilor

Peter Marchetti - Pittsfield's City Councilor at Large

Peter Marchetti - Pittsfield's City Councilor at Large
Pete always sides with the wealthy's political interests.

Gerald Lee - Pittsfield's City Council Prez

Gerald Lee - Pittsfield's City Council Prez
Gerald Lee told me that I am a Social Problem; Lee executes a top-down system of governance. R.I.P. Gerry Lee.

Matt Kerwood - Pittsfield's Councilor at Large

Matt Kerwood - Pittsfield's Councilor at Large
Kerwood poured coffee drinks for Jane Swift

Louis Costi

Louis Costi
Pittsfield City Councilor

Lewis Markham

Lewis Markham
Pittsfield City Councilor

Kevin Sherman - Pittsfield City Councilor

Kevin Sherman - Pittsfield City Councilor
Sherman ran for Southern Berkshire State Rep against Smitty Pignatelli; Sherman is a good guy.

Anthony Maffuccio

Anthony Maffuccio
Pittsfield City Councilor

Linda Tyer

Linda Tyer
Pittsfield City Councilor

Daniel Bianchi

Daniel Bianchi
A Pittsfield City Councilor

The Democratic Donkey

The Democratic Donkey
Democratic Party Symbol


What is Paramount to you?

NH's Congresswoman

NH's Congresswoman
Carol Shea-Porter, Democrat

Sam Adams Beer

Sam Adams Beer
Boston Lager


Disney Animation

Ruberto Details Plans for Success - January 07, 2008

Ruberto Details Plans for Success - January 07, 2008
"Luciforo" swears in Mayor Ruberto. Pittsfield Politics at its very worst: 2 INSIDER POWERBROKERS! Where is Carmen Massimiano? He must be off to the side.



Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime
Leader of the Autobots

Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime
1984 Autobot Transformer Leader

Cleanup Agreements - GE & Pittsfield's PCBs toxic waste sites

Cleanup Agreements - GE & Pittsfield's PCBs toxic waste sites

GE/Housatonic River Site: Introduction

GE/Housatonic River Site: Introduction

GE/Housatonic River Site - Reports

GE/Housatonic River Site - Reports

US EPA - Contact - Pittsfield's PCBs toxic waste sites

US EPA - Contact -  Pittsfield's PCBs toxic waste sites

GE Corporate Logo - Pittsfield's PCBs toxic waste sites

GE Corporate Logo - Pittsfield's PCBs toxic waste sites

Commonwealth Connector

Commonwealth Connector
Commonwealth Care

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Healthcare Reform

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Healthcare Reform

Network Health Forward - A Commonwealth Care Plan

Network Health Forward - A Commonwealth Care Plan
Massachusetts Health Reform

Network Health Together: A MassHealth Plan - Commonwealth Care

Network Health Together: A MassHealth Plan - Commonwealth Care
Massachusetts Health Reform
Massachusetts Health Reform

Neighborhood Health Plan - Commonwealth Care

Neighborhood Health Plan - Commonwealth Care
Massachusetts Health Reform

Fallon Community Health Plan - Commonwealth Care

Fallon Community Health Plan - Commonwealth Care
Massachusetts Health Reform

BMC HealthNet Plan

BMC HealthNet Plan
Massachusetts Health Reform

Massachusetts Health Reform

Massachusetts Health Reform
Eligibility Chart: 2007

Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare

Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare
Massachusetts Health Reform

Business Peaks

Business Peaks
Voodoo Economics

Laffer Curve - Corporate Elite

Laffer Curve - Corporate Elite
Reagonomics: Supply Side

Corporate Elite Propaganda

Corporate Elite Propaganda
Mock Liberal Democratic Socialism Thinking

Real Estate Blues

Real Estate Blues


End ALL Wars!

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech
Norman Rockwell's World War II artwork depicting America's values

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
A young Abe Lincoln



Jennifer M. Callahan - Massachusetts State Representative

Jennifer M. Callahan - Massachusetts State Representative -

Human Rights for ALL Peoples!

Human Rights for ALL Peoples!
My #1 Political Belief!

Anne Frank

Anne Frank
Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe

A young woman Hillary supporter

A young woman Hillary supporter
This excellent picture captures a youth's excitement

Hillary Clinton with Natalie Portman

Hillary Clinton with Natalie Portman
My favorite Actress!

Alan Chartock

Alan Chartock
WAMC public radio in Albany, NY; Political columnist who writes about Berkshire County area politics; Strong supporter for Human Rights for ALL Peoples


This web-site uses some of my Blog postings
This web-site uses some of my blog postings!

Shannon O'Brien

Shannon O'Brien
One of my favorite politicians! She stands for the People first!

The Massachusetts State House

The Massachusetts State House
"The Almighty Golden Dome" - -

Sara Hathaway

Sara Hathaway
Former Mayor of Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.

Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
A corrupt Pol who tried to put me in Jail

Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.

Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Another view of Pittsfield's inbred, multigenerational political prince. Luciforo!


Nuciforo's nickname

"Andy" Nuciforo

"Andy" Nuciforo

Carmen C. Massimiano, Jr., Berkshire County Sheriff (Jailer)

Carmen C. Massimiano, Jr., Berkshire County Sheriff (Jailer)
Nuciforo's henchman! Nuciforo tried to send me to Carmen's Jail

Andrea Nuciforo Jr

Andrea Nuciforo Jr
Shhh! Luciforo's other job is working as a private attorney defending wealthy Boston-area corporate insurance companies

Berkshire County Sheriff (Jailer) Carmen C. Massimiano, Jr.

Berkshire County Sheriff (Jailer) Carmen C. Massimiano, Jr.
Nuciforo tried to send me to Carmen's Jail! Carmen sits with the Congressman, John Olver

Congressman John Olver

Congressman John Olver
Nuciforo's envy

The Dome of the U.S. Capitol

The Dome of the U.S. Capitol
Our Beacon of American Democracy

Nuciforo's architect

Nuciforo's architect
Mary O'Brien in red with scarf

Sara Hathaway (

Sara Hathaway (
Former-Mayor of Pittsfield, Massachusetts; Nuciforo intimidated her, along with another woman, from running in a democratic state election in the Spring of 2006!

Andrea F. Nuciforo II

Andrea F. Nuciforo II
Pittsfield Politics Pot $

Berkshire County Republican Association

Berkshire County Republican Association
Go to:

Denis Guyer

Denis Guyer
Dalton State Representative

John Forbes Kerry & Denis Guyer

John Forbes Kerry & Denis Guyer
U.S. Senator & State Representative

John Kerry

John Kerry
Endorses Barack Obama for Prez then visits Berkshire County

Dan Bosley

Dan Bosley
A Bureaucrat impostoring as a Legislator!

Ben Downing

Ben Downing
Berkshire State Senator

Christopher N Speranzo

Christopher N Speranzo
Pittsfield's ANOINTED State Representative

Peter J. Larkin

Peter J. Larkin
Corrupt Lobbyist

GE - Peter Larkin's best friend!

GE - Peter Larkin's best friend!
GE's FRAUDULENT Consent Decree with Pittsfield, Massachusetts, will end up KILLING many innocent school children & other local residents!

GE's CEO Jack Welch

GE's CEO Jack Welch
The Corporate System's Corporate Elite's King

Economics: Where Supply meets Demand

Economics: Where Supply meets Demand

GE & Pittsfield, Massachusetts

GE & Pittsfield, Massachusetts
In 2007, GE sold its Plastics Division to a Saudi company. Now all that is left over by GE are its toxic PCB pollutants that cause cancer in many Pittsfield residents.

Mayor James M Ruberto

Mayor James M Ruberto
A small-time pol chooses to serve the corporate elite & other elites over the people.

Governor Deval Patrick

Governor Deval Patrick
Deval shakes hands with Mayors in Berkshire County

Deval Patrick

Deval Patrick
Governor of Massachusetts

Pittsfield High School

Pittsfield High School
Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Sara Hathaway

Sara Hathaway
Pittsfield's former Mayor

Rinaldo Del Gallo III

Rinaldo Del Gallo III
Pittsfield Attorney focusing on Father's Rights Probate Court Legal Issues, & Local Politician and Political Observer

Rinaldo Del Gallo III

Rinaldo Del Gallo III
Very Intelligent Political Activists in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Rinaldo Del Gallo, III, Esq. is the spokesperson of the Berkshire Fatherhood Coalition. He has been practicing family law and has been a member of the Massachusetts bar since 1996.

Mayor Ed Reilly

Mayor Ed Reilly
He supports Mayor Ruberto & works as a municipal Attorney. As Mayor, he backed Bill Weld for Governor in 1994, despite being a Democrat. He was joined by Carmen Massimiano & John Barrett III, the long-standing Mayor of North Adams.

Manchester, NH Mayor Frank Guinta

Manchester, NH Mayor Frank Guinta
Cuts Dental Care for Public School Children-in-Need

Manchester, NH City Hall

Manchester, NH City Hall
My new hometown - view from Hanover St. intersection with Elm St.

Manchester NH City Democrats

Manchester NH City Democrats
Go Dems!

2008 Democratic Candidates for U.S. Prez

2008 Democratic Candidates for U.S. Prez
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Mike Gravel, Dennis Kucinich, John Edwards

NH State House Dome

NH State House Dome
Concord, NH

Donna Walto

Donna Walto
Pittsfield Politician -- She strongly opposes Mayor Jim Ruberto's elitist tenure.


Who doesn't LOVE Elmo?

Hillary Clinton for U.S. President!

Hillary Clinton for U.S. President!
Hillary is for Children. She is my choice in 2008.

The White House in 1800

The White House in 1800
Home of our Presidents of the United States

John Adams

John Adams
2nd President of the USA

Hillary Clinton stands with John Edwards and Joe Biden

Hillary Clinton stands with John Edwards and Joe Biden
Hillary is my choice for U.S. President!

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton
Former President Bill Clinton speaks at the Radisson in Manchester NH 11/16/2007

Barack Obama

Barack Obama
U.S. Senator & Candidate for President

Pittsfield's 3 Women City Councillors - 2004

Pittsfield's 3 Women City Councillors - 2004
Linda Tyer, Pam Malumphy, Tricia Farley-Bouvier

Wahconah Park in Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Wahconah Park in Pittsfield, Massachusetts
My friend Brian Merzbach reviews baseball parks around the nation.

The Corporate Elite: Rational Incentives for only the wealthy

The Corporate Elite: Rational Incentives for only the wealthy
The Elites double their $ every 6 to 8 years, while the "have-nots" double their $ every generation (or 24 years). Good bye Middle Class!

George Will

George Will
The human satellite voice for the Corporate Elite

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren
The Anti-George Will; Harvard Law School Professor; The Corporate Elite's Worst Nightmare

The Flag of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

The Flag of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
I was born and raised in Pittsfield, Massachusetts

State Senator Stan Rosenberg

State Senator Stan Rosenberg
Democratic State Senator from Amherst, Massachusetts -/- Anti-Stan Rosenberg Blog:

Ellen Story

Ellen Story
Amherst Massachusetts' State Representative

Teen Pregnancy in Pittsfield, Mass.

Teen Pregnancy in Pittsfield, Mass.
Books are being written on Pittsfield's high teen pregancy rates! What some intellectuals do NOT understand about the issue is that TEEN PREGNANCIES in Pittsfield double the statewide average by design - Perverse Incentives!

NH Governor John Lynch

NH Governor John Lynch
Supports $30 Scratch Tickets and other forms of regressive taxation. Another Pol that only serves his Corporate Elite Masters instead of the People!

U.S. Congresswoman Carol Shea Porter

U.S. Congresswoman Carol Shea Porter
The first woman whom the People of New Hampshire have voted in to serve in U.S. Congress

U.S. Congressman Paul Hodes

U.S. Congressman Paul Hodes
A good man who wants to bring progressive changes to Capitol Hill!

Paul Hodes for U.S. Congress

Paul Hodes for U.S. Congress
New Hampshire's finest!

Darth Vader

Darth Vader
Star Wars

Dick Cheney & George W. Bush

Dick Cheney & George W. Bush
The Gruesome Two-some! Stop the Neo-Cons' fascism! End the Iraq War NOW!


The Inequity of Globalism


The Corporate Elite have redesigned "The System" to enrich themselves at the expense of the people, masses, have-nots, poor & middle-class families

George W. Bush with Karl Rove

George W. Bush with Karl Rove
Rove was a political strategist with extraordinary influence within the Bush II White House

2008's Republican Prez-field

2008's Republican Prez-field
John McCain, Alan Keyes, Rudy Guiliani, Duncan Hunter, Mike Huckabee, WILLARD Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, Ron Paul

Fall in New England

Fall in New England
Autumn is my favorite season

Picturing America

Picturing America

Winter Weather Map

Winter Weather Map
3:45PM EST 3-Dec-07

Norman Rockwell Painting

Norman Rockwell Painting

Norman Rockwell Painting

Norman Rockwell Painting
Depiction of American Values in mid-20th Century America

Larry Bird #33

Larry Bird #33
My favorite basketball player of my childhood

Boston Celtics Basketball - 2007-2008

Boston Celtics Basketball - 2007-2008
Kevin Garnett hugs James Posey

Paul Pierce

Paul Pierce
All heart! Awesome basketball star for The Boston Celtics.

Tom Brady

Tom Brady
Go Patriots!

Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch
Owner of Fox News - CORPORATE ELITE!

George Stephanopolous

George Stephanopolous
A Corporate Elite Political News Analyst

Robert Redford

Robert Redford
Starred in the movie "Lions for Lambs"

Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep
Plays a jaded journalist with integrity in the movie "Lions for Lambs"

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise plays the Neo-Con D.C. Pol purely indoctrinated by the Corporate Elite's political agenda in the Middle East


"I want to say I've never been surrounded by so many fake breasts, but I went to the Academy Awards."

Amherst Town Library

Amherst Town Library
Amherst, NH -

Manchester NH Library

Manchester NH Library
I use the library's automated timed 1-hour-per-day Internet computers to post on my Blog -

Manchester NH's Palace Theater

Manchester NH's Palace Theater
Manchester NH decided to restore its Palace Theater

Pittsfield's Palace Theater

Pittsfield's Palace Theater
Pittsfield tore down this landmark on North Street in favor of a parking lot

Pleasant Street Theater

Pleasant Street Theater
Amherst, Massachusetts

William "Shitty" Pignatelli

William "Shitty" Pignatelli
A top down & banal State House Pol from Lenox Massachusetts -- A GOOD MAN!

The CIA & Mind Control

The CIA & Mind Control
Did the CIA murder people by proxy assassins?

Skull & Bones

Skull & Bones
Yale's Elite
I believe President Bush should be IMPEACHED because he is waging an illegal and immoral war against Iraq!

Bob Feuer drumming for U.S. Congress v John Olver in 2008

Bob Feuer drumming for U.S. Congress v John Olver in 2008

Abe Lincoln

Abe Lincoln
The 16th President of the USA



Global Warming Mock Giant Thermometer

Global Warming Mock Giant Thermometer
A member of Green Peace activist sets up a giant thermometer as a symbol of global warming during their campaign in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, Sunday, Dec. 2, 2007. World leaders launch marathon negotiations Monday on how to fight global warming, which left unchecked could cause devastating sea level rises, send millions further into poverty and lead to the mass extinction of plants and animals.

combat global warming...

combat global warming...
...or risk economic and environmental disaster caused by rising temperatures
P.O. Box 125, South Lee, MA 01260, (413) 243-5665,,

3 Democratic presidentional candidates

3 Democratic presidentional candidates
Democratic presidential candidates former senator John Edwards (from right) and Senators Joe Biden and Chris Dodd before the National Public Radio debate yesterday (12/4/2007).

The UN Seal

The UN Seal
An archaic & bureaucratic post WW2 top-down, non-democratic institution that also stands for some good governance values


One of my favorite childhood heroes and movies

Web-Site on toxic toys

Web-Site on toxic toys


One of my favorite super-heroes

Deval Patrick & Denis Guyer

Deval Patrick & Denis Guyer
Massachusetts' Governor stands with Dalton's State Rep. Denis E. Guyer.

Bill Cosby & Denis Guyer

Bill Cosby & Denis Guyer
TV Star Bill Cosby stands with Denis E. Guyer

Denis Guyer with his supporters

Denis Guyer with his supporters
Dalton State Representative

Denis Guyer goes to college

Denis Guyer goes to college
Dalton State Representative

Peter Marchetti

Peter Marchetti
He is my second cousin. Pete Marchetti favors MONEY, not fairness!

Matt Barron & Denis Guyer with couple

Matt Barron & Denis Guyer with couple
Matt Barron plays DIRTY politics against his opponents!

Nat Karns

Nat Karns
Top-Down Executive Director of the ELITIST Berkshire Regional Planning Commission

Human Rights for All Peoples & people

Human Rights for All Peoples & people
Stop Anti-Semitism

Massachusetts State Treasurer Tim Cahill

Massachusetts State Treasurer Tim Cahill
State House, Room 227, Boston, MA 02133, 617-367-6900,

Massachusetts State Attorney General Martha Coakley

Massachusetts State Attorney General Martha Coakley
1350 Main Street, Springfield, MA 01103, 413-784-1240 / McCormick Building, One Asburton Place, Boston, MA 02108, 617-727-4765 / /

Bush v. Gore: December 12, 2007, was the seventh anniversary, the 5-4 Supreme Court decision...

Bush v. Gore: December 12, 2007, was the seventh anniversary, the 5-4 Supreme Court decision... - A political billboard near my downtown apartment in Manchester, NH

Marc Murgo

Marc Murgo
An old friend of mine from Pittsfield

Downtown Manchester, NH

Downtown Manchester, NH

Marisa Tomei

Marisa Tomei
Movie Actress

Massachusetts Coalition for Healthy Communities (MCHC)

Massachusetts Coalition for Healthy Communities (MCHC)

Mike Firestone & Anna Weisfeiler

Mike Firestone & Anna Weisfeiler
Mike Firestone works in Manchester NH for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign

James Pindell

James Pindell
Covers NH Primary Politcs for The Boston Globe

U.S. History - Declaration

U.S. History - Declaration
A 19th century engraving shows Benjamin Franklin, left, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Philip Livingston and Roger Sherman at work on the Declaration of Independence.

Boston Globe Photos of the Week -

Boston Globe Photos of the Week -
Sybregje Palenstijn (left), who plays Sarah Godbertson at Plimouth Plantation, taught visitors how to roast a turkey on a spit. The plantation often sees a large influx of visitors during the holiday season.

Chris Hodgkins

Chris Hodgkins
Another special interest Berkshire Pol who could not hold his "WATER" on Beacon Hill's State House!

The Big Dig - 15 tons of concrete fell from a tunnel ceiling onto Milena Del Valle's car.

The Big Dig - 15 tons of concrete fell from a tunnel ceiling onto Milena Del Valle's car.
Most of Boston's Big Dig highway remains closed, after a woman was crushed when 15 tons of concrete fell from a tunnel ceiling onto her car. (ABC News)

Jane Swift

Jane Swift
Former Acting Governor of Massachusetts & Berkshire State Senator

Paul Cellucci

Paul Cellucci
Former Massachusetts Governor

William Floyd Weld

William Floyd Weld
$80 Million Trust Fund Former Governor of Massachusetts

Mike Dukakis

Mike Dukakis
Former Governor of Massachusetts

Mary E. Carey

Mary E. Carey
Amherst, Massachusetts, Journalist and Blogger



Peter G. Arlos

Peter G. Arlos
"The biggest challenge Pittsfield faces is putting its fiscal house in order. The problem is that doing so requires structural changes in local government, many of which I have advocated for years, but which officials do not have the will to implement. Fiscal responsibility requires more than shifting funds from one department to another. Raising taxes and fees and cutting services are not the answer. Structural changes in the way services are delivered and greater productivity are the answer, and without these changes the city's fiscal crisis will not be solved."

James M. Ruberto

James M. Ruberto
"Pittsfield's biggest challenge is to find common ground for a better future. The city is at a crossroads. On one hand, our quality of life is challenged. On the other hand, some important building blocks are in place that could be a strong foundation for our community. Pittsfield needs to unite for the good of its future. The city needs an experienced businessman and a consensus builder who will invite the people to hold him accountable."

Matt Kerwood

Matt Kerwood
Pittsfield's Councilor-At-Large. Go to:

Gerald M. Lee

Gerald M. Lee
Pittsfield's City Council Prez. Top-down governance of the first order!

Mary Carey

Mary Carey
Mary with student

Boston Red Sox

Boston Red Sox
Jonathan Papelbon celebrates with Jason Varitek

Free Bernard Baran!

Free Bernard Baran!

Political Intelligence

Political Intelligence
Capitol Hill

Sherwood Guernsey II

Sherwood Guernsey II
Wealthy Williamstown Political Activist & Pittsfield Attorney

Mary Carey 2

Mary Carey 2
California Pol & porn star

Pittsfield's Good Old Boy Network - Political Machine!

Pittsfield's Good Old Boy Network - Political Machine!
Andy "Luciforo" swears in Jimmy Ruberto for the returning Mayor's 3rd term

Berkshire Grown

Berkshire Grown



The Mount was built in 1902 & was home to Edith Wharton (1862-1937) from 1903 to 1908.

The Mount was built in 1902 & was home to Edith Wharton (1862-1937) from 1903 to 1908.
The Mount, the historic home in Lenox of famed American novelist Edith Wharton, is facing foreclosure.

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